What Are You Listening To Now?

Yes, I'm very impressed. For the last couple of days I've been itching to hijack my aunt & uncles' cd player to listen to it - my poxy cd player finally gave up the ghost the day before I flew back :angy:
...and now I'm onto Matchbox20, More Than You Think You Are, which I think is their best album (after initially not liking it!). I've also heard today that they have now officially split up - does anyone now, is this true? I know Rob Thomas has been pursuing a solo career for a while now, but I didn't realise they had split. I hope they haven't!
Originally posted by the golden drifter@Jul 21 2005, 08:45 PM
James Blunt is truly awful, so bland he makes Damien Rice sound interesting.

Conor Oberst who has released the best two albums this year, puts him to shame.
Your one of the first forumites i`ve seen on this thread who`s shown a bit of taste.

This evening:

Leviathan - The Tenth Sub-Level Of Suicide
Husker Du - Candy Apple Grey
Judas Iscariot - Distant In Solitary Night
I dont have much time for James Blunt as well. I think there are a tad too much singer song writer on the scene today, it is like the new rock n roll to be a singer song writer. A lot of them getting a lot of praise for nothing. Katie maelua album is poor, whats the fuss all bout? KT Turnstall is nothing special. That Tom Baxter is a bit poor as well..

Listening to Pj Harvey _ Uh Huh Her. Now she isnt getting the recognition she deserves.also Feist let is die and Nerina Pallot - Fires.
Fair enough, Will - but I appreciate singer/songwriters - at least they have some kind of talent rather than churning out the shite that the Stock/Aitken/Waterman types (ok, so today's equivalent of) are incessentantly producing!!!! Can't say I'm into the Goth stuff Euronymous is into either - can't see any type of talent shining through there whatsoever.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jul 21 2005, 11:55 PM
Can't say I'm into the Goth stuff Euronymous is into either - can't see any type of talent shining through there whatsoever.
Goth is not a music style, it is a way teenagers with "attitude" like to dress to show they are different. It`s all for show, which is emphasized by the music most of them listen to - mainstream cr'p like Marilyn Manson.

As metal is the hardest musical style to do well (99.9% of it really really sucks) i understand your thinking on the lack of talent. But to the trained ear, when it`s done well nothing can touch it.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jul 21 2005, 08:02 PM
Athlete - Vehicles & Animals; fantastic album. Oh, & the sound of poker chips in the background from the pc!
I have a couple of minidiscs full of that sound in the background as I was playing while creating the discs. :P
No im a huge fan of the singer songwriter genre. Indeed, most of my CDs are from that type of music from J Buckley, R Adams, Ed Harcourt, Tom Mcrae, Jose Gonzalez, E Smith, N Drake, PJ Harvey, Aqualung etc.

Its just that im slightly annoyed that the 'established' ones arent getting the recognition they deserve, whilst these new ones are getting lots of air play and gaining popularity. They are cashing in on the '5 minute' wave of popularity of this genre, it will fade in time. This wave is like remember a couple of yrs ago, when every song had a bit of spanish guitar..

Maybe im just a bitter person....as with regards to Matchbox 20, spilt was always gonna be on the cards, when the singer of the band wants to broaden his horizon and diversify. It wouldnt be a huge shock if he goes back when he gets bored. Lots of singers of bands have made solo albums, self indulgent stuff than go back to the band. Mick Jagger did it, Jon Bon Jovi off top of my head. Must say though that Matchbox 20 deserves more recognition than what it has got, but their music isnt what the 'critics' like...its too formulative, too happy, u know, big chorus, too pop rock so perhaps thats y. I got q a bit of time for them but than again, i got a bit of time for some not so good bands.

Goth music is a bit like monkey noise isnt it..went to a 'goth' gig the other wk, opened my eyes....surrounded by freaks. The music was actually alright, its the singing...cant make out what they are saying, its like deep monkey noise...It was an eye opener and certainly not going touching it again. A leather strap with studs round ur neck?? need i say more....
I'm sure it is an acquired taste, Euronymous - just one I really can't acquire, I'm afraid!

I know what you mean about Matchbox 20 Will, but Rob Thomas has been doing a few solo stints over the years (the best of which being the fabulous Smooth with the legend, Carlos Santana) but I still think it's a shame as I do like their stuff a lot. Their lasst album I think was the best - Bright Lights is amazing. Btw, Will, was it you that said you had Rob Thomas' album? I'm thinking of getting it (more because I know how good he was in M20) but I wasn't too keen on his first single; found it too poppy for my liking, really. What do you think of it?

Oh, of the names you mentioned, I love Ed Harcourt in particular too.
Good Evening.

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots and we'll take that ride
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots

Lena gets her son ready for school
She says now on these streets Charles
You got to understand the rules
Promise me if an officer stops you'll allways be polite
Never ever run away and promise momma you'll keep your hands in sight

Cause is it a gun?
Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
The secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
Across this bloody river to the other side
41 shots they cut through the night
You're kneeling over his body in the vestibule
Praying for his life

Is it a gun?
Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
Ain't no secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots

Lena gets her son ready for school
She says now on these streets Charles
You got to understand the rules
Promise me if an officer stops you'll always be polite
Never ever run away and promise momma you'll keep your hands in sight

Cause is it a gun?
Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secretn get killed just for living in your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots

Is it a gun?
Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret

41 shots and we'll take that ride
Across this bloody river to the other side
41 shots my boots caked in mud
We're baptized in these waters and in each other's blood

It ain't no secretIs it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
The secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots

Today: (before and after racing)

Katatonia - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Deathspell Omega - Kenose
Satanic Warmaster/Clandestine Blaze - Split cd
Blur - Parklife
INXS, INXS and a bit more INXS. Have enjoyed all the INXS bits and bobs on VH1 that they've shown recently but can't help think Michael Hutchence would turn in his grave if he knew that his band are searching for his replacement via a reality tv show :brows:
Originally posted by Diamond Geezer@Jul 27 2005, 07:27 PM
Griffin your avater bears a marked resemblancw to Willie Carson in his raincoat
I am most offended by that comment! :lol: I look like my avatar thank you ;) I too am short with spikey red hair :lol:
