The Well Worn Road To The Champion Hurdle (2016)

My twopenceworth:
I’m not sure it’s ever satisfactory when any one of ten or so runners in a 13-strong championship race field can have cases of sorts made for them. The only three I’m comfortable ruling out of this are Hargam, Old Guard and Sempre Medici (so watch one of them roar in).

I’ve thought all season that Hargam was being used as a marker for the other Henderson horses. He doesn’t get up the hill at Cheltenham either and this is probably his final prep for something at Aintree or Ayr. Old Guard just doesn’t have the form in the book in my opinion and surely if he had a realistic chance Twiston-Davies would have stayed with him. Sempre Medici came over earlier in the season and couldn’t beat Old Guard but would have given Mullins and Walsh a line to their other hopes.

Speaking of which, I have no issue with Annie Power’s position as favourite but I wouldn’t be interested in backing her at short odds in this race. Mullins is on record, admittedly a couple of seasons ago, as saying she doesn’t jump fast enough for a top two-mile race. Her allowance sees her 6lbs clear top on official ratings but that wouldn’t be hard in this field and it would fall short of the 170+ you really want a Champion Hurdler to hit. Then again, maybe only Faugheen would have been able to do that this year. Nichols Canyon took advantage of a rare below-par run from Faugheen in November but was nearly 30 lengths behind him in the Irish Champion Hurdle. That was clearly not his form either and he has the beating of Identity Thief in the Ryanair Hurdle at the back end of the year. The latter may have travelled the better during the race but when the gun was put to their head it was Nichols Canyon who wanted the win the more.

Fans of The New One will claim he was unlucky last year having made a mistake on the far side but I reckon only Gary Larson could draw the conclusion – see what I did there? – that it cost him the race. It maybe cost him a place or two, but nine lengths?

Camping Ground looked good the time before last over 2½ miles in the Relkeel in heavy ground but only Lil Rockerfeller ran his race that day and this will be a different test altogether. Lil Rockerfeller himself is much more interesting, having been supplemented, and I hope connections are rewarded with at least a place for a horse who leaves nothing in his box. If he can improve another three or four pounds he has a realistic chance of making the frame given the lack of quality in the opposition.

This just leaves the other Henderson runners. Hargam has the highest rating [of them] in the table but we know he isn’t the stable’s main hope so I’m happy to assume we can expect at least one of Top Notch, My Tent Or Yours and Peace And Co to outrun Hargam’s rating. My Tent Or Yours would go close with a reproduction of his second to Jezki two years ago but getting a horse to perform at that level first time up is a huge task. Peace And Co was clearly better than Top Notch last season but nothing has gone right for him so far this time round. Then again, he’s only had two runs and the trainer insists we can’t count the first of those because “he ran flat out for a mile”. He also went on the record at the start of the season as saying that he didn’t think Top Notch or Hargam could give Faugheen a race but that Peace And Co could. I have to say I just cannot fancy Top Notch for this and given that Jacob appears to have opted for him over Peace And Co tempers the enthusiasm for the latter. Then again, maybe Henderson has advised the owners that Peace And Co needs more knowing and De Boinville would know him much better than anyone and strongly suggested that he gets the ride. That aside, for all that pundits and forumites alike have trashed the Triumph form because of Top Notch and Peace And Co, such criticism does not stand up to close scrutiny as plenty of the beaten horses are running off much higher marks this season. Hargam himself is 9lbs higher and Top Notch is up 4lbs but Peace And Co has dropped 2lbs. I expect the latter pair to put up improved runs here. Five-year-olds do have an unimpressive record in the race so they’re probably at a disadvantage but this is not a genuinely high class renewal.

This just leaves Sign Of A Victory, my cliff horse. He really needs the ground to dry up for him. You could argue that he put up his career best performance first time up at Ascot in the William Hill, form which Jolly’s Cracked It franked next time out, despite pulling hard for the first mile. He may also have been short of peak fitness that day. Then he was sent to Kempton to take on Faugheen in the Christmas Hurdle and for a long time was the only one of the opposition that comprised The New One, Old Guard and Hargam to travel as easily as Faugheen but he came off the bit two out (by which time the others were hard at it) and dropped out tamely. It may have been the ground, or lack of stamina or lack of fitness and we haven’t heard any reason given but it was also the fifth time in as many runs over hurdles since he hacked up first time out last season that he didn’t finish his race. He did also hack up in an AW flat race ahead of last year’s festival, reportedly clocking a serious time rating, but I wouldn’t attach any relevance to that. He’s off 153 here but Henderson also stated last year that they “know” he’s better than the 161-rated Purple Bay, so he deserves his place in a top race.

