UK election

depends where you live regarding being racist , some people are living in city,s where muslims are running the gaffs , raping young girls .preaching hate on the streets and no ****** stopping them, try having a day out in Luton , its a ******* cesspit .
I only know one muslim family and their daughter is my brothers partner and her father was my cardiologist before he passed away,i even went to his sons wedding some of the nicest people I've ever met,you're talking about the .1% muslims which fair enough shouldn't be here they are a miniscule minority.
Police were warned about the main suspect radicalising children in a local park two years ago, a neighbour has revealed.

Erica Gasparri, an Italian mother of three who lives in the same complex, said she confronted the man, known locally as “Abs”, after her son came home and said: “Mummy, I want to be a Muslim.”

Gasparri then went to the park, where she said a “Pakistani man” had stated: “I’m ready to do whatever I need to do in the name of Allah. I am ready in the name of Allah to do what needs to be done, including killing my own mother.”

She said: “I took four photographs of him and gave them to the police. They rang Scotland Yard when I was there and said the information had been passed on to Scotland Yard. They were very concerned. They told me to delete the photos for my own safety which I did but then I heard nothing. That was two years ago. No-one came to me. If they did this could have been prevented and lives could have been saved.

“He would go down to the park and talk to them about Islam and he also came to the houses and gave the kids money and sweets during Ramadan.”
Gasparri said she told other neighbours including a Polish woman, who then tipped off the suspect that he had been reported to police.

Today that woman said she was sorry: “I didn’t know he was a bad guy. Maybe I was blind.”


In a stand-up row near the suspect’s flat on Sunday evening, Erica told the Polish woman: “My first impressions was he was a terrorist radicaliser.”

Met Police said they were aware of the claims, but had no comment at this stage, as they had not released any information about any of the suspects

Like I said totally incompetent this and the one from the US they leaked to us which was trying to be covered up, in Theresa we trust look at our record i'm sure the familys of the victims will be very pleased with her latest announcement...
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i would,nt vote for any of them , but this prick corbyn is the worst, he would let more ******* bombers in the tosser
Dan Jarvis will be PM read my other thread, may is finished,she's going to go down as the worst PM in living history and she hasn't even started yet probably be replaced within 2 years then the shambles that is l;eft with someone even more right wing,its a one way street to oblivion for the torys over the next 5 years...
Trouble with this country at the moment they are just playing to the extremists,check out the betfair forum politics and chit chat threads complete and utter right wing nutjobs

One shouldn't judge the zeitgeist by what one reads on message boards, Twatter and Arsebook

The thoughtful, moderate, reticent majority are firstly not the sort prone to 'putting pen to paper' as it was once known, and secondly, if they do feel so inclined are unlikely to repeat the exercise, as their measured tomes are drowned out by the nonsense of a myriad 'Mr Angrys from Purley' for whom t'internet has provided the lead chamber of anonymity they have long craved in order to vent their infected spleen

The real world is an unpleasnt place at present, but the virtual world is vile
I don't look at twatter or facebook but I do read the politics forum on betfair and the shitshat on there,strange how the views expressed are obviously the racing fraternity,all mainly older or middle aged men I presume relatively well off and retired and if you read it 90% of them all have the same view or consensus,the only saving grace will be and I can say this with great pleasure this generation will soon be a dead and dying breed..
David Cameron’s former policy guru has demanded Theresa May resign for “security failures” that led to terror attacks in Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge.
Steve Hilton said Ms May bore responsibility for the attacks, should not be seeking re-election and had been “blame shifting” in statements since they unfolded.
The accusation will come as a blow to the Prime Minister as she prepares to give a speech on Monday likely to be dominated by efforts to stamp out the terror threat
Ms May, responsible for the security services since 2010 as Home Secretary and then Prime Minister, has already been attacked by political rivals and police figures over severe cuts.

Mr Hilton, who left Downing Street in 2012, posted reports relating to an alleged suspect of Saturday’s attack, before adding: “Theresa May responsible for security failures of London Bridge, Manchester, Westminster Bridge.
“Should be resigning not seeking re-election.”
Commenting on newspaper reports that appeared to attribute some responsibility to the security services, he went on: “Theresa May blame shifting again.
“Her spin doctors attack MI5, but she was in charge of them for years.”
There was a 20 per cent drop in the number of armed officers between 2010 and 2016, when Ms May was at the the Home Office, accompanied by a total reduction of some 20,000 police officers in general.

I don't look at twatter or facebook but I do read the politics forum on betfair and the shitshat on there,strange how the views expressed are obviously the racing fraternity,all mainly older or middle aged men I presume relatively well off and retired and if you read it 90% of them all have the same view or consensus,the only saving grace will be and I can say this with great pleasure this generation will soon be a dead and dying breed..

