The Derby

I forgot, as many have alluded to, this is the Ballydoyle fanclub - don't come on if you're not a fully paid up member :rolleyes:

Yes, clearly disagreeing with the extreme notion that Aidan O'Brien lies "nearly every time he speaks about Ballydoyle horses" makes you a blind member of his fanclub :lol:
Not sure why you put a laughing emoticon.

Go have a look at the Godolphin website, and contrast the two. If you still think i'm exaggerating, then i'd use a different emoticon.
I think you're exaggerating that he lies "nearly every time he speaks about Ballydoyle horses".

I think it's hilarious that you're suggesting that if you don't agree you're a "fully paid up member of the Ballydoyle fanclub". Hence :lol:
You're putting words in my mouth I never said.

He never, ever gives an honest appraisal of a race/horse - it's always spun in a certain way. Lying is too strong, but exaggerating is certainly true.
It's funny how every year such and such a horse is the fastest/most natural athlete/most talented etc etc they've ever had. Every year.

Thing is most of the time he's mostly right. This time last year there were people who were thinking he was OTT in the extreme about Rip Van Winkle and yet he was right. The horse did suffer through problem feet and yet still proved himself arguably the most gifted horse they've had.

Has there ever been a trainer who has had in his care so many 130+ animals in such a short space of time? How many since 2000? 10 or 12 at least. Having that many top class charges in your care in a decade must boggle his mind sometimes.
I guess it has been difficult for Godolphin to talk up their horses for quite some time now.

The thing I admire about Coolmore/Ballydoyle is they have made their own success, they haven't bought it.
Stoute and Moore talking down Workforce - I expect the media generated hype bubble to be burst tomorrow.
Just thinking how much times have changed.

After The Minstrel couldn't win the Guineas I got 20/1 for the Derby. Generous was never really fancied for the Guineas and was allowed to start at amazing odds for Epsom. Now SNA gets beat and the best they could do was something like 9/2.
Ryan Moore talks everything down. Did you hear him about Harbinger. The horse has won 2 of the strongest Group 3's run this year and Moore was trying to say they are weak.
Generous was never really fancied for the Guineas and was allowed to start at amazing odds for Epsom. Now SNA gets beat and the best they could do was something like 9/2.

Generous was only a run of the mill Dewhurst winner though, I think if something of his profile turned up again he'd still be 8 or 9s for the Derby. Especially with an unfashionable trainer.
Ballydoyle win the big two Derby trials. Interesting to see how many of them turn up....Jan Vermeer must be a certain non runner now.
Murtagh still very confident about SNA - 'if he turns up in RP Trophy form, the rest are running for places'.

You can't seriously suggest this year's Derrinstown was one of the 2 main trials for the Derby?
Interesting quote. I wonder do they suspect that is he has tuned into a gallops Superstar and a race course monkey.

"race course monkey"?? The Guineas was a perfectly good trial for the Derby. Like I said earlier SNA suffered from the high expectations of him at the wrong trip. I don't see why he shouldn't win the Derby well. They fancy him a lot more than the Dante winner and without SNA its difficult to see who would beat Cape Blanco.
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CAPE BLANCO was clearly a bit lame in the pre-parade ring after the race. Glad Ch.4 showed him walking around feelingly, so that we could see he was definitely tender on the near fore. Whatever it is, he won't be exercising for a day or two. After the sad event with CAPTAIN JAMES COOK, lame on debut, then snapping a leg in the Derby Trial, I'm a bit leery about AOB's dented horses. I know that FAREER picked up a hairline as a 2 y.o., but he had bags of time off to mend and strengthen. With Epsom's torque on leading legs... mmm, not too sure.