UK election

I was really impressed with Ruth Davidson in the EU referendum debate. But I find it hard to comprehend how someone can be so staunchly in the remain camp and then be happily supporting her 'brexit means brexit' leader. I do worry that the SNP will lose a lot of votes because people don't want another referendum on independence. I've never been so nervous about the outcome of an election. I really wanted to just slide into old age and let the young take care of this country but it looks as if I'm going to have to carry on fighting for the sort of country I want my children and grandchildren to live in.
Another classic Diane Abbot interview today. She's fast becoming comedy gold.

I sometimes wonder if she is a tory plant to make Labour completely unelectable. She is without doubt the biggest political liability I've seen for the last 40 years. I have no idea why anyone would ever vote for her.
I sometimes wonder if she is a tory plant to make Labour completely unelectable. She is without doubt the biggest political liability I've seen for the last 40 years. I have no idea why anyone would ever vote for her.

Corbyn surely covers that. Utter Clown.
Corbyn surely covers that. Utter Clown.

I really believe she is in a league of her own. Corbyn will have strong competition for utter clown winner from Nick Clegg, a man who managed to reduce his party seat count by 82% at one go. Nick Clegg wins the utter clown crown by some way, one of the greatest political lightweights of any time.

In 2015, at the Oxford debates, he said that after the Brexit vote that he hoped Farage wouldn't become a Japanese soldier still fighting the war 20 years afterwards, by not accepting the result, he is now that Japanese soldier along with the clueless Farron. When you pass comments like that, and then behave in the way that you deride your opponents for potentially doing, you are clearly a man of extremely poor judgement. I really do not know why they give him TV space, I'd play that clip each time he appears on any programme.

From 46.50 on this video, Nick Clegg highlights his stupidity by deriding Farage, Clegg is now for me and all time "The Japanese soldier" that he thought was so funny on the night, but has so backfired to make him look the muppet he has proved to be on so many occasions. Farage then rips him a new arsehole in the following footage.

So if we are talking "clowns", then Clegg is number one for me, Abbot is just another level to clownery, she is just an extremely stupid woman, two different things imo.
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Farage was interviewed as the referendum polls closed. He said that he thought that they had lost by about 52% to 48% but that was so close that there had to be another referendum in the near future.
Anyone who invites Excrement of the Year, Trump, to make a state visit is a shoo-in for Clown of the Year.

Its all about opinions really, ours are worth little in reality. Personally I find Trump a breath of fresh air, a politician that actually carries out what he promised to do, and if what he is carrying out is so wrong, then how on earth has he got the job? Maybe its the person calling him excrement that is out of line with what is actually occuring, maybe you need to get with the programme Archie. The guy put his manifesto forward, the people gave him the job, he now carries out said promises, seems that this is what we should all want as democrats isn't it? Or is democracy okay only when you only get what you want? A bit like the Brexit vote, if you agree with it you like democracy, if you don't agree with it, then democracy goes out of the window. To be honest, the Trump and Brexit vote shows that many people in this country are totally unable to accept democratic votes unless they agree with the outcome.

Not many of our charlattan MP's ever do what they promised, but oddly, people favour liars over those who are honest to their manifestos. If you carry out your promises, you get viewed as excrement in your words, but if you lie your arse off, you get respect. I think people who value lies over honesty may have strange ways of judging people tbh. Then again thats just my opinion, which is worth nothing, same as everyones on this forum. It passes the time though.
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1/4 the conservatives majority has to be a bet now and its on betfair as well i'm amazed anyone would want to lay these prices,there's a shrewdie who I asked about the last election and he was telling me when everyone else was saying that it was to close to call that labours vote was getting smashed to pieces in areas of wales and he was spot on.He even put up some constituency bets and he won on every single one,he's putting some up on Thursday so might put them on here see how accurate he is this time..

I don't know what he does exactly but he sees the canvassing from all over the country,it has a very familiar patter on last election and he was spot on last time..this is what he says

I can't see Corbyn doing better than Miliband. The current polls have them giving Blair in '97 a run for their money.

