I think Jeremy Corbyn has completely missed the point of MAD. Having nuclear weapons has absolutely nothing to do with killing anyone, or should be an enemy of the pacifist. Its simply a mind play between nations that has now stopped us having a world war every 20 years. The whole point of the mind play is that anyone knows that if they attack us with such weapons they will be mutually destructed. The idea of one side saying they would never use such weapons, automatically breaks the MAD mind play. For someone to admit to the whole world that they won't maintain that mind game threat, means that person will never lead this country.
I always think that in regards to whether these weapons cost too much, could be measured by a simple question to a Japan of 1945. If Japan was asked how much they would have paid to have held the MAD mind play in 1945, I'm pretty sure they would not care about the cost to prevent two nuclear bombs being dropped on their cities. To those who think having nuclear weapons is not important, I'll ask, do you think ourselves and the USA would have nuclear bombed Japan in 1945 if they had thought that 10 minutes later, London and New York would have been liquidised.
I watched the reaction by one young lady last night after Corbyn had completely blown the election over this issue, she clearly did not understand why we have nuclear weapons, many people don't it appears. Having nuclear weapons has nothing to with wanting to kill anyone, its the best peace keeper, with a proven track record of success, over a very long period of time.