What are you watching

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Finally got round to watching Spotlight which I recorded a while back after several recommendations to see it.

It actually reminded me a lot of All The Presidents Men.
Only watched most of season one Breaking Bad: will now get stuck in to the rest.
Also taped The Virtues with Stephen Graham
Gomorrah is great, especially the first season, but I watched it for the second time at the end of last year. So too soon to rewatch. Liking that you would almost certainly enjoy Romanza Criminale, the series. There is a film of the same name which was pretty good but the storyline of the series is not too dissimilar to that of Gomorrah except that it is set in Rome instead of Naples. It is a realistic depiction of how an ordinary group of lads are seduced by the 'glory' of being a gangster.
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The Michael Jordan documentary on Netflix is a must watch. A good year for sports documentaries after the Diego Maradona one that Channel 4 broadcast.

I'm looking and I like but not hooked

MJ was a pretty bad boy himself, unless it comes out in one of the later episodes he is being painted pretty favourably

In credit to the show and American sports in general, the access to video footage is incredible
I just caught the last half-hour or so of a film on Talking Pictures TV.

It's called Man of Aran, made in 1934, a faux documentary, and is supposed to be about the lives of the people of Aran on the west coast of Ireland at the time.

I've resolved to watch and record it the next time its on. I was totally gripped by that last half-hour.
The revamped Van Der Valk on ITV could have been so good. I really like Marc Warren but it’s not gripping me so far and WHERE is the iconic music??
The revamped Van Der Valk on ITV could have been so good. I really like Marc Warren but it’s not gripping me so far and WHERE is the iconic music??

I didn't watch it 'cos was afraid it would have the original music! How many hours of my life, when at junior school, spent playing that on the recorder to perform at the school's summer fete? Be glad if I never hear it again! :)