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Thanks GG; I'll check the books out. Do you mean the Richard III at Middleham? So you'll have met the resident dogs...Ted and Tilly. My dogs favourite pub. The Last Kingdom hasn't grabbed me, yet but I'll stick with it. My son pointed out the other day that the trailer for the Macbeth film features Bamburgh Castle...not sure if they actually filmed there or if it was blue [green] screened.
Sorry yes, Richard 111 in Middleham. Tilly's a particular friend :) Their breakfasts are really good and they are walking distance to the most important horse up there at the moment.
Well no, because the off spring of the attained could not inherit the throne and Clarence died a traitor and the law still stands.:) Doesn't explain why Henry V111 felt the need to get rid of Clarence's daughter at the age of 72 with no trial, unless he really believed that his mother was in fact illegitimate and had no claim as her father had married her mother bigamously, as revealed after Edward's death by Bishop Stillington.
You gotta read Penman. Someone nagged and nagged me to read it, I really didn't fancy it from the description although a lover of history, I had fallen out of love with reading, but I am so glad I did. It's a fantastic book, the story so well told, and it reignited my love of reading and history, and started a love for Richard 111.
Enjoying The Last Kingdom so far although have read it's not historically accurate, so that just means more reading to be done!

Ah yes, had forgotten George's attainder, but it's fun to postulate 'what might have been': Clare Balding would I think be Princess Clare, being Lord Huntingdon's niece:)

Henry VIII's execution of poor old Margaret was a particularly brutal affair and I think carried out for no other reason than to 'ethnically cleanse' himself of the last vestiges of the Yorkist lineage

I've just downloaded 'The Sunne in Splendour' to my Kindle, all 1200+ pages. It tells me that the average time to read it is around 24 hours: having a larf or what! Looking forward to it but as I tend to have several books on the go at once I expect it'll be sometime next Spring when it's finished, unless I find it 'unputdownable'. I'm still ploughing a slow furrow through Mantel's Wolf Hall

Regarding Richard III's possible plans to marry Elizabeth of York: this is just another piece of Ricardian intrigue, like 'what actually happened to the princes in the tower', that is unlikely to be proven either way. Elizabeth was briefly betrothed to the aforementioned George, another uncle, so I don't think consanguinity was an issue
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I hadn't realised that Margaret was executed. Bit unfair, given that he wouldn't have been king had it not been for her plotting. Think I'm glad I would have been a peasant back then.
Ah yes, had forgotten George's attainder, but it's fun to postulate 'what might have been': Clare Balding would I think be Princess Clare, being Lord Huntingdon's niece:)

Henry VIII's execution of poor old Margaret was a particularly brutal affair and I think carried out for no other reason than to 'ethnically cleanse' himself of the last vestiges of the Yorkist lineage

I've just downloaded 'The Sunne in Splendour' to my Kindle, all 1200+ pages. It tells me that the average time to read it is around 24 hours: having a larf or what! Looking forward to it but as I tend to have several books on the go at once I expect it'll be sometime next Spring when it's finished, unless I find it 'unputdownable'. I'm still ploughing a slow furrow through Mantel's Wolf Hall

Regarding Richard III's possible plans to marry Elizabeth of York: this is just another piece of Ricardian intrigue, like 'what actually happened to the princes in the tower', that is unlikely to be proven either way. Elizabeth was briefly betrothed to the aforementioned George, another uncle, so I don't think consanguinity was an issue

Elizabeth was engaged to George Neville, Duke of Bedford not the George who was Duke of Clarence. ( Too many Georges! ) One aspect of the Princes could be cleared up if the present Monarch allowed the bones, which Henry V11 buried at Windsor to be exhumed and tested but has been met with constant refusal so far, at least to try and ascertain that they are from the right time and if DNA available definitely could be proven whether they are their skeletons or not? This is Philippa Langley's latest campaign, the lady who said for years that Richard was under the car park. Perhaps Charles will be more open to the request?

Might take a little more than 24 hours but it's almost impossible to put it down!
Ah; I was only talking about her the other day and we said that she had another campaign but couldn't remember what it was. If they did turn out to be the princes would that mean that the Queen had no right to be monarch? At least it would establish that the two boys were, in fact brothers. It's all so fascinating!
Elizabeth was engaged to George Neville, Duke of Bedford not the George who was Duke of Clarence.

Oh dear, so it was, really shouldn't trust to memory and there weren't actually that many Georges about then, compared to a legion of Edwards and Henrys; and as for the women they all seemed to be called Anne, Margaret and Elizabeth, with a sprinkling of Cicelys

The involvement and influence of the Nevilles alone could run to 1000 pages
Ah; I was only talking about her the other day and we said that she had another campaign but couldn't remember what it was. If they did turn out to be the princes would that mean that the Queen had no right to be monarch? At least it would establish that the two boys were, in fact brothers. It's all so fascinating!

