The Gold Cup 2010

It would be great to see - but he'd be lumping a fair old weight around there; a different proposition to doing similar in a Hennessey.
A great win there for IC and thoroughly deserved as the best horse definitely won on the day. Delighted with Denmans run and glad to see him go so well but horrified by Kautos fall though! Thank God he escaped that one, mightily lucky. Not too impressed either with Ruby getting back on him and cantering in I have to say.....
It would be great to see - but he'd be lumping a fair old weight around there; a different proposition to doing similar in a Hennessey.

I know they like to compress the weights, but would they dare let him in off less than 180? That would encourage a lot of 160-180 chasers in who would normally never consider it, I would have thought.
I personally would have liked to see McCoy stretch them a little bit earlier but it was interesting to hear him say the horse dropped the bit down the far side. Perhaps (and this is only a perhaps) blinkers may help now he is older and possibly a bit cuter. Thats not taking anything away from his run or the winner who won on merit today. I was really sad to see Kauto make that mistake and then fall - in an ideal situation it would have been great all 3 level going into the last.
Ruby Walsh, who rode Kauto Star, echoed Nicholls' view about that crucial error at the eighth fence on the first circuit.

Walsh said: "I'm disappointed, but these things happen. We travelled beautifully until the first mistake and he was never going as well after that.

"You make a mistake like that and you lose your place - shit happens."

The last line made me laugh, an understandably p'd off Mr. Walsh.
Great performance from IC. I'm firmly in the Denman camp but no excuses for him today and I was pleased he ran so well after his last performance in the AON. So glad Kauto got up safely and they all seemed to come home in one piece.

Just watched the 'highlights' on CH4 (all five minutes of it). Looked like Mon Mome was miles behind even as they came to the 2nd last/last fence. Difficult to tell as footage focusing on the first two but looked like he ran a great trial for the National. Am I right in thinking he hasn't gone up all that much in the weights this year?
I was on Denman today so not too unhappy,I don't think AP could have done anymore on him tbh.
Glad Kauto was OK and credit to Ruby for holding onto the rein and the horse. He could have done a lot more damage to himself had he run loose than Ruby popping back in the plate and cantering back.

I would love to see Kauto go for one more King George and than I'd be keen to see them call it a day with him.
credit to Ruby for holding onto the rein and the horse. He could have done a lot more damage to himself had he run loose than Ruby popping back in the plate and cantering back.

What rubbish - if he'd held onto the horse's reins and walked him back quietly, then that would have been the safest course of action to prevent the horse from damaging hinself further.
Absolutely agree with Songsheet - and as I said on another thread, I hope Nicholls rips his bollocks off for cantering him back. What a cretin.

Great performance from Imperial Commander and he beat them all fair and square. Kauto Star was travelling really badly after the first mistake, Ruby was niggling him and even gave him a few backhanders. I was yelling at McCoy to stretch them on Denman but I too thought that it looked like he was trying to kick him on and he wasn't getting much joy nor was Paddy going to let him get away. I didn't especially like the way he travelled nor jumped for the first half dozen fences or so but then he seemed to warm up and started pinging his fences and getting himself going.
Oh, was that some sort of genius vet with x-ray eyes and superhuman powers who could tell within 30 seconds - whilst the adrenaline was still coursing through him - that Kauto Star wasn't injured in any way?
think Denman needed more ease in ground if he were to be kicked on earlier..could have grinded a win under those conditions imo.

winner won well..but it wasn't a surprise he beat Denman when you think they didn't go hard early on..he was always going to be better suited to the end of that test. was so relieved to see KS get up..didn't really care about the outcome of the race once he got up tbh
I thought RUK said a vet had cleared Ruby to hop back on board?

So all vets are infallible, are they ? Did he have a portable X-ray machine/scanner on hand ?

No, he/she didn't and the common sense course of action would be to advise any rider after a fall like KS took would be to quietly walk the horse back. If Ruby couldn't be arsed, fair enough, plenty of minions would have come running while he got a lift back in time for the next.

Ruby's done this before with dire consequences and, as the leading jock at the top of his game, if nothing else he should set a decent example to younger jockeys.
So all vets are infallible, are they ? Did he have a portable X-ray machine/scanner on hand ?

No, he/she didn't and the common sense course of action would be to advise any rider after a fall like KS took would be to quietly walk the horse back. If Ruby couldn't be arsed, fair enough, plenty of minions would have come running while he got a lift back in time for the next.

Ruby's done this before with dire consequences and, as the leading jock at the top of his game, if nothing else he should set a decent example to younger jockeys.

I am not saying he was right to but just stating thats what happened or at least thats what I thought RUK said.
They said it on Ch4 as well - it's still bollocks so far as I'm concerned. Ruby's obviously got an exceptionally short memory if he can't remember what happened in very similar circumstances at Exeter five years ago.
Only? That is still one heck of a rating. Will be interesting to see if he can repeat that sort of effort next year - 182 puts him clear of many top class animals.
Indeed! "Only" compared to the upper end of the range they had to work with. They have everything bar the winner running at least half a stone below form.
Indeed! "Only" compared to the upper end of the range they had to work with. They have everything bar the winner running at least half a stone below form.

I think it could be fair enough - think the official handicapper might even be lower according to RUK - they were talking about the late 170s.