What are you watching

And the mention of An Idiot Abroad made me resolve to dig out my box set of that and The IT Crowd. Always cheers me up. If only the world could turn itself off and turn itself back on again...
Any 'Friday Night Dinner' fans? Always very funny especially Jim (Mark Heap) And probably the best episode yet was last Friday 10/4 featuring Gibby ( Sally Phillips) who is always good value in whatever she's in. .. bear with.. bear with...

Nonsense like this is right up my street :lol:
I love Sally Phillips; saw a brilliant film she starred in years ago in which she played a Boadicea type character; it's never been repeated. Must remember what it's called and get the dvd. What Channel is Friday Night Dinner on?
Any 'Friday Night Dinner' fans? Always very funny especially Jim (Mark Heap) And probably the best episode yet was last Friday 10/4 featuring Gibby ( Sally Phillips) who is always good value in whatever she's in. .. bear with.. bear with...

Nonsense like this is right up my street :lol:

It's one of the best things on TV. My kids steered us to it and now binge watching the old and watching the new. Jim, as you say, is one of the best characters Ive seen.
Also (from the kids) Im now watching The Inbetweeners, which stars one of the boys from Friday Night Dinner. Its hilarious too.
Stuff I never would have watched if any sport was on.
I love Sally Phillips; saw a brilliant film she starred in years ago in which she played a Boadicea type character; it's never been repeated. Must remember what it's called and get the dvd. What Channel is Friday Night Dinner on?

Not seen the film that you mentioned, but Gladiatress seems to fit the bill.

FND is on channel 4 Friday 10pm and repeated on Wednesday at 10.30
B of B, of course written by Stephen Ambrose who features in another classic series - the World at War, oft repeated on Yesterday.

Pacific based in part on the writings of Eugene Sledge, With the Old Breed.
If anyone likes really weird Scandinavian stuff there was a film called Border on Film4 last night; it's still on catchup. A bit Eraserhead meetsPans Labyrinth'ish. Certainly took my mind off lockdown etc...[be warned; it is VERY weird....]

If you can find The Bridge, you must, MUST watch it. Absolutely brilliant television. The Danish/Swedish version.
I loved The Bridge; I've just been told that Twin is good. Watching programmes with subtitles is quite good as you have to concentrate so the mind can't wander. Although it is sometimes easy to nod off so I tend to sit on an uncomfortable chair.
I loved The Bridge; I've just been told that Twin is good. Watching programmes with subtitles is quite good as you have to concentrate so the mind can't wander. Although it is sometimes easy to nod off so I tend to sit on an uncomfortable chair.

Perhaps you could sit in a comfortable chair but flagellate every 5 minutes? :blink:
Killing Eve last night. I knew what was going to happen as my TV guide had posted a spoiler. But I’m wondering if it is a series too far?
Still loving Race Across the World. My girl is catching up again after losing 36 hours when her brother had a seizure.
I've been Watching Race Across the World too, the lady in the team that is leading is so irritating.
Killing Eve also, Series 1 was OK but Series 2 was disappointing and it looks like the same recipe is there for Series 3.
Yes we’ve been irritated too by the blonde lady. She constantly uses her husbands accident and deafness as an excuse to why their relationship was strained but he’s really chilled and I imagine it’s got more to do with her constant whining! I hope he turns his hearing aid down regularly. I like the rest of the contestants. I think the Asian guys are going to win but they have come across well and I think mum Jo is a saint for putting up with her son at times. She handles things so well.
Of course I had met Lizzie last September and she told me she was going on it hence my added interest. I think she’s coming across well and I really drummed it into her not to b*tch about other contestants on camera.
University Challenge final tonight. Can't believe that I'm almost as excited about seeing it as the Gold Cup or Grand National [or it's probably due to withdrawal symptoms from lack of racing]. Can't remember two such amazing teams before; but don't want either of them to lose.
Toxteth O'Grady! :)

Killing Eve : too many 'Carry On' moments in the first series and for however great Jodie Comer was, I couldn't face a second and how Sandra Oh won awards over her...………..
Was nice to see 'Martin' from the Bridge again though
The Michael Jordan documentary on Netflix is a must watch. A good year for sports documentaries after the Diego Maradona one that Channel 4 broadcast.
I'm rewatching Wolf Hall and B u t B. What an actor is Mark Rylance.

Stretching to Podcasts: Recommend subsribe to Slow Burn, 3 great 8 parters on Watergate, Clinton's Sluttiness and the war between Tupac and Biggie. 3rd one is great as I knew nothing of this world until now.
I'm rewatching Wolf Hall and B u t B. What an actor is Mark Rylance.
He's awesome isn't he, but I think every part was very well cast. If you can find it and haven't seen it, the first time it was shown, there was are really good interview shown immediately after the last episode with him and the director. Really worth watching.
I still want to know what the 'sweating sickness' was; not sure if anyone has ever found out. The scene with the little girl and the angels wings haunts me....
I'm rewatching Wolf Hall and B u t B. What an actor is Mark Rylance.

Stretching to Podcasts: Recommend subsribe to Slow Burn, 3 great 8 parters on Watergate, Clinton's Sluttiness and the war between Tupac and Biggie. 3rd one is great as I knew nothing of this world until now.

That podcast sounds right up my street.