The Random Rant Thread 2010

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That's kind of the point, Songsheet.

Most women probably do know exactly who much they have in their bank account at any one time......and yet they still need a balance slip to confirm it beforehand, and they still do go through the entire fecking rigmarole at the ATM.

It is only women who do this. It is not sexist - it if undeniable fact. :cool:

A couple of weeks ago I was at an ATM on a night out and the girl in front of me just walked in, punched in the pin and promptly withdrew 200 quid.

Just before walking away (card and cash still in her hand), she turns to me and my mate standing there shell-shocked and says 'oh don't worry guys - it's my boyfriend's card...."
Men who can't spell. That's most men. Especially those who can't spell words like 'queues', Sheikh! :lol:

You're really, really wrong about letting people in - I am forever going 'after you' to any amount of male and female drivers. What I DO object to is those I let into traffic streams not bothering to acknowledge it. No excuse for no thanks. Bus drivers are best with a thumbs-up.

We've ranted about these numpties before, but I still hate the bastids: middle-laners doing 65-70 mph. It's for overtaking the left lane, you twonks! And tailgaters. Hate them with a passion. If I could get over, you numb-nuts, I would. Preferably after I'd machine-gunned your ratty little car.

I knew it didn't look right ! Lazy feckers who can't be bothered to spell check is another :)

I think you are an exception as regards letting people join the line in front of you. I often think If everyone let one car out in front of them we'd all get there a lot quicker.
People who wander all over the place sending texts.

This. Or as was the case this morning, when I was about to reverse out of a car park, some silly tart decided to stand right behind my car while she was texting for England. I let the horn do its job, she scurried out of the way and I glared at her before driving away.

Before this, my patience had already been tried when I spent twenty five minutes in a post office queue.

Oh, and one more rant for now...people who spit in public. It's bloody disgusting.
Sheikh - I'm jus' razzin' ya, honey! Actually, I believe Spellcheck will only check that a word has been spelled correctly - it won't tell you if it's the wrong word you're using! For example (another mini-rant, or ranticle, of mine): 'prevaricate' instead of 'procrastinate'. Provided (not providing) you've spelled either one correctly, Spellcheck will only approve it, not tell you you're talking rowlocks.

Yes, that's exactly it, isn't it: if we all go one from the right, one straight ahead, one from the left, one straight ahead, etc., etc., then we all get where we're going. Folks are generally pretty polite down here. When I lived in North Staffs, though, the Stokies viewed every roadway as a mini-F1 track, and stuff the manners!

Ah, the magic pedestrian, Katharine, who senses when you're going to reverse/pull out from park, etc. and inserts themselves directly where you're trying to go. We have thousands in Brighton - please visit us some time and cull a few!
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Postmen in shorts...

What is it with posties and shorts in this weather ? Both our male postie and female postie have been wearing shorts for the past couple of weeks now.

It's doesn't look great and it's weird....
Ah, the magic pedestrian, Katharine, who senses when you're going to reverse/pull out from park, etc. and inserts themselves directly where you're trying to go. We have thousands in Brighton - please visit us some time and cull a few!

Gladly, krizon!

I'm still a pedestrian sometimes, but I won't forget what I was taught at Tufty Club.

My main gripe is the mobile phone thing. I probably should have been born decades earlier, as I really am mystified as to how so many can't seem to do without them for five minutes. I have one but I rarely use it.

That probably makes me antisocial these days.
Originally Posted by Turtle's fan
People who wander all over the place sending texts.

Indeed. I was in the very nice Hatchards Sunday and as I was leaving, I held th door open in good manners for an elderly lady. There followed another couple who said thank you and walked on in. There was one more person, a 20 something Amercian guy, who stood in the entrance door texting, and got an earful from me - I was not holding the door to allow him to send a bloody text! His response for holding the door open for him when he eventually realised and took his head up? 'Oh, yeah' and walked on in.
ooooh - thinking of people who dont let other drivers in.... I let most people in front of me, specially those who are turning right, cos i feel sorrier for them (!) but the ones that really p*** me off are the buggers who just push in.... I can London drive with the best of them (luckily with all my trips there!) but thats just plain rude. its VERY rare I let them out - I just glare at them and take great delight in blocking their way... ( I know its childish, but !!!!)
A couple of weeks ago I was at an ATM on a night out and the girl in front of me just walked in, punched in the pin and promptly withdrew 200 quid.

Just before walking away (card and cash still in her hand), she turns to me and my mate standing there shell-shocked and says 'oh don't worry guys - it's my boyfriend's card...."

