The only thing you might be right about is concerning people who follow the lies and consequently the liars. Sadly you have it ass backwards as to who the liars are.
It was the Brexit leavers that came up with the biggest lies, the now infamous NHS bus being the most obvious one.
As for Trump the man has not come close to successfully implementing any of his major campaign promises or manifesto as you call it.
On day one he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare. Ooops! we see how that is going.
Next up the building of a wall and Mexico paying for it. There laughing their asses off in good old Mexico with that one
How about the passing of tougher immigration laws. Hasn't even got off the blocks even though he watered down the initial abortion.
Cosying up to middle eastern autocrats and denigrating his democratic allies in the space of 5 days is what Trump is all about.
Me me me.
Trump has been one big psychopathic liar from a very early age. Reams and reams of literature out there on the man, not hard to find if you are so inclined.
Calling him excrement of the year honors this bloated swill of diarrhea.
I don't what type of news you read or follow.
If you actually want to grasp at all, why mostly white lower middle class Americans voted for the man there is lots of information out there as well.
Very current this one from a real newspaper, contrary to what all the fake news adherents might think, the Washington Post
I don't know if it is the real reason or not as stated in the title but the subject matter is very well researched, cogent and quite compelling.
Finally as relates to opinions, I'm reminded of that famous Harry Callahan line *opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."