All the Betfair forums are - as we thoughtful, moderate, reticent curmudgeonly nearly-old cunts would say - a pile o' steaming shite; and I doubt whether many of their correspondents comprise the middle-aged, tweedy racing set that you, with some justification, disparage. More likely to be the familiar working/under class Labour-voting, gobby betting-shop bores who've now emigrated to UKIP and Betfair
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Staunch conservatives and ukip voters lifetime labour haters any alternative view you are a islamist apologist blah blah blah,obviously quite well educated a lot of them your typical middle aged/lclass racists they are not the under class quite the opposite they are the types that want to see terrorism so they can have a go at any sort of ethnic group,i'm middle aged myself and am a grumpy **** myself.These types just want to see hatred and I put them in the same brascket as the jihadists personally..
i would,nt vote for any of them , but this prick corbyn is the worst, he would let more ******* bombers in the tosser
I would suggest that if you look at what the Brexit ministers are saying then there is little, if any, difference in the immigration policies of them and that "prick" and "tosser" Corbyn. And the "bombers" are usually not immigrants but British born.
Two things I think are important following the Manchester and London bridge attacks. Firstly, it looks very-much like members of the Muslim community have tried on both occassions, to notify the authorities about radicalised individuals in their midst. This is a critical aspect, imo, as (and I've been a little guilty of this myself), there's been a tendency to think they don't do enough 'spotting'.

Secondly, May - in her roles as Home Secretary and latterly PM - is culpable in the failure of the security services, to follow-up on these leads. How the Tories have the gall to label Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser, when the door has been left ajar for these cunts on the Tory watch, beggars belief. It is only Labour's overall fu*cking ineptitude, that seems to prevent them nailing May personally on this, because she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Still praying for a Hung Parliament.
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The number of potential jihadists is put at 23,000. With the spread of encrypted communications it is impossible to monitor all of the simply by watching internet traffic. To undertake a comprehensive surveillance would require perhaps 4 individuals per suspect. When one adds in those needed to collate the information and others to assess the action required, the number of personnel becomes enormous. Apparently the police have prevented numerous plots from coming to fruition but it is unreasonable to expect them to defeat every attempt.
Even the most draconian measures would not ensure that some of these f..kers will not be successful. A death sentence is no deterrent and it does not require sophisticated planning to hire a vehicle and buy some knives. Unfortunately it doesn't require masterminds but simply any disillusioned loser can cause mayhem.

There needs to be far greater cooperation from the Muslim community in preventing the spread of this abominal idealogy.
Monitoring the internet with programmes like Echelon is surprisingly easy. Millions of people can be survielled simultaneously without anything like the drag that is imagined. The task becomes resource intensive when you go from remote monitoring to tailing suspects

I think we also need to remember that some of these plots we're forever being told about that we've foiled are incredibly amateur. Some of them have been reported by court correspondents with restrictions lifted, and honestly, you'd back Inspector Clousseau to solve them. One guy enter a plea in mitigation that he was trying to get caught. Well when you look at what he did, it seems plausible. He used a twitter handle called 'mystery bomber', adopted Mohammad Enwazi as his avatar, posted youtubes of his experiments with explosives in his back garden, and then finally decided to organise an online poll for his target choice.

Something else that perhaps people don't appreciate, and Grasshopper has touched on it, is that we need to think a bit outside the mosque (so to speak). Even when I was doing a bit of early days 'prevent' stuff about 10 years ago the focus was shifting away from mosque monitoring. If you go into a mosque today and run your mouth, you'll likely be reported.

Even 10 years ago we were finding things like martial combat and boxing clubs, youth distraction work (7/7 bombers were recruited this way) badly monitored and erroneously supported community projects (often with education slants), outward bounds centres, or even public parks (Charlie Hebdo attackers) are just as likely to be the source for meetings, plotting, and making introductions. I think we also have to throw prison into that mix too. Much as though it pains me to admit there's a grain of truth in what the grey lady says, there is, even if she over-states it, and even if she's trying to use it as a vehicle to control what we see and consume (so no more porn and plenty of Abba instead). Having said that, today's backdoor is tomorrows exploit, as the recent round of ransomware demonstrated given that it started life with the NSA.

One day we're going to come up against a well resourced, well trained, and well executed terror cell. Only then will we know. What will happen eventually is that the public will begin to lose confidence in the authorities to defend them and you hardly need to be a genius to work out where that ends up
Question - Does the Tory party, or its leader, have an ounce, or a gram, of personality?

