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US Presidential election 2016

How do come to that conclusion?

One thing is for sure if he were running for a 3rd term he would have crushed Trump the way Reagan crushed Mondale.

Obama care
colombia deal with narcos
arab spring
lack of leadirship

about beating trump, seeing yesterdays results i doubt it,

his image in europe is quite different to what yankees have of him,
the world is worse after his presidency,
he is what we say here " no bad words, no good actions"

yesterdays y se results will not make possible an internal democrátic election between Michelle and Chelsea.
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this is the party of democracy, the freedom of the people to choose.

Democracy is a strange word to use in the context of the result. He looks like winning by 78 college votes, she polled 206,000 more votes than he did

It's rigged folks. I'm telling you. It's rigged. It's rigged like you wouldn't believe
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He won't see out the full term,he's already the most unpopular president ever elected it won't be long before even the rednecks get fed up with him,basically will just be 2/3 years wasted and then the ultra right wing pence takes over then they will really know what's hit them.
Democracy is a strange word to use in the context of the result. He looks like winning by 78 college votes, she polled 206,000 more votes than he did

Over 4,000,000 voted for Gary Johnson (Libertarian) and over 1,000,000 for Jill Stein (Green) so it would appear that the Electoral College system is about as undemocratic as ours: cf. UKIP and Green

Have the remaining States officially declared yet, and if not why not?

BBC website still has Arizona, Michigan and New Hampshire to declare with Trump on 279 and Clinton 228 but Wikipedia has it complete with 306 and 232. Michigan just Trump - 47.60% 47.33%, New Hampshire just Clinton - 47.62% 47.25%
Have the remaining States officially declared yet, and if not why not?

They might be recounting down ticket races, albeit I thought Kelly Coyote had conceded that she'd lost New Hampshire, but there's 101 things on an American ticket which could be entered into a dispute
well the ball is now clearly in his court..from January it will be delivery time..if he don't deliver i wonder what will happen...he might get away with it there..but would certainly get away with it here from what i have witnessed over the last few months....

just look at the brexit lies told..no one gives a fook..look at Farage..the big "hero to some"..oooh he "tells it like it is"...he wanted us out of europe so badly..but he is now angling for a job with Trump as US ambassador to the European Union..basically the man is a nonsense...a complete joke...i'll bet that comedy show about him is pretty accurate.......but he has convinced the tattoed UKIPers he is some kind of working class hero...no wonder we are shagged when these types are now expanding..the least stuff that is put to the "public" to vote on n future.. the better..we must have a larger % of population..+tats...of borderline learning difficulty people in the whole of europe.

you could not write this stuff in a novel..no one would believe that people in general would fall for such nonsense that Farage and such as buffoon Boris Johnson spew out

we talk about MPs as not being honest..a lot of them are imo..but when you get cnts like Johnson actually tricking the gullible into thinking he is a genuine article..i despair...not long ago..Boris said.."Trump is not fit to hold office"..now the two faced tw@t is sending him congratulations...wtf?..thats after disappearing from public view after his brexit embarrassment..good job he don't back horses..he'd be skint...a man of extremely poor judgement...and a tosser of the highest order its possible to get...but still has the ability to trick supposedly intelligent people into thinking he is smart...unreal.

both him and Farage are two of the worse politicians of this age..both still capable of conning the gullible though..but imo are the very worst that politics throw up..despicable articles the pair of them..if a principle slapped either in the face they would wonder wtf is it

great entertainment though watching all this..firstly for the dicks thet parade as politicians and secondly for how easy some people in this country get conned..its brilliant stuff really
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At least the UK isn't in his crosshairs

And if its any consolation, the history of autocratic leaders is that their first targets are nearly always domestic. Usually the dissenters. American's needn't worry though, remember they've got their precious second ammendment to protect them against an abusive government .... oh but wait .... it won't work.

Still, at least they've reclaimed their crown as the dumbest electorate in the western world.

You know, it has felt uncomfortable at times during the last six months being taunted by American's post June 23rd. They've also been very keen to snear at the the rise of extremism here too, as if they're somehow superior. The only retort we had was 'Trump', but they would fire back with the prediction he wouldn't win the election. Well they've now elected a man who thinks Saudi Arabia should be encouraged to develop nuclear weapons (I mean ... what could go wrong?) a man who thinks climate change is a Chinese conspiracy even if the phrase (alongside global warming) was first put forward in 1975 by American scientists. A man who thinks the Montrael protocols are flawed because his hairpsray isn't as good as it used to be. They've elected someone who thinks all he needs to do is refuse to pay American debt to solve their budget crisis and nothing will happen to their financial system, and a man who seriously introduced penis size as an electoral issue. They really have set a new low bar that even the likes of Berlusconi or Idi Amin would struggle to match

