The Gordy Elliott Horror Picture Show

Not sure I agree with that!

I think we all feel horrified by it and know it’s a disgrace! But the people with the content are supposed racing people and while we will all agree that Elliot and Rob James need to be punished, the content is harming the industry that we love and it’s already rocky reputation!

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And quite frankly the industry deserves to be punished for allowing this sort of carry on.

The industry runs on the basis of trust that the animals are being treated well and respected.

If I see new evidence I change my opinion.

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Agree 100%, but rather than splashing it all over the daily mail, could these ‘racing’ people not just go to the IRHB and give them the content rather plastering it all over social media?

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I think it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other. Whilst I find the picture of GE absolutely abhorrent I’m angry with whoever released that picture into the public domain knowing that it would upset anyone who sees it. Bit like the so called ‘friend’ who tells you something that another ‘friend’ has said about you knowing that you will be deeply hurt by the comment (I apologise for using an example of something a bit girly but it was something that crossed my mind when I saw the photo yesterday). If it was an act of revenge it was a case of I’m hurting so I’m going to make a lot of other people hurt that don’t deserve it. I’ve got lots of non racing friends who will be deeply upset when they see that picture and they’re never going to believe that we are more upset than they are.
Yes, it’s not the fact that these things have come out that is the problem, it is that they should have occurred at all.

Similarly, to suggest that other trainers have done worse things doesn’t excuse anything. So far as Elliott is concerned it’s the emotional connection in the picture that is so abhorrent. Simply put, if you truly love something how could you disrespect it like that in death. It’s that emotional tug that is going to make it so difficult for Elliott to find any way back. I respect him for coming clean - other than the iffy just sitting down to take a phone call - and for complete apology without any attempt to duck out of it. Strictly speaking in the scale of things he probably doesn’t deserve to have the book thrown at him, but I doubt he’ll avoid it.

Lastly, I do not think the BHA had much option such has been the outcry. The horses can still run - just not attached to Elliott’s name.
Amazing that some people on here see more upset with people sharing the videos/pictures than the disgraceful behaviour shown in them.

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If that is directed at me, I have already registered my contempt for Elliott’s antics elsewhere, not to judge.
And quite frankly the industry deserves to be punished for allowing this sort of carry on.

The industry runs on the basis of trust that the animals are being treated well and respected.

If I see new evidence I change my opinion.

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The suggestion that the industry has “allowed” this sort of thing, is some hot-take.
Agree 100%, but rather than splashing it all over the daily mail, could these ‘racing’ people not just go to the IRHB and give them the content rather plastering it all over social media?

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I wouldn't have much confidence in the IHRB to run or investigate anything

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Blake was good on the Betfair podcast. Basically illustrating that Irish people who work in rural areas see the horse as a working beast whereas a lot of the hand ringers on Twitter see them almost as pets. Bit of a disconnect there.

What's making me pis5 though is the sheer relish amongst the righful condemnation that's taking place. They are almost like the animal rights pedos prior to the National feverishly hoping for deaths so they can voice their outrage.
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I just hope the IHRB doesn't spend too much time on investigating something that doesn't need it. A horse died, he acted like a pr1ck for the camera and sat on it. End of.

Decide on a suitable punishment and then their time should be spent on what they can do to display that the sport is properly governed & regulated and implementing ongoing methods of prevention.

Firefighting each and every case which will inevitably surface (with varying degrees of severity) through the social media frenzy for the immediate future is reactive, not proactive.

Similarly, people (staff ?) who post content taken within a working environment should be held accountable in much the same way I would be if I was at a client and posted a photo of a trader 'messing about' on a Friday afternoon. Of course, this was crass messing about of the highest order and he's seriously in the wrong - and admitted as much - and so could be the trader but at the very least I wouldn't expect to be visiting many more clients any time soon and at worst could expect to face criminal proceedings.
It takes a lot for racing people to condemn others in the sport - this is an instance where they have

A heavy penalty is coming and it is a sad day for the sport we all adore

This needs to be addressed and punishment given by end of day tomorrow. It is festering and stinking the more it is left

The more it is delayed, the worse it gets
there's also really nothing for the IHRB to investigate, what more details do they need? a date and the name of the horse and the circumstances around it which elliott has already stated (false or otherwise)

hopefully the punishment is dealt swiftly and things can move on
Tome the IHRB should have already made their decision, it's pretty clear cut.

I disagree.

Perhaps a 'suspension pending investigation' approach is more appropriate. It's what happens in nearly every walk of life.

Gather the evidence, interview the trainer and anyone else involved in the taking of and sharing of the pictures/videos, the people whose images were taken and shared and anyone else thought to hold pertinent information.

A man's reputation and livelihood are at stake here not to mention the bigger picture of the impact for the entire sport.

A fair hearing is paramount.

Appropriate and proportionate punishment for anyone found guilty of offences and exoneration for anyone found to have no case to answer.
If some of the videos are true, with what I’m reading, racing could be suspended.

Animal cruelty amongst other things. RUMOURED to be a video coming of Gordon using a cattle prod on Supreme winner Labaik.
I think the delay is down to a discussion regarding what Elliot will appeal. If Elliot is smart he would volunteer this information and make assurances. Byrnes' decision was decided on what could stand up to scrutiny under appeal.
If I was in the IHRB I wouldn't have been best pleased about BHA deciding to shove their weight around in the process either.
If some of the videos are true, with what I’m reading, racing could be suspended.

Animal cruelty amongst other things. RUMOURED to be a video coming of Gordon using a cattle prod on Supreme winner Labaik.

That isn't going to happen.

Inflict incredible hardship on thousands of racing staff and their families to investigate what?. How many more videos are there ?. or have a shameful racing video amnesty before they allow it to resume?
It sounds like there’s more to come, so I’d be happy with an immediate suspension (for posing like a game hunter on a dead horse). Then investigate further. Racing needs to show it means business. Taking Cheltenham away from Elliott sends a clear message that the authorities are taking this seriously.
It sounds like there’s more to come, so I’d be happy with an immediate suspension (for posing like a game hunter on a dead horse). Then investigate further. Racing needs to show it means business. Taking Cheltenham away from Elliott sends a clear message that the authorities are taking this seriously.

Are people expecting Elliot to be at Cheltenham/Aintree/Punchestown? That ship has sailed. Six months ban and reintroduction some early autumn evening meeting in Ballinrobe. My guess.

Ban = not being on the racecard. He will continue to do what he does but wont be at the races.
There'd be no-one prepared to lay if Elliott was 1.01 to have Cheltenham taken away from him - for this year at least.
Not sure I agree with that!

I think we all feel horrified by it and know it’s a disgrace! But the people with the content are supposed racing people and while we will all agree that Elliot and Rob James need to be punished, the content is harming the industry that we love and it’s already rocky reputation!

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Gentle Jolie ridden by Mr R James (7) a non runner at Gowran.