My boyfriend would love to get hold of my card. :D
Oh, great, Katharine, another immobile user! Everyone wants to know the number of mine - you can't fill in a simple form without being asked for it, and online forms are the worst. If I omit the mobi number, up jumps an impertinent box saying I haven't filled out 'all the required data'. Why? You gonna call me at three in the morning to ask if I will accept a substitute colour for the sweater I've ordered? It's enough to give one's address, age, inside leg measurement, e-mail, landline number and mother's maiden name, for goodness sake!

I do have the mobi with me, for car breakdowns (put to constant use in the last two or three months with that!), or for phoning friends I'm going to see to say how close I am to arrival, or for less often letting the raceday staff super know I'm held up in traffic. But all this constant texting? People don't talk this much in real life to each other, so what the heck's that about?
Indeed. I was in the very nice Hatchards Sunday and as I was leaving, I held th door open in good manners for an elderly lady. There followed another couple who said thank you and walked on in. There was one more person, a 20 something Amercian guy, who stood in the entrance door texting, and got an earful from me - I was not holding the door to allow him to send a bloody text! His response for holding the door open for him when he eventually realised and took his head up? 'Oh, yeah' and walked on in.

Holding the door open for half the town - that's bloody annoying. When I get one who ignores me, I let go of the door.
My brain. I go to bed when it tells me I'm tired and need to go to sleep. As soon as my head hits the pillow it starts buzzing with all sorts of useless crap and I'm wide awake. But if I get back up or try and read a book I feel tired again :mad:.
Oh, great, Katharine, another immobile user! Everyone wants to know the number of mine - you can't fill in a simple form without being asked for it, and online forms are the worst. If I omit the mobi number, up jumps an impertinent box saying I haven't filled out 'all the required data'. Why? You gonna call me at three in the morning to ask if I will accept a substitute colour for the sweater I've ordered? It's enough to give one's address, age, inside leg measurement, e-mail, landline number and mother's maiden name, for goodness sake!

I tend to get around this sort of thing by giving my husband's number.

But all this constant texting? People don't talk this much in real life to each other, so what the heck's that about?

I've no idea. My phone used to be inundated with text messages and most, if not all, of them were unnecessary.

Which leads me to textspeak, or whatever the hell it's called. It's treated as a language in its own right. I hate it.
If asked to fill in a mobile number just type eleven ones, or twos, or....there is no intelligence behind the software to identify it's not a 'valid' mobile number.
We've ranted about these numpties before, but I still hate the bastids: middle-laners doing 65-70 mph. It's for overtaking the left lane, you twonks! And tailgaters. Hate them with a passion. If I could get over, you numb-nuts, I would. Preferably after I'd machine-gunned your ratty little car.

Even worse than middle lane hoggers are those arseholes (very often in BMWs I find) who sit in the fast lane pootling along whilst the lane (often lanes) inside them are empty. I have no compunction whatsoever in flashing them over as I'd rather do that than undertake. I was stuck behind some dozy cow on the M4 on Monday evening in rush hour (complete with massive sticker emblazoned across her back windscreen so she probably couldn't see anything through it anyway) who refused to move over despite the middle lane being totally empty and about half a dozen cars in a row undertaking her. I sat behind her and flashed her constantly for a few minutes before she eventually deigned to move over. Things like that drive me loopy - and driving in commuter traffic generally isn't so bad as more often than not most of them actually have half an idea of how to drive! That having come 2 minutes after some prick jumped a red light on the roundabout getting onto the motorway, causing me to slam my brakes on to avoid missing the tosser, did not help my mood much!
Really, G-G? What a whizzbang idea - I'll try that next time. (You're not pranking, are you, and this is actually a secret code which brings MI5 smashing down my door, and felling me with tazers?)
My brain. I go to bed when it tells me I'm tired and need to go to sleep. As soon as my head hits the pillow it starts buzzing with all sorts of useless crap and I'm wide awake. But if I get back up or try and read a book I feel tired again :mad:.

Then fall asleep an hour before the alarm goes off!
As long as they don't smell, I don't care but I do hate it when people just stop when walking or push there buggy or trolly into you.
Stepping up to the plate. Most people on this side of the Atlantic have never seen a baseball game. If they persist in using this expression they should be given an object lesson in the use of baseball bats Belfast style.
Those black and white Victor Chandler adverts where a smug looking Victor appears at some past race meeting. It's even more annoing than that We Buy Any Car ad.