Sure he'll start a trade war pretty quickly when he slaps 45% on Chinese goods. Europe might actually benefit from this as the costs of American goods go through the roof and become uncompetitive. We should be grateful to him for opening a few new export markets. I am concerned long term however about what comes after it, and how dark America might go. Dystopians have long speculated that America would naturally gravitate towards fascism, and that democracy was a transitory golden age on this journey. Having said that, it needs to be remembered that every generation have had their doomsday cults predicting these types of things for as long as recorded history. They're very rarely ever right

The only thing I'd suggest at this stage is that America is a morally diminished country. And that the initial 'victims' of Trumpism are more likely to be Americans than they are anywhere else. After that the second tranche of victims will be muslims in the middle east

The sympathy I do have with them was that they faced a terribly lousy choice. Hillary Clinton was pretty dreadful too
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At least the UK isn't in his crosshairs

And if its any consolation, the history of autocratic leaders is that their first targets are nearly always domestic. Usually the dissenters. American's needn't worry though, remember they've got their precious second ammendment to protect them against an abusive government .... oh but wait .... it won't work.

Still, at least they've reclaimed their crown as the dumbest electorate in the western world.

You know, it has felt uncomfortable at times during the last six months being taunted by American's post June 23rd. They've also been very keen to snear at the the rise of extremism here too, as if they're somehow superior. The only retort we had was 'Trump', but they would fire back with the prediction he wouldn't win the election. Well they've now elected a man who thinks Saudi Arabia should be encouraged to develop nuclear weapons (I mean ... what could go wrong?) a man who thinks climate change is a Chinese conspiracy even if the phrase (alongside global warming) was first put forward in 1975 by American scientists. A man who thinks the Montrael protocols are flawed because his hairpsray isn't as good as it used to be. They've elected someone who thinks all he needs to do is refuse to pay American debt to solve their budget crisis and nothing will happen to their financial system, and a man who seriously introduced penis size as an electoral issue. They really have set a new low bar that even the likes of Berlusconi or Idi Amin would struggle to match

Sure he'll start a trade war pretty quickly when he slaps 45% on Chinese goods. Europe might actually benefit from this as the costs of American goods go through the roof and become uncompetitive. We should be grateful to him for opening a few new export markets. I am concerned long term however about what comes after it, and how dark America might go. Dystopians have long speculated that America would naturally gravitate towards fascism, and that democracy was a transitory golden age on this journey. Having said that, it needs to be remembered that every generation have had their doomsday cults predicting these types of things for as long as recorded history. They're very rarely ever right

The only thing I'd suggest at this stage is that America is a morally diminished country. And that the initial 'victims' of Trumpism are more likely to be Americans than they are anywhere else. After that the second tranche of victims will be muslims in the middle east

The sympathy I do have with them was that they faced a terribly lousy choice. Hillary Clinton was pretty dreadful too

we aren't far behind being the dumbest electorate Warb..obviously this is the dumbest in the history of dumbest..but we are a close second with the brexit vote based on all the qualities that Trump has at least had the balls to say it out loud..can't fault him on "putting it out there"

there is a lot to fault with poiliticians..but one thing that can't be aimed at Trump is..he hasn't been honest....and they still voted him in..its brilliant..its like being in a parallel universe where all the daftest possibilities actually happen.....brexit .....Trump..whats next?..May calls an election and loses:)..would really love that one:)

Trump is the ultimate politician in that he has said what many in the US think ...out loud..without fear or favour..this is me..vote for me or don''t..this is me..not many politicians are that honest..even if the honesty is hard to digest..he put it out there..didn't give a fig what people thought..but its quite clear that in the US..many think like he does

one thing is for sure in the last 6 months..ANY politician who thinks something is a "gimme"..better watch out...particularly Theresa May..i'd be careful about calling an election in the current climate if i was her..then again..for entertainment value..get it called:)

what does amuse me is how it appears people are frightened..but as displayed on this thread by.."no answer"..folk don't even know what they are scared of..maybe because the press ain't told em yet:)...how much conditioning have people had to be so scared..but don't really know what of?

politics eh?..makes you laugh..but by goodness we never had so much entertainment
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Still, at least they've reclaimed their crown as the dumbest electorate in the western world.

