The Gold Cup 2010

I'm getting slightly concerned over who might ride Denman tomorrow - AP looked really bad after winning on Alberta's Run and positively crocked when limping away from his fall with Song of Songs. I've heard a rumour he may not be riding tomorrow, he's virtually certain to have to pass the doctor first and having admitted himself to receiving a good kick to the head let's hope he's not stood down on concussion grounds.

I'm in the Denman camp too - I think he can gallop them into the ground again.
Choc Thornton,Deckie Johnson,Sack of spuds (better known as J.P.Magnier),Brian O'Connell (imagine how Big Mac would react if he rode Denman!),The Wide Boy (Timmy Murphy) etc......
would love to see HTH with them both well clear but can easily see Denman being unplaced today - think everything is in KS's favour..can't really fancy owt too strong to beat just laying D the place.
From punting point of view Denman may not win but if i'm right about the tactics he will be leading as they head out on their second circuit and he will be a lot shorter than 6.4 IR. So i've taken as much of that as I can and will lay most of it back.
I think Cooldine has a cracking chance on the ground, and have backed him each way and without the front 2 at 3.1. Townend has taken well to Cheltenham, and gave AL (who looked not to stay) a fine ride in the last, and is a big plus.
The top 2 both look gorgeous, I just want Kauto to win so much it hurts, but aslong as he comes home safe and sound I will be happy.
I'm surprised Denman is drifting given the weather. Purely on a visual basis it looks more like 2 years ago than last year.