I just think its costing them an awful lot of votes, I really do.
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No is the obvious answer, which makes her decision to call an election over a 6 week duration when she enjoyed a 20pts lead even more puzzling. It was strategically illiterate. She should have gone for a date 1 week after the May council elections and put the thing to bed

I reckon May has been so bad that Gigilo's Dan Jarvis next PM bet could be under threat from a conservative challenger yet. I wouldn't be shocked if she takes us through Brexit and then steps down about this time circa 2019, or if she doesn't, then the men in grey suits will remove her in early 2020. There's no way they'll want to risk her going up against a good candidate circa 2022 because on this evidence, she'll lose
1/4 the conservatives majority has to be a bet now and its on betfair as well i'm amazed anyone would want to lay these prices,there's a shrewdie who I asked about the last election and he was telling me when everyone else was saying that it was to close to call that labours vote was getting smashed to pieces in areas of wales and he was spot on.He even put up some constituency bets and he won on every single one,he's putting some up on Thursday so might put them on here see how accurate he is this time..
Lib dems getting under 10 seats and 10%of the vote seems to look glaruingly obvious as well 3.5...
Whilst I still expect the Tories to win, I wouldn't be as bullish as you, gigolo.

Corbyn has been pulling ever-bigger crowds at his public show-pieces over the last several days, and is clearly getting his message across. In contrast, I don't think I've ever seen May appear in anything other than a controlled environment, surrounded by two-dozen grinning acolytes. There is some evidence that this Tory campaign is much more dislocated from the public mood than the Polls suggest, and if they do win, I think they will be scrambling-home all-out, rather than head-in-chest.

I've been bashing away at a CON Majority of 1-24 for the last couple of days (around 9.0), with a small saver on No Overall Majority at 9/2.
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Heavy rain forecast for much of Thursday for much of the country, particularly the midlands and north; which - apocryphally at least - tends to favour the Conservatives

1.1 most seats and 1.25 overall majority seem value to me, for those that like to 'buy money'. For what it's worth I've just had a bet at 8.8 them getting 400-449 seats

It was no surprise to see shortening of the Labour markets following that 'experimental' poll last week that suggested a hung parliament, but it is surprising to see it sustained, as most polls since suggest it was very much an outlier; and those polls which do suggest a significant narrowing seem to place this tightening solely on a strong surge in voting of the 18-24 demographic, which in my opinion is too much a leap of faith

Of course, when betting head must rule heart. So whilst head thinks Tory, heart hopes for a hung parliament and a non-chaotic coalition of Lab, Lib, SNP, Green with Caroline Lucas as PM

Is that a squadron of particularly large wild boars soaring across Westminster I see...?
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I profess to being even less clued-up with what's going on in Scotland; but it seems likely that the SNP will lose a significant (10+?) number of seats. To whom though? If to the Conservatives then these gains could play a crucial part in them reaching the increased majority they crave

Ruth Davidson seems a goodish sort. Is she popular in Jockland?
Ruthie is generally very popular up here, Drone, though the shine is starting to come off her star a little, as she hasn't had a particularly good Election campaign.

To all intents, she has been a bit of a one-trick 'No IndyRef2' pony throughout this campaign, and has tended not to be drawn deep into discussions around Brexit - principally, I suspect, because she is a staunch Remainer, and would rather not align with the wider Party's message, if she can help it. This has led to a somewhat muted performance; lacking it's usual bounce and verve.

As for the SNP, polls suggest they will lose seats to the Tories - I'm just not convinced it will be as many as 10.

In my view, the Tory polling-numbers in Scotland are basically defying gravity.

Polls here are always tainted to a degree by what is going on at Holyrood. Even though it's a national General Election, polling will still reflect an element of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the Scottish parliament......though I think that it's largely corrected when it comes to the actual vote itself. I just find it hard to believe that so many people will make the transition from being staunchly Labour less than 10 years ago, to now voting Tory. It just doesn't seem plausible to me. It's also worth bearing in mind that 62% of the country voted to Remain in the EU, and the hard-Brexit planned by the Tories, is simply anathema to them. I'd not be in the least bit surprised if they did worse than the polls predict.

In a wider sense, if Mrs May really does need to rely on Scottish MPs to secure a majority, then she really is in deeper sh*it than I thought.
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The torys won't win 10 seats in Scotland no chance,also think labour will gain at least % wise if not seat wise they may overtake the tories in % although there are 1/2 seats they have a slight sniff,i will be amzed if the torys do well as has been expected,looks like myself drone grass and simmo are all on same wavelength.I'm only dping the bets so I can bare sitting up for a couple of hours watching their smug faces...