The Road to the 2017 Cheltenham Gold Cup

RIP Many Clouds.

Initial thoughts on that is Thistlecrack came off the bridle around the bend when he should have been cruising I wonder whether he has got what Alary had. They are both close in the stable from my understanding so it is possible.

Tom Scudamore has not helped either I'm pretty sure he was trying to nurse the horse to the win for whatever reason he didn't want to be hard on him at any point apart from 100 yards out.

He will need to improve his jumping for sure but there was something not right about that or I could be completely wrong and his stamina isn't there and the last 250 yards in the KG was telling us that.
Absolutely gutting, fantastic horse and an amazing performance today. Connections will be distraught. This game is just awful sometimes. I don't want to watch any more racing today.
Dunno what to say. Such an immense race to watch and then a massive comedown. I'm not a sentimental fella at all but I shed a tear or two there, which I've never done before over a horse.
Absolutely gutted and in tears.

Almost seems fitting that the most exciting race I've seen in years ends in tragedy. Every possible emotion was hit hardest in ten short minutes. It's why I love and hate this sport so much.

RIP warrior. You went out on your shield.
Gutted, poor Many Clouds :( :(.

Had just been thinking what gorgeous horses he and Smad Place were, next to each other they almost seemed black and white.

Thoughts with all his connections, they'll be devastated.
Devastating. At times like this I reflect about the brutal nature of the sport we love. This mighty horse ran himself to total exhaustion.... I feel terrible

Yes, this. I spend a fair bit of time defending racing to people who don't understand aspects of it, and usually I feel comfortable doing it. Even a broken leg - it can happen anywhere, the horse has veterinary attention with it within minutes, etc etc - but I struggle to defend this and it doesn't sit easy with me.
Not the first time Many Clouds has staggered legless after a race.
He's almost certainly had an underlying heart problem.
Sherwood has always passed it off saying; that's normal for him.
Such a brave horse. Personally I think any horse that wins the Grand National, has done more than enough for the owners and deserves to be retired.
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Terrible news. What a warrior & died after he gave his all in a trojan battle up the hill.

The skies opened and moistened the soil once he fell. Weeping the loss of a true legend.

RIP Many Clouds.

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I can't believe this. Was out golfing and caught the race in the bar, and left straight afterwards wondering, wow, what does this mean for the Gold cup market.
Just arrived home and turn on TV and computer to See Many Clouds has passed away. Utter disbelief. Absolutely devastated. Thoughts with all connections.
Utterly desperate lots of people in tears at the track .

and at home I imagine. Proper warrior to die after winning the battle. He enjoyed racing and could've had number more years of success if not for some unknown cause that failed his heart.

This was supposed to be a fantastic weekend but with the news and events that occurred ......

Back to TC, if the KG form looked questionable before, now its confirmed whatever happened he had nothing more to give at the end when the rest were starting to make up ground. CC was way below his best and thoughts of him going Ryanair are nonsense, just like they are with UDS. People forget Douvan wasn;t able to get rid of Vaniteux and the same people think it would be foolish for UDS to take him on. I believe WPM will concort a plan for UDS either France or Ryanair but how will his owners feel like when just today a horse like Many Clouds got his day because the connections were brave enough to not listen to the hype. That obviously refers to Ar Mad trainer as well who runs scared with right/left excuses..
Yes, this. I spend a fair bit of time defending racing to people who don't understand aspects of it, and usually I feel comfortable doing it. Even a broken leg - it can happen anywhere, the horse has veterinary attention with it within minutes, etc etc - but I struggle to defend this and it doesn't sit easy with me.

I know what ya mean Cruella. I watched the race with a friend who has no interest in the sport. She got such a shock, and looked at me for explanation when we heard the horse collapsed. I assured her it was not all that unusual. Then they announced his death.. I didn't know what to say. I felt ashamed. I held in the tears until I was alone. Like I said, I think its important to take this time to reflect on the nature of the sport. I love it but I don't pretend it isn't brutal at times and at other times, almost indefensible..
Aughex, why does it seem like every one of your posts, ultimately ends-up about Douvan, no matter what the topic being discussed?

Your obsession with this horse is somewhat puzzling.

Did he tread on your foot at tbe Festival, or something? Or deposit a Walnut Whip on your bonnet, after you erroneously parked in the Stable-Block?
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RIP Many Clouds.

Initial thoughts on that is Thistlecrack came off the bridle around the bend when he should have been cruising I wonder whether he has got what Alary had. They are both close in the stable from my understanding so it is possible.

Tom Scudamore has not helped either I'm pretty sure he was trying to nurse the horse to the win for whatever reason he didn't want to be hard on him at any point apart from 100 yards out.

He will need to improve his jumping for sure but there was something not right about that or I could be completely wrong and his stamina isn't there and the last 250 yards in the KG was telling us that.

Jumping was Thistlecrack's downfall.
Many Clouds was taking lengths out of him, 5 or 6 from home, before stamina ever became an issue.
Gutted for Many Clouds and his connections: was just thinking how he'd brighten up in the National when the news came he was on the floor.
RIP, Brave Warrior.
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