The UK Political Landscape

Come on, reet, it’s a horror story of death and destruction initiated by Putin. That’s not a viewpoint, it’s a fact and we see the evidence of it every day.
A dictator in Putin that has been gaslit as predicted over the last 25 years by (NATO)the US long term plan destabilize this area has all come to fruition,now we have every liberal jumping on board saying what a wonderful white blue eyed blonde haired country Ukraine is because of some adoration of a comedian as president,9th most corrupt country in the world,his rating was at 31% pre this conflict.a stooge put in place..Ukraine is a rightwing country,they have battalions who are nazis and proud of it,Zelenskiy backs them even though jewish,unbelievable but completely factual..they were the first to recieve new weaponry from the west,they were trained by the west..They couldn't possibly be in the EU,how would it be possible with so many facists in their army,they are tying people up in the streets and whipping them vigilante groups as well for stealing food,the place is a complete hell hole and i suspect the country will move even further to the right after this conflict..Meanwhile we supply the saudis with bombs for Yemen,12 million starving children no chance of being housed in europe or any rescue definite impending death..apparently we the libs/ neo cons are the good guys lol,do me a favour..sick to death of the hypocrisy..Lets see people open their homes to brown and black people as much as they are willing to do for these other countries..will never happen it's not a refugee crisis it's a racist crisis..I would willingly give up a bedroom to someone from Yemen who was starving,after all there are 12 milion of them caused by US/UK.who are the war criminals?
Liberals response,are you a Putin apologist?must be easy being a middle class liberal where everything is so black and white,especially white..and libs want to even escalate the situation..:lol::lol:
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree that combines all national TV channels into one platform, citing the importance of a "unified information policy" under martial law, his office said in a statement on Sunday.

Ukrainian privately owned media channels have hitherto continued to operate since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24. The decree announcement, made on the presidential website, did not specify how quickly the new measure would come into force..

DeMOcRacy..Hitler it in dictator style voice lol..
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This is the most informative and most interesting thing i've ever watched Scott Ritter ex UN weapons inspector,surprised the US haven't had him eliminated..going to follow his predictions and see of he's right,cerainly not the narrative we get from our MSM i get the feeling he's going to be spot on..Even if just 50% of what he says turns out right will show what a scandal our whole western media is.
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Gigolo -love the student politics but open your eyes and see what is really happening -some of your arguments are shameful.
The shameful thing is liberals trying to escalate wars encouraged by the neo cons and put puppetts in place to enable it..And by the way i do and am doing things for refugees yearly through donations charities and movements throughout the year,not just white ones..
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To your credit you have always been consistent in your attitude towards refugees -I just think your ideology blinds you to the reality of what is happening in Ukraine.
Give you a little clue Biden has sent 14 billion in aid to the Ukraine,yet there are food shortages in the US,because you know everyday americans just love Ukrainians and would rather go short themselves to a small country that has no connection to them whatsoever...Just like all the aid they've provided to Syria,Afghanistan,Yemen and Iraq Palestine oops hold on i mean arm sales enabling millions of deaths in those countrues and millions in a famine,i wonder what could possibly be the difference..
Give you a little clue Biden has sent 14 billion in aid to the Ukraine,yet there are food shortages in the US,because you know everyday americans just love Ukrainians and would rather go short themselves to a small country that has no connection to them whatsoever...Just like all the aid they've provided to Syria,Afghanistan,Yemen and Iraq Palestine oops hold on i mean arm sales enabling millions of deaths in those countrues and millions in a famine,i wonder what could possibly be the difference..

Pure chip on the shoulder stuff gigolo -have you nothing to say about Putin's role in this war.
Give you a little clue Biden has sent 14 billion in aid to the Ukraine,yet there are food shortages in the US,because you know everyday americans just love Ukrainians and would rather go short themselves to a small country that has no connection to them whatsoever...Just like all the aid they've provided to Syria,Afghanistan,Yemen and Iraq Palestine oops hold on i mean arm sales enabling millions of deaths in those countrues and millions in a famine,i wonder what could possibly be the difference..
Surely your question was answeredin the Jeff Ritter piece. They're trying to niterposei themdelves in the Ukraine. No?
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Looks like Biden and Johnson desperately need this to escalate for distractions over here and in the US,everythings catastrophic i don't think it will take much guessing what's going to happen,more weapons more death to win predictable..
It's always the old to lead us to the wars
It's always the young to fall
Now look at all we've won with the sabre and the gun
Tell me, is it worth it all?
Verse from a protest song by a long forgotten singer/song writer, Phil Ochs.
It really does look as though Putin has cowed the west into submission, and probably believes he's invincible. It's high time our nations got together and demanded a ceasefire - else we'd show him he's wrong.
The alternative is to tolerate; thus encoaging the evantual takeover of other near-neighbous. It's no doubt a desperate path to take, but what else wil stop him?
I hadn't thought about China when I penned this, but they're a very good reason why Putin's getting away with so much.
Pandering to the racist, xenophobic English oversized minority that voted her party in.

A roundabout way of "sending them back".
Brexiteers and racists will love will prove an expensive and unworkable disaster...and remainers will be blamed. What an awful country we`re turning into.
And no one will be talking about partygate for a while. Better to be seen as contemptuous of foreigners, which of course is justifiable, than contemptuous of everyone, even english and white.
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