If they are the two princes all it really proves is that they didn't leave the Tower alive. Loads of bodies were buried in and around the Tower for centuries, so two young skeletons prove nothing. Henry chose to say they were the Princes but odd that he said nothing at all about either of them ( as far as records go) before the skeletons were found. One would have thought he would have shouted from the rafters that Richard had has them murdered, Henry knew full well as much as anyone else that the boys had disappeared and Richard was still King then. Richard took the throne because all of Edward's offspring were declared illegitimate so the guy in Canada who is Richard's great great xxx great nephew would probably have best claim from that line of the family.
Oh dear, so it was, really shouldn't trust to memory and there weren't actually that many Georges about then, compared to a legion of Edwards and Henrys; and as for the women they all seemed to be called Anne, Margaret and Elizabeth, with a sprinkling of Cicelys

The involvement and influence of the Nevilles alone could run to 1000 pages

Don't worry easy done. :) Go back two hundred years and they are all Henry, Eleanor and Mathilda and derivations off!
I hadn't realised that Margaret was executed. Bit unfair, given that he wouldn't have been king had it not been for her plotting. Think I'm glad I would have been a peasant back then.

Are you thinking of Margaret of Anjou? She wasn't executed, she was Henry V1's wife. Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, was George Duke of Clarence's daughter. She was executed by Henry V111 after what is strongly believed to be fabricated evidence against her for treason against the King, but no trial and no public execution, which was the norm for treason.
Her younger brother Edward was executed by Henry V11 after several years as a prisoner,for being involved with planned escape of Perkin Warbeck.
Edwards just been sent to the Tower in my book; looks like he's not going to be getting out then.....[need to go on another train/bus journey so I can read some more...]
Got it on catchup; the dogs enjoying it enormously. Keep telling her that, rather than lying on the sofa watching stuff like that, she should be out hunting for food for us to save me having to buy it from Tescos.
I've had to rewatch it to work out who's who but I'm really enjoying The Last Kingdom now, having initially been a bit disappointed with it [I seem to have to watch everything twice these days...]
Just caught up on David Attenborough - The Hunt, magnificent.

David Attenborough has been an ever-present comforting companion during my 50+ years of goggling: savour this genuine national and international treasure in a bri-nylon blue shirt while we still can, as it can't be long before his molecules are returned for recycling in this Eden he and I love so much

This new series will in all likelihood provide nothing new to the wizened, serial watcher of wildlife progs, other than ever more remarkable camera work, but I'll be glued
Never mind all that lark, Drone (agree wholeheartedly, by the way).......the most important question in the current televisual arena is - "When does The Bridge 3 start in the UK??".

These Auntie tosspots nearly caused me to miss the start of the latest Arne Dahl season, with their teaser 'Coming Soon' fu*ckwittery.....just gimme the date, you wa*nkers!!
This new series will in all likelihood provide nothing new to the wizened, serial watcher of wildlife progs, other than ever more remarkable camera work, but I'll be glued

One never tires of watching crocodiles rip wildebeest to pieces, does one:)

I haven't seen any of this Scandinavian foerkvitterja so many have raved about in recent years; and am not keen on stuff from the ya*nkers as I find it too smart 'n' slick

Terrible prejudicial generalizations I know and I'm sure life would be further enriched if I bothered to toon in but one does have to limit the square-eyed goggling hours in order to exercise the long sight and smell the roses
Blimey; that advert for The Bridge freaked me out; just as I was feeling happily mellow having watched Detectorists [I LOVE Detectorists]this scary face appeared on the telly. Drone; can I just say that the Bridge is wonderful..having thought The Killing was pretty good I found it was nothing compared to The Bridge. From someone that has always watched wildlife programmes I do find these days that I struggle with too much death. What really got to me was when a pod of killer whales pursued another whale and her calf for days; killed the calf and then only ate it's flipper [or something]. Still upsets me to think about it.
I don't like it when the seals get the Penguins and when he whales get the seals :(

you know what? I agree. I can't bear watching it. I was whale watching in Vancouver a few years back and the orcas (which are truly magnificent creatures and so very smart) would in some cases, leap up and grab a seal. But fortunately not on the day I was there

as an aside that big game hunter in the news last week should be let loose in an enclosure with a bunch of hungry lions. The screams would be priceless. And got to get a high res video up on you tube for a bloody good laugh and maximum hits

throw a few fox hunters in for desert too
Don't mind so much if the hunted animal is eaten but when I see other animals hunting just for fun it saddens me to see them stooping as low as us humans. Orcas, magnificent as they are, are terrifying.
Don't mind so much if the hunted animal is eaten but when I see other animals hunting just for fun it saddens me to see them stooping as low as us humans. Orcas, magnificent as they are, are terrifying.

Agree with the sentiments above that it is emotional but I also find it terribly educational - recall one scene where Killer Whales spent an hour tossing a seal in the air for fun. Without such programmes I'd be labouring under the misapprehension that animals only kill to eat.
Never mind all that lark, Drone (agree wholeheartedly, by the way).......the most important question in the current televisual arena is - "When does The Bridge 3 start in the UK??".

These Auntie tosspots nearly caused me to miss the start of the latest Arne Dahl season, with their teaser 'Coming Soon' fu*ckwittery.....just gimme the date, you wa*nkers!!

Saturday 21st November. 9.00pm. Can't wait for the return of Saga.
These Auntie tosspots nearly caused me to miss the start of the latest Arne Dahl season, with their teaser 'Coming Soon' fu*ckwittery.....just gimme the date, you wa*nkers!!

This Arne Dahl las night on Beeb4 was truly excellent.
Never seen any of this before; I'm hooked and can't wait for the next episode.