What Are You Listening To Now?

Kasabian - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum

Solid, if not spectacular, better than the usual two songs and nine fillers album.
I don't know the band but I saw/heard the TV ad for the album. Didn't make me want to rush out and buy it.

Now I'm going to totally embarrass myself but what the heck...

I was covering for a female colleague the other day and noticed she had a few CDs which she presumably plays when the weans are doing practical work or when she's working on her own. One of the albums was '101 Love Songs'. It's the kind of thing I'd be too embarrassed to be seen picking up in HMV but I checked the list (5 CDs). I have to confess, a lot of the songs are the kind I wouldn't mind just having on in the car one after the other on the long drive to/from work.
Just popped into the local music shop and saw Nouvelle Vague 3 is released. Anyone a fan of previous releases?
David Guetta
Calvin Harris
16 Bit Loliltas
Glen Morrison
Wolfgang Gartner
Gui Boratto
John Dahlback
Johan Ilves
Liking the new Arctic Monkeys album so far. Not as good as their debut, but better than it's predecessor.

A massive massive grower of an album. They've really grown up with this one and you can tell both in their music and in their interviews.