Hold on
in Spain we vote Zapatero and reelected
berlusconi won 3 times in Italy
hollande in france
even Vaticano choosing this argentinian man, no words to describe him

but Greece wins by q mile with Tsipras
no Suny..our Brexit vote trumps all bar trump

we are now the densest country apart from the US,,....i'll fight you for it..and if that don't work..i'll trade tattoes per head..particularly if using Grimsby as a model:)....and then most episodes of Eastenders and Strictly watched per head....and win easy..on all counts:)

and yet with all this brilliance we have..we are going to stand alone..really?

thank god i'm 60 and not 30...at 30 i might shag more fair enough..but i ain't got 40+ years of this nonsense to contend with:) on the plus side
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Seeing Millie Cyrus crying and Leo Di Caprio so sad in his jet so sad makes me think Yankees were not so wrong voting on tuesday.

about the Brexit, maybe You are right.....

i am 42 and i fear i will see many inimaginable things in coming years
i know..but at 42 you got some shagging left:)

aye must be awful for poor old Leo..but that sort of thing is one of the main problems in this country..folk care more about celebs than they do themselves

its fooked up good style

if you want to judge a country re intelligence quotia..judge it on the social media output..and my goodness..our is sad sad sad...no wonder ukip got 4 million votes..deary me..in fact looking at social media mentality..its a wonder they didn't get power
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It brought a smile to my face to see Californian's talking about independence. I wouldn't be surprised to see this wave of nationalism breathing new life into a few of Europe's movements

I wouldn't be so certain however that the UK does badly out of Trump. We might get a pretty good trade deal out of the US (more than the EU can manage). After all, in Trump's corporate world the EU will be seen as a competitor not a partner. Give the UK a decent deal, but only on condition that they flaunt it under the nose of other Europeans.

OK, we might have to make a few concessions to them, such as removing off shore windfarms from Balmedie, or granting 100% tax relief on hotels and golf courses in Ayrshire. If we have to donate Prestwick airport to the cause, then so be it, I'm sure the Scottish government wouldn't mind losing that albatross anyway given that it runs at a loss
Thinking about what was said on previous page about the likes of Trump / Farage / Johnson amd the blatant lies they have told in the past 12 months. Should the nation press and media not have an obligation to the country to call them out on it instead of reporting it as gospel? Imagine say the issue of the battle bus with the slogan stating that we pay 7.1 bil per year ( or whatever the figure used was ) to Brussels. Within hours the press and national media had the TRUE figure being less than half stated. Should they not have really gone to town on Johnson / Farage over the blatant lie and reported it for the bare faced lie it was? If you call them out every single time they spout lies, eventually it will sink in to the electorate that the person is an out and out liar, rather than someone who is promising them the earth and likely to deliver it.
Thinking about what was said on previous page about the likes of Trump / Farage / Johnson amd the blatant lies they have told in the past 12 months. Should the nation press and media not have an obligation to the country to call them out on it instead of reporting it as gospel? Imagine say the issue of the battle bus with the slogan stating that we pay 7.1 bil per year ( or whatever the figure used was ) to Brussels. Within hours the press and national media had the TRUE figure being less than half stated. Should they not have really gone to town on Johnson / Farage over the blatant lie and reported it for the bare faced lie it was? If you call them out every single time they spout lies, eventually it will sink in to the electorate that the person is an out and out liar, rather than someone who is promising them the earth and likely to deliver it.

Ha ha the press and media call out people over lies.....

There's a saying somewhere, "people in glass houses".
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Thinking about what was said on previous page about the likes of Trump / Farage / Johnson amd the blatant lies they have told in the past 12 months. Should the nation press and media not have an obligation to the country to call them out on it instead of reporting it as gospel? Imagine say the issue of the battle bus with the slogan stating that we pay 7.1 bil per year ( or whatever the figure used was ) to Brussels. Within hours the press and national media had the TRUE figure being less than half stated. Should they not have really gone to town on Johnson / Farage over the blatant lie and reported it for the bare faced lie it was? If you call them out every single time they spout lies, eventually it will sink in to the electorate that the person is an out and out liar, rather than someone who is promising them the earth and likely to deliver it.

