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Anyone watch The Kennedys that was on BBC 1 on Fridays these past few weeks? I thought it was brilliant and very accurate portrayal of 70s life and very funny esp the first and last episodes.
I've been enjoying it [not as much as Raised by Wolves though] but found the camping episode made me feel a bit sick [never liked urine based jokes when Little Britain did them].
One never tires of watching crocodiles rip wildebeest to pieces, does one:)

I haven't seen any of this Scandinavian foerkvitterja so many have raved about in recent years; and am not keen on stuff from the ya*nkers as I find it too smart 'n' slick

Terrible prejudicial generalizations I know and I'm sure life would be further enriched if I bothered to toon in but one does have to limit the square-eyed goggling hours in order to exercise the long sight and smell the roses

You can't go wrong with them, Drone - seriously. I heartily recommend a viewing of the first series of The Bridge as an h'ors d'oevres (if you can find it anywhere) and after that, you can start dipping into The Killing, the original Wallander, Beck and Arne Dahl. I'd also recommend French cop series Spiral, and the one-off Belgian political-intrigue production 'Salamander'.

All of the above make every alleged "gritty' UK crime drama, look like a load of Merchant-Ivory poncing-about.
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You can't go wrong with them, Drone - seriously. I heartily recommend a viewing of the first series of The Bridge as an h'ors d'oevres (if you can find it anywhere) and after that, you can start dipping into The Killing, the original Wallander, Beck and Arne Dahl. I'd also recommend French cop series Spiral, and the one-off Belgian political-intrigue production 'Salamander'.

All of the above make every alleged "gritty' UK crime drama, look like a load of Merchant-Ivory poncing-about.

I really liked Spiral too. Hope they come back for another series.
Apparently there's now been five series, G-G.

I only twigged onto Spiral for Series 5, and have had no joy finding any of the previous series on Catch-Up, as yet........though my inherent bone-idleness does mean that I haven't actually looked that hard.

PS. If you ever do commit a crime, and find yourself holed-up anywhere, it's seem you could do worse than find yourself hunted by Berthaud's team. They seem to blow a raid of some description, every other week. :lol:
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You can't go wrong with them, Drone - seriously. I heartily recommend a viewing of the first series of The Bridge as an h'ors d'oevres (if you can find it anywhere) and after that, you can start dipping into The Killing, the original Wallander, Beck and Arne Dahl. I'd also recommend French cop series Spiral, and the one-off Belgian political-intrigue production 'Salamander'.

All of the above make every alleged "gritty' UK crime drama, look like a load of Merchant-Ivory poncing-about.

Sorry, I thought The Bridge was American grit not Scandinavian groet, hence my reference to y*ankers.

I enjoy some gritty drama providing it's period such as Peaky Blinders and Ripper Street but for some reason can't take modern grit seriously: the sullen faces of appallingly dressed men with shaven heads and unshaven faces, and carefully choreographed hard-nosed women who seem to be de rigueur in all realist drama these days. It just don't ring true and I find myself sniggering

However don't knock it 'til you've tried it so I might spend the winter months staring at sub-titles

As for poncey Merchant-Ivory type languid louche decadent understated gentle nonsense, just luurv it. Saw 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' the other day - sooper-dooper:)
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Merchant-Ivory poncing has it's place, Drone...........it was more a reference to how 'real' the Euro gritty/crime dramas come across, compared to their UK cousins.
Apparently there's now been five series, G-G.

I only twigged onto Spiral for Series 5, and have had no joy finding any of the previous series on Catch-Up, as yet........though my inherent bone-idleness does mean that I haven't actually looked that hard.

PS. If you ever do commit a crime, and find yourself holed-up anywhere, it's seem you could do worse than find yourself hunted by Berthaud's team. They seem to blow a raid of some description, every other week. :lol:

I didn't find it until series 3 but just love the characters, no one flashy, no one extraordinary, brilliant stories. Have to hope that BBC 4 repeat some of these, I haven't seen any second viewings of this or The Bridge, The Killing or Borgen, which was also brilliant.
Just watched this weeks episode of The Hunt; wow and wow again. The sequence with the sardines was awesome and was then followed by the bit with the blue whale. To think that I used to find underwater wildlife programmes totally tedious. If it's rotten luck being born a wildebeast on land it must be even worse to be born a sardine underwater. Going to watch it again....
First episode (double-header) of The Bridge III did not disappoint on Saturday, despite the absence of the Martin Rohde character.
I'm going senile; stopped watching after the first hour cause I forgot it was on for two hours, so got to watch it on catchup. The storyline confused me a bit because it reminded me a lot of the French series that was on Ch 4 recently. Am missing Martin but it's good to see Saga again.
It was called Witnesses. There's so much good stuff on at the moment...have just discovered Toast of London as well. Worryingly all on channels that are under threat or up for sale....
I've had to rewatch it to work out who's who but I'm really enjoying The Last Kingdom now, having initially been a bit disappointed with it

It was a good enough, entertaining yarn and very well staged but it was too 'Boys Own', violent and predictable for me. Did he really have to ride off in to the sunset at the end, I ask you :lol:

Think I've had enough of blood 'n' guts, dashing heroes, damsels in distress and loyal alluring sidekicks who die in the final battle

Couldn't help thinking whilst watching those warring factions, the forever switching of allegiances and the vicious brutality that it might as well have been a documentary about Daesh et al :confused:

However, we were watching gallons of tomato sauce being chucked about, no one endured unimaginable pain, no one was mutilated and no one was killed

Yep, no more fictional glorification of violence, injury and death for me; there's too much non-fiction

I will endeavour to fill what days remain with beauty

Now to watch what beautiful animal is killing what other beautiful animal - The Hunt beckons :)
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I loved TLK and am chuffed that there is to be another series. What it has done is given me a 'sense of the past' when I'm in Bamburgh, something that was missing as it's so chocolate box'y. There's even a place called Brida that we drove past the other day. Pity about the 'loyal sidekick' dying though...he was well fanciable....[jeeez; I'm so shallow...]
Indeed, Euro - and fair chance you might still get first eight episodes on Catch-Up.

I have to say, the introduction of the Henrik character has been an absolute master-stroke. Thure Lindhart has effortlessly filled the very-large shoes vacated by Kim Bodnia - which isn't something I was expecting to happen.

This series is proving to be just as much a triumph as the previous two. I sincerely hope that the writer (and actors) don't tire of their involvement in the show, and that there will be another one along after this.
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Cheers. I'm balls deep in Luther and Narcos on Netflix so might wait for it to hit that platform

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I fell asleep part way through last weeks episodes of The Bridge which is probably quite good because I've had to watch them again; can still never quite work out what the hell is going on though. Similarities in this series with both Witnesses [French] and River [British]. Painful to watch Saga falling apart at the moment. Wasn't sure about Henrik at first but it's really working now isn't it.
Luther is brilliant. Sad that there's no Alice this time though.

Yes indeed - I read an interview with Ruth Wilson and she said the character was just not written in. She would have done it if asked.
Watching the short 'highlights' on the Red Button recently was a really good reminder of how great it has been so far and especially how good the acting has been.