Should be good money making opportunities.
I'm tied by what I can say as I'm actually working this time around. Many people who are canvassing are recording that the UKIP vote is being squeezed this time, mostly to Con but some blowback to Lab. Also pro-leave Lab voters are going Lab -> Con to complete the process of leaving the EU. If you add those issues to strong Lab voters refusing to vote for Corbyn you have a lot of previously safe Lab seats in play at pretty juicy prices.
Problem is most uni seats and those with high levels of young voters are LD or Lab already. Lab should take Sheffield Hallam and Leeds North West from LD, but other seats are off limits.

Maybe Lab will get over Miliband in terms of percentage, but I can't see where they are going to pick up seats to beat 232? Maybe a couple off the SNP? Maybe a few off Con in Lab and Wales? Meanwhile Con will almost certainly have an increased vote share and Lab majoritys of 10k+ are in play..

One of the perks of being a student was to vote early and vote often, these days with individual voter registration that has been cut out.

The parents/grandparent demographic aren't coming through in the polls for Lab it's just the young who traditionally don't vote. I'm not sure that policy is having the effect you attribute to it.

Interestingly there's a NatCen poll out that shows just 53% of younger voters intending to vote, given that figure is likely over-estimated for social reasons it looks grim for Lab.

Of course the young might come out en-mass and give me a gigantic eggy face, but I'm content to take a beating financially if that is the case

The only place I've genuinely heard optimism for Labour is within London. I suggest that demographics will play a bigger part of predicting those areas than following the polling.
Lab should take Sheffield Hallam and Leeds North West from LD,

In weak markets, Labour are currently 2.48 and 2.88 against the odds-on Liberal incumbents, if you fancy the outsider in a Match

Clegg clung on last time in Hallam despite the U-turn on tuition fees in coalition and the Lib meltdown elsewhere; and I believe he's a generally popular, well-liked constituency MP, so would be mildly surprised if he got the boot this time. Hallam has never had a Labour MP; prior to the Labour surge in to second place in 2015 it was always something of a Lib/Con marginal

I know this because I lived for many years in the cheap seats of neighbouring constituency Sheffield Heeley: rock-solid Labour since 1974:)
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I really believe she is in a league of her own. Corbyn will have strong competition for utter clown winner from Nick Clegg, a man who managed to reduce his party seat count by 82% at one go. Nick Clegg wins the utter clown crown by some way, one of the greatest political lightweights of any time.

In 2015, at the Oxford debates, he said that after the Brexit vote that he hoped Farage wouldn't become a Japanese soldier still fighting the war 20 years afterwards, by not accepting the result, he is now that Japanese soldier along with the clueless Farron. When you pass comments like that, and then behave in the way that you deride your opponents for potentially doing, you are clearly a man of extremely poor judgement. I really do not know why they give him TV space, I'd play that clip each time he appears on any programme.

From 46.50 on this video, Nick Clegg highlights his stupidity by deriding Farage, Clegg is now for me and all time "The Japanese soldier" that he thought was so funny on the night, but has so backfired to make him look the muppet he has proved to be on so many occasions. Farage then rips him a new arsehole in the following footage.

So if we are talking "clowns", then Clegg is number one for me, Abbot is just another level to clownery, she is just an extremely stupid woman, two different things imo.

She is 'amusing' no doubt. Wouldn't disagree about Clegg either. As for Farron (Complete tit).
I really should have a category for Sturgeon...
Its all about opinions really, ours are worth little in reality. Personally I find Trump a breath of fresh air, a politician that actually carries out what he promised to do, and if what he is carrying out is so wrong, then how on earth has he got the job? Maybe its the person calling him excrement that is out of line with what is actually occuring, maybe you need to get with the programme Archie. The guy put his manifesto forward, the people gave him the job, he now carries out said promises, seems that this is what we should all want as democrats isn't it? Or is democracy okay only when you only get what you want? A bit like the Brexit vote, if you agree with it you like democracy, if you don't agree with it, then democracy goes out of the window. To be honest, the Trump and Brexit vote shows that many people in this country are totally unable to accept democratic votes unless they agree with the outcome.