I don't understand this either. The argument put forward by those who don't seem bothered by it is that 'no one believe it anyway'. The fact that the lies are often front page news ad seep into peoples brains [if they have them, which I sometimes doubt] doesn't seem to matter.
people have to start using their nous and reading between the lines..it seems the twatterati and facebook generation seem to lack this skill...they see a headline..and head straight onto social media passing opinions based on total bollox

people seem to have no depth anymore
we aren't far behind being the dumbest electorate Warb..obviously this is the dumbest in the history of dumbest..but we are a close second with the brexit vote based on all the qualities that Trump has at least had the balls to say it out loud..can't fault him on "putting it out there"

there is a lot to fault with poiliticians..but one thing that can't be aimed at Trump is..he hasn't been honest....and they still voted him in..its brilliant..its like being in a parallel universe where all the daftest possibilities actually happen.....brexit .....Trump..whats next?..May calls an election and loses:)..would really love that one:)

Trump is the ultimate politician in that he has said what many in the US think ...out loud..without fear or favour..this is me..vote for me or don''t..this is me..not many politicians are that honest..even if the honesty is hard to digest..he put it out there..didn't give a fig what people thought..but its quite clear that in the US..many think like he does

one thing is for sure in the last 6 months..ANY politician who thinks something is a "gimme"..better watch out...particularly Theresa May..i'd be careful about calling an election in the current climate if i was her..then again..for entertainment value..get it called:)

what does amuse me is how it appears people are frightened..but as displayed on this thread by.."no answer"..folk don't even know what they are scared of..maybe because the press ain't told em yet:)...how much conditioning have people had to be so scared..but don't really know what of?

politics eh?..makes you laugh..but by goodness we never had so much entertainment

In an early episode of The West Wing, President Bartlett is outraged that a plane carrying amongst others. his personal physician, is shot down whilst he, the physician, is on a trip to carry out humanitarian work in the ME. He wants options. His COS and Head of the Joint Chiefs give him the options of bombing a disused airfield and a bridge. Bartlett's response is on the line of 'I want real options. What's the use of being the worlds' only remaining superpower when you can't do anything'. Fiction or not, never a truer word sometimes said. I think Trump will find this the reality of some of his campaign statements/promises. If he makes two terms I will emigrate to the US as long as I can take my horse.
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true,,its the best hair outside of a cartoon i've witnessed,,,,i'd be going back to "the beezer",,for a better example..only sad old miserable barstewards like me will remember that comic
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I remember it EC1 ;)

Getting back to your comment about people having no depth anymore, that sort of ties in with my question about the media. Isn't it time everyone realised this and the media went back to trying to inform people of the facts and the truth not the crap that has been churned out for longer than any of us probably care to remember.
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Very quickly, the media (print media mainly) has lost the ability to report the news. In today's age they're out of date within hours. Instead they try and manage our emotional reaction to an inflamatory story instead and provoke outrage in us.

The US media however (network television) has to march to a different tune. They survive on ratings and advertising revenues which means they need to talk up a horse race and also need to feature what they regard as box office. This is why Trump was able to dominate the news cycles. Had the media blanked him, his campaign could easily have fizzled out as he was massively dependent on obtaining free coverage by saying outrageous things. His adevrtising buys were very low, and his ground game next to none existant. US media also has another problem with having to soft soap candidates for fear that they won't appear on programmes again. It;s how Lewandowski got his job after Trump let him go when his campaign started to falter in June.

Trump only appeared on Hannity and only ever granted Bret Baier interviews by the end. You could hear Megyn Kelly gnashing her teeth on it as she was clearly jealous that her own programme couldn't attract the Donald onto it. Clinton wouldn't do any.
I remember it EC1 ;)

Getting back to your comment about people having no depth anymore, that sort of ties in with my question about the media. Isn't it time everyone realised this and the media went back to trying to inform people of the facts and the truth not the crap that has been churned out for longer than any of us probably care to remember.

i think we aren't going to get that tbh..and as warb says..in the US it seems folk fall for it more than here

what makes me laugh about the Trump stuff..its like someone said to him..each time you speak..make more outrageous suggestions..and he did it..and won

it really is like some parallel universe..the exact opposite of what would happen here..can you imagine one of our MP's uttering a small % of what Trump has thrown out..would have been in the weeds

I'm old enough to know what is "acceptable" and what is not..as far as politicos go..and Trump didn't cross the line..he ran a mile beyond it..still won..its above leicester winning the premiership imo:)

its a far cry from the sixties..in fact i spoke to my son tonight and said to him..in the 60s someone would have shot Trump by now..it seemed someone was getting put down every 5 minutes in the US then..Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald.."live" at dinner time on TV in the US..no one mentions that now..while yanks were eating their dinners the guy was shot live on tv ffs..its a step up from celebrity dancing and the next "drama" in neighbours..a bloke got shot live on fookin telly..can you imagine these days that happening?..it would be..a warning for anyone of nervous diposition look away..not then...it was "here comes Lee harvey Osw"..bang..,,,someone shot him...no warnings then:)

we are in the strangest world politically now..in history imo..what do you think Warb?..these are bizarre times aren't they?..hey and up to press..no one got shot:)

even Reagan took a bullet..someone had to tell him obviously..yep you got shot Ron....but he took one:)
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