The UK Political Landscape

Quizzed on bringing in Ukrainian refugees the Immigration Minister says “they can come in under the seasonal fruit picking scheme.” Fcking Hell, doesn’t it make you proud to be British :mad:
talks tomorrow, but hard to see anything they' agree on.
Good to see the EU coming down harder, banning flights, turning economic screws, and financing weapons for the Ukraine; meanwhile the Russian lunatic threatens nuclear action - yeah, right.:lol:

Apparantly Roman Abramovich is at the talks.
To think that 179 British soldiers died during the entire Iraq War which lasted about 8 years...well...without wanting to sound like a warmonger, for Ukraine to have killed 6000 Russian troops in a week just shows the determination and resiliance of their armed forces. They have punched well above their weight.

Whatever happens from here on in Russia has paid a heavy price.
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I see Russia Today has come off the air on my television.

Anyone in the U.K experiencing the same?

'This service is not available' it says on their channel.
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No surprise - they have been reporting from a parallel universe. Russia have not killed any civilians, except a few used as human shields by Ukraine forces and they’ve accused Ukraine of war crimes.
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Sir Gavin Williamson! Sacked twice so presumably for contributions to estate agency. He must know where there's a whole secret cemetery of buried bodies.
Sir Gavin Williamson! Sacked twice so presumably for contributions to estate agency. He must know where there's a whole secret cemetery of buried bodies.

Remember his official photo with the whip and the book on his desk…
Sir Gavin Williamson! Sacked twice so presumably for contributions to estate agency. He must know where there's a whole secret cemetery of buried bodies.

Secretary of Defence when the investigation of Russian money in the Conservative began. The then Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson would have been an important figure in that investigation. Sacked for selling confidential information to Chinese firms...therefore Knighthood.

The UK is some ******* shambles.
Sir Gavin Williamson! Sacked twice so presumably for contributions to estate agency. He must know where there's a whole secret cemetery of buried bodies.

Yes. I haven't been following the news this week but someone said to me that GW has plenty on BJ and his knighthood is to buy his silence. No idea about the reliability of the source other than that they are politically astute.
Gavin Williamson is a talentless streak of pi*ss, and it is an indictment of how utterly fu*cked the UK is, that this gormless, gangling, twatknacker could be made a Knight of the Realm.
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Gavin Williamson is a talentless streak of pi*ss, and it is an indictment of how utterly fu*cked the UK is, that this gormless, gangling, twatknacker could be made a Knight of the Realm.

Or is it just a masterstroke, to give everyone hope, no matter how useless they are?
It really does look as though Putin has cowed the west into submission, and probably believes he's invincible. It's high time our nations got together and demanded a ceasefire - else we'd show him he's wrong.
The alternative is to tolerate; thus encoaging the evantual takeover of other near-neighbous. It's no doubt a desperate path to take, but what else wil stop him?
It really does look as though Putin has cowed the west into submission, and probably believes he's invincible. It's high time our nations got together and demanded a ceasefire - else we'd show him he's wrong.
The alternative is to tolerate; thus encoaging the evantual takeover of other near-neighbous. It's no doubt a desperate path to take, but what else wil stop him?

I agree , poor all round I think. Economic sanctions take time to have any effect and he's clearly not bothered if his mates go without for a while, although most of them probably have money stashed all over the place anyway. Talks productive today I heard earlier on the radio... what have/will Ukraine had to give up to stop the killing? No one wants a world war but the rest of the world could have done a lot more faster to have stopped him even after he had initiated it, never mind before. He gave everyone enough warning.
Recently read an article which claimed Russians have been persecuted by the Ukraine establishment for a number of years. Maybe that's why Putin refers to them as Natzis, and his justification for the current situation.
Not saying he's right or wrong, wouldn't have a clue,tbh, but I would subscribe to the maxim - there are 2 sides to every story.
There’s no two sides to the mass destruction of Ukrainian cities we see on our TV screens every night, reet. Unless one is denied the pictures and fed assurances that Russia would never do such a thing, of course.
Sorry BJ but that's a one-sided viewpoint that fails to even address a plausible cause of the initial agression.
I'm no Russian cheerleader, (AFAIA I was first in my area to offer accomodation to Ukranian refugees) and agree their reaction has been way over the top, but I do realise that both countries have faced up to each other often, and there'll be no end to it until both sides address the root of their differences..
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