UK election

My little indie have let me do the treble again:cool: most seats 1/8 majority 2/11 and may at 1/4...
7 polls out at 5pm those prices could look absolutely huge by 5.30pm,i'm exopecting average leads of 7-8% none of these 3% nonsense they've been showing that will be the reflection of last nights question time and expect those figures to stay constant in final result..
My little indie have let me do the treble again:cool: most seats 1/8 majority 2/11 and may at 1/4...

They must be retarded - those three outcomes are so related it's not true.

You might as well have a few quid on labour most seats, no overall majority and Corbyn pm too if they're letting you.
I think Jeremy Corbyn has completely missed the point of MAD. Having nuclear weapons has absolutely nothing to do with killing anyone, or should be an enemy of the pacifist. Its simply a mind play between nations that has now stopped us having a world war every 20 years. The whole point of the mind play is that anyone knows that if they attack us with such weapons they will be mutually destructed. The idea of one side saying they would never use such weapons, automatically breaks the MAD mind play. For someone to admit to the whole world that they won't maintain that mind game threat, means that person will never lead this country.

I always think that in regards to whether these weapons cost too much, could be measured by a simple question to a Japan of 1945. If Japan was asked how much they would have paid to have held the MAD mind play in 1945, I'm pretty sure they would not care about the cost to prevent two nuclear bombs being dropped on their cities. To those who think having nuclear weapons is not important, I'll ask, do you think ourselves and the USA would have nuclear bombed Japan in 1945 if they had thought that 10 minutes later, London and New York would have been liquidised.

I watched the reaction by one young lady last night after Corbyn had completely blown the election over this issue, she clearly did not understand why we have nuclear weapons, many people don't it appears. Having nuclear weapons has nothing to with wanting to kill anyone, its the best peace keeper, with a proven track record of success, over a very long period of time.

Very good post: I sincerely hope the electorate see it the same way.
They must be retarded - those three outcomes are so related it's not true.

You might as well have a few quid on labour most seats, no overall majority and Corbyn pm too if they're letting you.

Took 8k off them at the last election as well,they also still put tissue prices up on a paper as well you can take which are miles away some days although I have only ever had half a dozen bets in the shop,it's right next door to a pub the landlord must be doing in 10k a week plus all the nutjobs that bet there mainly football hooligans coked up.As long as I use the shop once a month I get away with it..
From what I can tell polls not good for Tories, but May 1.21. I'm considering a lumpy bet on Corbyn to be honest, can see him winning this
Corbyn should be the party's conscience, not its leader (if they want to win anything)

I wouldn't have thought that many people watched last night to be honest, and even if they did, their opinions are unlikely to be in the polling. I'd guess that May's no show earlier in the week however is more recent in the thinking. Having said that, I don't think its going to be close, and expect to see something similar to 1979

Having said that, I don't see Corbyn winning but if May is held to under 40 she's got problems going forward. The Tories are going to have her out, as her limitations (which were known before this) have been badly exposed, and further more, its largely been at her own hand
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Defence (or, more accurately, attack) comes a long way down most people's priorities. May has chosen to make this a presidential, 'him or me' election and the more people see the two in action, the more it looks a poor decision. She should still win but the decision to undermine the economic feel-good factor of both old and young is puzzling.
7 polls out at 5pm those prices could look absolutely huge by 5.30pm,i'm exopecting average leads of 7-8% none of these 3% nonsense they've been showing that will be the reflection of last nights question time and expect those figures to stay constant in final result..

Who needs polls it's very predictable leads of +4 +6 +9 +11 +12 one twatter poll of 1% difference just put a line through that actually average % lead slightly bigger than 8...
A falklands moment for may no doubt,...great government eh we are safe in mays hands another cobra meeting ffs useless...
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I suspect that whatever the politicians attending these cobra meetings is largely irrelevant. All they`ll do is accept the advice of the security experts. Corbyn or May, it doesn`t matter.
Used to be a time when Cobra meetings were seriosuly big deals, about once every five years. Cameron began the trend of calling them every month
Theresa May has been part of this government for seven years, but says they (or we?) have been too soft or sympathetic to extremism, (if I've understood what she said properly earlier, which I'm not sure I have). Who is advising this woman? If the government and security services have been too soft, then its the government of the day, which includes herself, that has questions to answer. Now if (as I suspect), the security services have been on heightened alert for years and years now, and trying their best to stop 'one slipping through the net', then really Mrs May's speech today was nothing more than electioneering and a bit insulting to those trying to both protect us and stop extremism, all on a day when we are not supposed to be electioneering.
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The default position for voting Tory was that at least they were competent, particularly on economic matters. Difficult to see any justification for that these days. I used to think the Cameron govt was bad with every economic target missed and the deficit bigger than ever despite 7 years of austerity. But I would think the current lot will be even worse. At least we`ll have fox hunting back!
I suspect that whatever the politicians attending these cobra meetings is largely irrelevant. All they`ll do is accept the advice of the security experts. Corbyn or May, it doesn`t matter.

Correct Dan, the PM is irrelevant so I am not sure why people would even think it matters who the figurehead is. Tony Blair tried to hold the hard line that May now appears to want to take but was stopped when he tried to bring in stricter measures. What is needed now imo is, that if you are deemed a threat to the security of this country, and we see many being brought in each time these incidents happen, you are either excluded from this country or charged with treason. If charged with treason then i believe the death penalty is still in place.

If the security services have people under surveillance, then its not because they are decent civillians, its clear these people are a threat, or they would not be on a watch list. These people will need to be removed by exclusion or imprisonmed under some new legislation. We cannot allow this cancer to sit below the surface. If people spend their lives in activities that show they are potential future threats we need to grow some balls and legislate to exclude or imprison imo. If the large list of potential threats are just left to fester and join forces then we can be expecting attacks like these for all time. Its time to take strong decisions and weed out this cancer, to do so means removing all elements. Its pretty simple really, if you spend your time showing you are a risk to this country, then expect to not be living here free for much longer.
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I wonder what the response of the media would have been if Labour had been the govt for the past 7 years and they had presided over cuts of over 20,000 police officers and decimated the budget of the Border Agency? Methinks there would have been calls for restoring the death penalty for the MP`s responsible. Good job we now have somebody in charge who is so strong and stable.
I'd love to see a spread on how many times TM mentions 'strong and stable' on the run up to Thursday. I reckon 0 would be very close to the mark.
The interview with Peter Kirkham re the Conservative Party cut backs of police numbers was probably the most damning I've heard. He openly stated that they were 'liars'. It should be on the front page of every newspaper [but, of course, it won't be]. Brave man.
Trouble with this country at the moment they are just playing to the extremists,check out the betfair forum politics and chit chat threads complete and utter right wing nutjobs,they even try and blame corbyn for the government **** ups some twisted people in this country and these are I presume middle aged reasonably well off middle cl;ass people just spend 5 mins reading their ramblings about muslims absolute blatent racist cunts.It's nothing to do with tory/labour half the people I know are conservatives but they don't share these views at all with these bitter and twisted old aged fuckers,but mays playing up to these motherfuckers and she knows it,absolute disgcrace,at the same time I agree about the taking these suspects and getting them out of the country but this thing could've been done a long time ago..