The Road to the Queen Mother

I'm on for £100 win @ 10-1, can someone tell me if there are any rule 4's, I got on at Monday evening and so far we've had Finians Rainbow and Tataniano drop out?


ante-post bets are not subject to deductions of any sort. In an ante-post bet you are taking a view on it running which is reflected in the price.

If you have it at 10/1 I'd suggest you have a big bet on the favourite and perhaps another. This puts you in a strong position not to lose on the race.
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Have to say I thought Kauto Stone looked a good jumper at Down Royal. He made mistakes at the last two but he jumped himself to the front and had them all it with some slick jumping down the back. I haven't seen any of his french form video's and whether or not his jumping will hold up at 2 mile pace, I don't know but he looks to take after his half brother to me. When he meets one right he's a hell of a lepper.
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I can see Wishful Thinking taking leaps forward at the railway fences and that can be so crucial over 2m at Sandown
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Thank you for the replies SteveM and Irish Stamp.

I can see Kauto Stone going off favourite tomorrow.

Plenty of positive support behind the horse.

Bodes well.
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I'm on for £100 win @ 10-1, can someone tell me if there are any rule 4's, I got on at Monday evening and so far we've had Finians Rainbow and Tataniano drop out?


There is a Rule 4, Bruce. It's Rule 4 from the "Punters Manual" which states;

"People who claim to bet in cennys in ante-post markets, yet don't know whether Rule 4 applies, are either clowns, jokers or too wealthy to care".

Money is a vulgar subject and should never be publicly discussed. It carries no weight anyway, and will only offend the penniless tinkers like clivex who sometimes inhabit the board. :cool:
Unless you have a horse of the calibre of KS..Masterminded or Moscow..i wouldn't be touching a short price favourite in this..they generally get turned over

as good as the field tomorrow is..i don't think we have a horse of that level

I couldn't take a shorty about a horse that hasn't shown a liking for a course like Sandown either...SE has shown his best form at a completely different track..this also makes his price falsely short as people expect the same level of form is guaranteed under a completely different test.

I think the value tomorrow is to take on SE under 2/1.

I haven't a particular fancy for anything strongly... but Wishful Thinking is the one i could see loving the race tomorrow...particularly as he normally goes well fresh but appears to have been warmed up last time instead..which in itself could show a big intent for tomorrow...i think he is the one thats really been targetted at this above all the other horses in it.
I sincerely hope Wishfull Thinking runs well tomorrow.

I worry that he is possibly like Native Upmanship.
You're wearing me down. I'm very tempted. Isn't Ladbrokes still going 7/4 though?... I'll have a look on my way home.

I got laid on the way home (...but that's another story). Sure enough the 7/4 was there. The shop reckons he can't win, but I figured what do they know...
There is a Rule 4, Bruce. It's Rule 4 from the "Punters Manual" which states;

"People who claim to bet in cennys in ante-post markets, yet don't know whether Rule 4 applies, are either clowns, jokers or too wealthy to care".

Money is a vulgar subject and should never be publicly discussed. It carries no weight anyway, and will only offend the penniless tinkers like clivex who sometimes inhabit the board. :cool:

Very good,

I'm not into my betting technicallities, I wouldn't know my levy from my arsehole so it doesn't bother me.

What I do know is if I put the effort into investigations and find the right sort of information then I have an advantage over others who don't and I'll put my money where my mouth is like I've done in this case albeit at the expense of some withering and hard comments taking the piss. I actually had to edit my findings in that thread because I become quite insecure about what I was saying in light of some of the comments and made me feel like a prat!

Like I said, I'm not as in the know as many on here and I wouldn't know as much about racing as others but when it comes to putting in hard work we can all be on an equal playing field.
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You are all confusing me. Bastards. No bet.

i think its a very interesting race Hamm..but i do think SE is very ? able tomorrow

i think that some of the prices offered are showing that..if it looks too good to be tue then it probably is etc

I keep trying to imagine SE round 2m at Sandown and i don't get a +ive vibe about him

if you do get a positive vibe then go for it
Very good,

I'm not into my betting technicallities, I wouldn't know my levy from my arsehole so it doesn't bother me.

What I do know is if I put the effort into investigations and find the right sort of information then I have an advantage over others who don't and I'll put my money where my mouth is like I've done in this case albeit at the expense of some withering and hard comments taking the piss. I actually had to edit my findings in that thread because I become quite insecure about what I was saying in light of some of the comments and made me feel like a prat!

Like I said, I'm not as in the know as many on here and I wouldn't know as much about racing as others but when it comes to putting in hard work we can all be on an equal playing field.

Bruce....that was me being nice.

You probably don't want to mention the size of your bet - ever.

You could spend the next, I dunno, ten days, searching through posts on this site, and you will rarely come across any references to amounts wagered when people discuss their bets.

There is a reason for this. That reason is protocol.

I am trying to do you a favour. Have a coke and a smile and don't mention money again. You know it makes sense. :cool:
Bruce....that was me being nice.

You probably don't want to mention the size of your bet - ever.

You could spend the next, I dunno, ten days, searching through posts on this site, and you will rarely come across any references to amounts wagered when people discuss their bets.

There is a reason for this. That reason is protocol.

I am trying to do you a favour. Have a coke and a smile and don't mention money again. You know it makes sense. :cool:

i regularly mention i have 30 bob and a rabbit on..that probably don't count though;)
I often mention stakes on the golf thread because I felt it underlined my confidence to anyone wishing to gollow me in. I donr't see a problem with it because I don't for one second think that someone having a monkey on is any more entitled to an opinion thN someone having a fiver on. It's all relative but on a forum but it's your opinion and how you justify that counts and not the size of your bet.
I often mention stakes on the golf thread because I felt it underlined my confidence to anyone wishing to gollow me in. I donr't see a problem with it because I don't for one second think that someone having a monkey on is any more entitled to an opinion thN someone having a fiver on. It's all relative but on a forum but it's your opinion and how you justify that counts and not the size of your bet.

At the risk of sounding like a total fucking snob, Slim, I think you earn the right to mention your stakes - and then it's a choice thing, no? Maybe it's just me.

Bruce, I'm genuinely trying to be a good sport here. As Slim says, size doesn't matter......unless we're talking about my gargantuan tadger (see other thread).

Must admit though it is a bit of protocol in a way. My bets (not the above..) are so ordinary that it is hardly going to have Merkel quaking (wobbling?)...

in her thigh length german boots

I am talking about my bets.....
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