So what wins?

Annie Power is probably the one to beat and if my objective were simply to pick the winner – almost certainly the aim of the lazy racing journalist – I’d probably nominate her, but as part of a long-term profitable betting approach I have to let her go unbacked as poor value. I’ve been backing Peace And Co since October from 10/1 up to 20/1 in the belief that he’s been the Henderson main hope all along but I have to admit as the big day approaches that confidence is low. I really wanted to see more than I’ve seen so far but Henderson himself insisted after last time that he would definitely improve a lot for the race. Sign Of A Victory carries some cash at monster prices [to lay, if possible] because he’s a cliff horse and this is a weak race in depth and if the ground turns up good on Tuesday he could run into a place. Trying to look at the race afresh and dispassionately, I have to conclude Nichols Canyon is the percentage call and a 1pt stake, if successful, would recoup losses on the other bets and leave me marginally in front on the race. I shall have to settle for that.

(Written before Old Guard was withdrawn and edited this morning.)
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Sign Of A Victory was put up for sale in the DBS Spring Sales by the current owners but led out unsold, now finds itself in the Champion Hurdle. Funny old world.
if we take her 167 rating literally yeah but i never did. think mullins did a genius training job with her in terms of race placement. never overmatched her. more of a 150s hoss for me. especially as a 2 miler.
The heart would like The New One to win but my head tells me Willie Mullins knows him inside out, and Nicholls Canyon has good enough form to be backed.
TNO is probably being overbet now. He'll should be in the first three, but might find one to good.
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For what it's worth RUK saying MTOY carried 2st more than Hargam in the Kempton Park gallop

Just saw that DG, and was wondering did that also factor in How much heavier McCoy is than Geraghty now. It was just the presenter saying that he had heard it from someone, so I'm not 100% convinced how concrete the info is.
I must need my head reading. I'm actually making a case for MTOY. Despite his quirks he's probably the most talented animal in the field and I just can't have anything else.
There hasn't been a bigger crabber of last years juvenile form than myself but if everything falls right for P & C and they do get him to settle then 25/1 could look massive at 3.30 today!I can't have The New One for all the reasons that have been discussed for three years on here.
Who rode what? I thought Geraghty rode MTOY that day?

He did yes. So the guy on RUK said something like 'I heard MTOY carried 2 stone more lead' than Hargam in that work out.
McCoy was on Hargam, And he must weigh at least a stone, if not more, more than Geraghty these days. So I was wondering to myself - has this weight been factored into the statement... So on a net basis, MTOY would not have been actualy carrying 2 stone more than Hargam in that workout.
If there's value in the race it's probably him. If he'd taken in a prep instead of a racecourse gallop he'd be half the price. Just a bit worried about NJH's comments that he'd ideally want another 3 weeks to get him spot on.
AP said on TV he wasn't surprised they finished upsides each other as he was carrying a stone and a half more (their two natural weights).
if Mtoy is two stone better than hargam then he should be odds on

do you guys believe all this stuff..a matter of minutes after the vautour job?

no one outside those involved knows if hargam was carrying weight extra to make up for the jock weight difference..or 2 stone more or whatever
If Geraghty was carrying 21lbs of lead to equalise the weights then it's a negative for both horses, I reckon, but I'm largely with EC1. It was only a half-speed gallop and merely served as a PR exercise. I'm happy to discount both for this afternoon.
If Geraghty was carrying 21lbs of lead to equalise the weights then it's a negative for both horses, I reckon, but I'm largely with EC1. It was only a half-speed gallop and merely served as a PR exercise. I'm happy to discount both for this afternoon.

the only way you get to find out the truth is if MTOY absolutely hacks up..which he should if they have told the truth..and even then..its just a if it loses it will be trainer saying..well it were only a gallop..if it wins..he will say..i knew it..he gave 2 stone to Hargam other day

its pr..but only for the trainer to be able to puff his chest out afterwards and say ..i told you..or it can be fobbed of with the only a gallop statement

win win for Henderson PR wise
currently on betfair

AP = 3.8
TNO = 7.0
NC = 7.8
IT= 8.8
MTOY = 10.5
TN = 18.0
P&C = 21.0
CG = 21.0
SM = 24
H = 28
LR = 38.0
SOAV = 110
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For what it's worth RUK saying MTOY carried 2st more than Hargam in the Kempton Park gallop

Whoever said that is on drugs and should be fired..Surely AP must be around 11 stone these days so they lumped up MTOY with 13 stone for a workout..........Does not compute Spock
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