What Are You Listening To Now?

Razorlight - Up All Night .

Much better than their second album I think. In The Morning sounds like cod Talking heads - and it sounds a bit targeted at the US
I watched Jools Holland's line-up tonight - Paul McCartney in SANDALS, trying to be all hard rocker again, with a face like badly-pulled dough - oh, yuk! But a wee group called The Editors, in spite of some slightly bizarre arm contortions by the lead singer (he may be double-jointed and combine anatomical pretzelling with singing, which is quite gifted), were rather interesting, I thought. Curious songs, but sung with a very nice, original voice with some good music.
The Editors are very good imo. I havent heard any songs from their 2nd album but their first showed a lot of potential.
Will, if I ever get a free day off where I can go to HMV and listen to their CD, I'll do that - might even buy it! Their songs seemed quite interesting, and they sure can play.

McCartney tonight plink-a-plonked a mandolin (learned just before Christmas, he said) while droning out a fake country song about dancing, which was so monotonous, it could be used as a weapon of torture if played over and over.
I was given a The Editors album to sample about a year ago. I don't remember disliking them. Also got into a band called The National. They were better.

Can't do this latter-day McCartney at all.