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Trump vs Harris

You’re wasting your time, desert. Fervent Trumpers are unshakeable in their belief in the alternative truth whilst condemning reality as fake news. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Frightening that the tribalism has shown that reality is what you make it. Any normal person can see trump is not fit to be the leader of the free world but his cult followers are oblivious to reality. Thankfully those in the Middle group of non committal voters will,hopefully,ensure he gets nowhere near the white House again.
This is what you think should be running for the highest office in the land.

Even her rallies no matter where she is working of a rehearsed script and even CNN journalist are demanding she take questions.

She has an interview coming up with prearranged questions and answers which she is rehearsing for now.

Watch this until the end what both Dems and Rep journalist are saying..

You’re wasting your time, desert. Fervent Trumpers are unshakeable in their belief in the alternative truth whilst condemning reality as fake news. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
with all respect all you are adding is opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble.. Want alternative truths. You want lies? go to MSNBC ABC CNN and the Dandy and the Beano where you get most of your biased info MCNBC run at least 5-6 articles a day attacking Trump because it gets the the little viewers they have
Biden caused chaos from day one and nothing has changed. Had he left things as they were and worked with the GOP a lot of people would still have their jobs and others would be alive

In the fiscal year 2021, the US Border Patrol confirmed more than 1.6 million encounters with migrants along the US-Mexico border, more than quadruple the number in the previous fiscal year and the largest annual
Since then another 8 million illegals have entered the country....how much can the people take before it's We want our country back like the UK
Trump just wants to create a Trump dynasty. Just like Johnson and Farage it’s all about him. Country first my foot. I’ve listened to his so called speeches. They’re just bumbling embarrassing ramblings about how big a crowd he can draw.
Lets look at the truth..
1. The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants in 2020, and another 10 million have entered during Biden’s presidency.

2. Millions more have no coverage due to the cost being so high. About half of U.S. adults say it is difficult to afford health care costs, and one in four say they or a family member in their household had problems paying for health care in the past 12 months.
3.Soaring inflation wiped out wage gains and then some in 2022 It's only slightly better now but people were better off under Trump "Fact"
4-7. I don't understand them saying families are better off when young people cant even borrow to buy their own home

The are pulling the wool over peoples eyes saying violent crime is at an all time low. hey are talking non murders that the feds no longer report
In 2020, the number of U.S. murders reported to the FBI increased by 5,795, from 16,619 to 22,414.
In any previous year going back to 1961, the number had never increased by more than 2,000 in a year. So, 2020’s increase was nearly triple the previous record.
Ever since he came down the escalator the media have branded him as the next Hitler/the devil and put a huge target on his back for any nutcase to take a shot at him.

This attempt almost succeeded as was clearly pointed out by experts, he came within an inch of losing his life.

That's enough for most people to say "I am out of here" but not Donald Trump

He showed tremendous courage and was back out there fighting for his country that he believes in within a couple of day knowing full well the nest time he might not be as lucky.

If the man did not love his country and wasn't genuine what possible reason would he have to give up a life where he had everything

And you have the balls to ask a prejudice question like that. What answer did you expect other than the truth?
Lets look at the truth..
1. The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants in 2020, and another 10 million have entered during Biden’s presidency.

2. Millions more have no coverage due to the cost being so high. About half of U.S. adults say it is difficult to afford health care costs, and one in four say they or a family member in their household had problems paying for health care in the past 12 months.
3.Soaring inflation wiped out wage gains and then some in 2022 It's only slightly better now but people were better off under Trump "Fact"
4-7. I don't understand them saying families are better off when young people cant even borrow to buy their own home

The are pulling the wool over peoples eyes saying violent crime is at an all time low. hey are talking non murders that the feds no longer report
In 2020, the number of U.S. murders reported to the FBI increased by 5,795, from 16,619 to 22,414.
In any previous year going back to 1961, the number had never increased by more than 2,000 in a year. So, 2020’s increase was nearly triple the previous record.
Maybe the number of murders would decrease if any mad person in America couldn’t just go to WalMart and pick up a gun *justsaying
Lets look at the truth..
1. The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants in 2020, and another 10 million have entered during Biden’s presidency.

Utterly false:

"The unauthorized immigrant population in the United States grew to 11.0 million in 2022, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on the 2022 American Community Survey, the most recent year available. The increase from 10.5 million in 2021 reversed a long-term downward trend from 2007 to 2019."

That's half a million and, in terms of the long-term trend, could arguably be called a blip.
2. Millions more have no coverage due to the cost being so high. About half of U.S. adults say it is difficult to afford health care costs, and one in four say they or a family member in their household had problems paying for health care in the past 12 months.

Also false. You can't have numbers rising to 90% with health care and more without it.

"More people were insured in 2022 than 2021. In 2022, 92.1 percent of people, or 304.0 million, had health insurance at some point during the year, representing an increase in the insured rate and number of insured from 2021 (91.7 percent or 300.9 million)."

Is it possible you're getting your figures from Trump's campaign rants?
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Can't believe this Kamala Harris has gone odds on to win the election.

I can only assume it's the honeymoon period as this woman can't possibly be taken seriously.

The way the US corporate media has transformed Kamala Harris from a joke to a historic leader in a matter of weeks, without even pretending to care about her policies or ideas, shows how blatant US propaganda is.

I thought I was hearing things when she said at her rally today when she becomes president she will abolish tax on tips

Totally plagiarizing Trump who said he intended to do just that back in June.
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Alan Dershowitz reckons there's no chance of any judge overturning the verdict but even less chance of there being any jail time.

He was responsible to log the expense properly not as was done. He is not Al Capone ffs
Alan Dershowitz reckons there's no chance of any judge overturning the verdict but even less chance of there being any jail time.

He was responsible to log the expense properly not as was done. He is not Al Capone ffs
The guy who was part of Trump’s impeachment defence team, you mean? The unbiased guy?