What Are You Listening To Now?

This evening:

AC/DC - Powerage

Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk

Alice In Chains - Dirt

Tom Waits - The Heart Of Saturday Night
Hot Fuss gets better with every listen!!!

Had Bob Marley Songs of Freedom on last night. Coming in from the cold is a great track....along with about a thousand other Marley tracks!
Hot Fuss is seriously good Walker, you're right there.

I'm hoping to get both Athlete's & Feeder's new albums for the upcoming birthday....hint, hint!!! ;) :lol:
listened to Push The Button for four continuent plays during a poker tourny the other nite.but rite now i am listening to Push the Button in a state of heightened awareness.
The Hollies, He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

and occasionally when I'm feeling a little rowdy,

The Saw Doctors - N17

Reminds me of Coppers on a Monday
Great, cheers Will - going to the Oracle in reading on Friday with my brother paying so will pick it up.

Right now I'm listening to ehte sublime Embrace & their fantastic Out of Nothimg - on Ashes, it's amazing.
This evening:

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Emperor - Prometheus..the discipline of fire and demise
I was fortunate enough to receive the Green Day album American Idiot for my birthday. It's jolly good :)