Not many of our charlattan MP's ever do what they promised, but oddly, people favour liars over those who are honest to their manifestos. If you carry out your promises, you get viewed as excrement in your words, but if you lie your arse off, you get respect. I think people who value lies over honesty may have strange ways of judging people tbh. Then again thats just my opinion, which is worth nothing, same as everyones on this forum. It passes the time though.

The only thing you might be right about is concerning people who follow the lies and consequently the liars. Sadly you have it ass backwards as to who the liars are.
It was the Brexit leavers that came up with the biggest lies, the now infamous NHS bus being the most obvious one.

As for Trump the man has not come close to successfully implementing any of his major campaign promises or manifesto as you call it.

On day one he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare. Ooops! we see how that is going.
Next up the building of a wall and Mexico paying for it. There laughing their asses off in good old Mexico with that one
How about the passing of tougher immigration laws. Hasn't even got off the blocks even though he watered down the initial abortion.
Cosying up to middle eastern autocrats and denigrating his democratic allies in the space of 5 days is what Trump is all about.
Me me me.

Trump has been one big psychopathic liar from a very early age. Reams and reams of literature out there on the man, not hard to find if you are so inclined.
Calling him excrement of the year honors this bloated swill of diarrhea.

I don't what type of news you read or follow.

If you actually want to grasp at all, why mostly white lower middle class Americans voted for the man there is lots of information out there as well.
Very current this one from a real newspaper, contrary to what all the fake news adherents might think, the Washington Post

I don't know if it is the real reason or not as stated in the title but the subject matter is very well researched, cogent and quite compelling.

Finally as relates to opinions, I'm reminded of that famous Harry Callahan line *opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."
The only thing you might be right about is concerning people who follow the lies and consequently the liars. Sadly you have it ass backwards as to who the liars are.
It was the Brexit leavers that came up with the biggest lies, the now infamous NHS bus being the most obvious one.

As for Trump the man has not come close to successfully implementing any of his major campaign promises or manifesto as you call it.

On day one he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare. Ooops! we see how that is going.
Next up the building of a wall and Mexico paying for it. There laughing their asses off in good old Mexico with that one
How about the passing of tougher immigration laws. Hasn't even got off the blocks even though he watered down the initial abortion.
Cosying up to middle eastern autocrats and denigrating his democratic allies in the space of 5 days is what Trump is all about.
Me me me.

Trump has been one big psychopathic liar from a very early age. Reams and reams of literature out there on the man, not hard to find if you are so inclined.
Calling him excrement of the year honors this bloated swill of diarrhea.

I don't what type of news you read or follow.

If you actually want to grasp at all, why mostly white lower middle class Americans voted for the man there is lots of information out there as well.
Very current this one from a real newspaper, contrary to what all the fake news adherents might think, the Washington Post

I don't know if it is the real reason or not as stated in the title but the subject matter is very well researched, cogent and quite compelling.

Finally as relates to opinions, I'm reminded of that famous Harry Callahan line *opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."

I disagree with most of that Brendan, but respect your view, we could argue for weeks and neither of us will change our view. Not one of us can make the slightesst difference to any of it anyway, we are all insignificant dots in the great scheme of things, just fodder for the use of when it comes to election time.

I think politics these days is so full of people who just cannot accept losing. Its so clear with Trump, Brexit and the Scottish referendum that politicians just cannot accept democratic voting and will persevere until they get the result they want, they just have to be right and loath being on the wrong end of a democratic vote. The lib dems defy their own name, Farron and Clegg are the Japanese soldiers as described by Clegg himself in that Oxford debate, they just cannot accept being on the wrong end of the Brexit vote, arrogant, small minded individuals imo.

In the US there are people who won't stop until they impeach Trump, here we have Sturgeon who gives not a fig about the people who vote for the SNP, just wants as many referendums as it takes to get what she wants. Here we have the those who cannot accept the Brexit vote. In all those cases are people who just cannot accept not getting what they want, they aren't democratic, they are selfish self serving people.
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I disagree with most of that Brendan, but respect your view, we could argue for weeks and neither of us will change our view. Not one of us can make the slightesst difference to any of it anyway, we are all insignificant dots in the great scheme of things, just fodder for the use of when it comes to election time.

I think politics these days is so full of people who just cannot accept losing. Its so clear with Trump, Brexit and the Scottish referendum that politicians just cannot accept democratic voting and will persevere until they get the result they want, they just have to be right and loath being on the wrong end of a democratic vote. The lib dems defy their own name, Farron and Clegg are the Japanese soldiers as described by Clegg himself in that Oxford debate, they just cannot accept being on the wrong end of the Brexit vote, arrogant, small minded individuals imo.

"Disagree with most of that", what would that be exactly?
Trump is utterly ghastly on every conceivable measure; his only significant achievement to date being the immense feat of isolating not only his country from the rest of the world, but many of the States from the Federal government, over the matter of climate change. Otherwise, his agenda is a car-crash.

He is the boorish embodiment of all that is bad about the USA, and none of the good - of which there is plenty. The way he is headed, America will look "great again", only in the eyes of a collection of right-wing good ole boys, whereas back in the real world, the States influence only diminishes. It is myopia on an epic scale.
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In weak markets, Labour are currently 2.48 and 2.88 against the odds-on Liberal incumbents, if you fancy the outsider in a Match

Clegg clung on last time in Hallam despite the U-turn on tuition fees in coalition and the Lib meltdown elsewhere; and I believe he's a generally popular, well-liked constituency MP, so would be mildly surprised if he got the boot this time. Hallam has never had a Labour MP; prior to the Labour surge in to second place in 2015 it was always something of a Lib/Con marginal

I know this because I lived for many years in the cheap seats of neighbouring constituency Sheffield Heeley: rock-solid Labour since 1974:)

Seems a strange one doesn't it,although saying that the coalition with the tories and destruction of the liberal party probably the final nail this could be even a bigger annihilation of the liberals than they're even polling now,be interesting to see what others he comes up with think he may have some tomorrow looks like they will be in safe labour seats I would imagine in the midlands.Looks like working class labour voters are goin to vote tory in places that would be completely unheard of,had to console myself by chucking all mondatys winnings on at 1/4 for tory majority.It won't really console me,just at least i'll have got some more tax free dough off them,thank god I don't have to pay tax anymore!!
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Looks like working class labour voters are goin to vote tory in places that would be completely unheard of,had to console myself by chucking all mondatys winnings on at 1/4 for tory majority.It won't really console me,just at least i'll have got some more tax free dough off them,thank god I don't have to pay tax anymore!!
Very Humble. :)
Seems a strange one doesn't it,although saying that the coalition with the tories and destruction of the liberal party probably the final nail this could be even a bigger annihilation of the liberals than they're even polling now,be interesting to see what others he comes up with think he may have some tomorrow looks like they will be in safe labour seats I would imagine in the midlands.Looks like working class labour voters are goin to vote tory in places that would be completely unheard of

I think you need to remember that the Conservatives were very light on Sheffield Hallam in 2015 and even sunk resources into trying to get Clegg elected (asking their own supporters to vote for him). That won't happen now, and I'd be fairly confident he's likely to be the biggest named casualty

The vibes I'm picking up aren't good for Labour. Just to give that context, I live in a marginal, and have three others on the boundary. I said Tories by a majority of 10 in 2015, which was more accurate than John Curtice who the BBC were drooling over. The local Labour party can be a bit loose with their canvas reporting (if you ask the right ones) and although they haven't given up just yet, they're not confident

Labour are going to lose the Midlands basically and that's where she'll pick up about 20-25 seats
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I just said that, I've been living nearby them all my life they're not the sharpest tools in the box swathes of ukip ex labour voters was always going to happen probably some cracking 50/50 seats that really should be 3s on shots for the torys...What's your constituency warbler and surrounding three,will have a look at the prices..
Think thats the easiest money i've ever made polls are out now predicting majority of between 30 and 70 can still get 1.2 as well think I've had enough on :lol::lol: