What are you watching

iplayer tends to throw up something it thinks I will find interesting when a programme I’ve been watching finishes ( it knows me so well it’s kinda spooky) and last night it started playing Simon Schamas A History of Britain. I must has watched it first time round but I’d forgotten how brilliant it is.It’s going to take me ages to rewatch it as it’s over three series. No matter how many history programmes I watch I still get my Ethelreds mixed up with my Edwards.
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Cant watch him as he thinks Henry V111 was the second coming and can't say anything negative about him, when he was absolutely a paranoid phsycho after the jousting accident, if not just a plain tyrant before, and he thinks Ann was guilty as sin.
The one about Edward 1V he fails to mention there were 2 other brothers for one, and takes the Thomas More view that Richard was a villain and that was that.

I recently visited Westminster Abbey - seriously worth a visit if you can get there - and the audio accompainment states that the bones of Edward V and his brother Richard are in a casket in the same section as Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth 1. No one knows whose bones they are, no DNA tests allowed on them by the late Queen, and Henry V11 said they were, who of course had no axe to grind with R111, with no proof at all. I also have read that when some kind of testing was done on them in 20th Century, the bones were from a time line which was 200 years around the time they were supposed to have died, and some fabric found was not from the 1480s at all. I put in a complaint. Nothing like shoddy history telling to really wind me up. Hopefully Charles will allow some tests. The Ricardian Society have been campaigning for years, and he's very close to Richard of Gloucester, who is also campaigning so hopefully it may come to be in the next couple of years.

Surprised Happy Valley not been mentioned yet. Even if you think the story line a bit far fetched, worth watching for Sarah Lancashire if nothing else. Also possibly to prove that James Norton 007 is not.
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I haven’t watched Happy Valley ever so I’m going to have to watch it from the beginning! I fell asleep when the Richard III episode was on: it played throughout the night and I just woke up every now and again. I’ve just watched the documentaries about Richard III with Simon Farnaby, then I watched the funeral and then the feature film. I did cry a few times. I don’t understand why I wasn’t interested when they found his body: I did go to the cathedral and the exhibition a few years ago. After watching The White Queen I started reading the Philipa Gregory books about that era: find them more interesting than Henry VIII. I was awake for some of the Henry VIII episode and I thought he was quite complimentary about Ann Boleyn and critical of Henry VIII but I need to listen to it properly. The B&B where we stay in Middleham is in the shadow of the castle and I find it very atmospheric. I don’t understand why they won’t check the DNA of those bones.
Happy Valley totally worthy of the praise heaped upon it. Sarah Lancashire just gets better and better. She’s been sublime in this final series and of course that is in part due to an exceptional script by Sally Wainwright. So often these hyped up series are a let down in the finale but this time, it most definitely wasn’t. I am tempted to go back to series one now and rewatch it. What I loved is that they waited and left a gap so the timeline made sense and the child actor who played Ryan aged correctly.
My catchup tv isn’t working. Again. And yes, I have turned it off and turned it back on again. Several times.
I haven’t watched Happy Valley ever so I’m going to have to watch it from the beginning! I fell asleep when the Richard III episode was on: it played throughout the night and I just woke up every now and again. I’ve just watched the documentaries about Richard III with Simon Farnaby, then I watched the funeral and then the feature film. I did cry a few times. I don’t understand why I wasn’t interested when they found his body: I did go to the cathedral and the exhibition a few years ago. After watching The White Queen I started reading the Philipa Gregory books about that era: find them more interesting than Henry VIII. I was awake for some of the Henry VIII episode and I thought he was quite complimentary about Ann Boleyn and critical of Henry VIII but I need to listen to it properly. The B&B where we stay in Middleham is in the shadow of the castle and I find it very atmospheric. I don’t understand why they won’t check the DNA of those bones.

Love Middleham, The King Richard pub does fab food. Have stayed there a couple of times.

Lizzy wouldn't allow the testing, main reason given should be left to lie in peace basically. Charles, allegedly, is more sympathetic. They won't do anything prior to the coronation at least but I hope they do allow it. It may not prove who they are but it could definitely prove who they are not.

Read The Sunne In Splendour by Sharon Penman for Edward 1V/Richard's story.One of the best books ever written in this subject matter. She knocks Gregory out of the park for non factual history writing, although that is not the best description as it is all based on actual events. Absolute fantastic story telling with fabulous characterisation.
Happy Valley totally worthy of the praise heaped upon it. Sarah Lancashire just gets better and better. She’s been sublime in this final series and of course that is in part due to an exceptional script by Sally Wainwright. So often these hyped up series are a let down in the finale but this time, it most definitely wasn’t. I am tempted to go back to series one now and rewatch it. What I loved is that they waited and left a gap so the timeline made sense and the child actor who played Ryan aged correctly.

I read/heard on the radio, Sally Wainwright deliberately left writing it until Rhys Connah was old enough to play Ryan as he needed to be for the events to happen which did, and that he would be the right age to carry/make the story line work with his actions.
iplayer tends to throw up something it thinks I will find interesting when a programme I’ve been watching finishes ( it knows me so well it’s kinda spooky) and last night it started playing Simon Schamas A History of Britain. I must has watched it first time round but I’d forgotten how brilliant it is.It’s going to take me ages to rewatch it as it’s over three series. No matter how many history programmes I watch I still get my Ethelreds mixed up with my Edwards.

Does it ever cover any of the history of those parts of Britain which are not England or does Wales have no history and Scotland only gets noticed after the union?

From what I've seen it is mis-named. I'd definitely like to know more of Donald the Madman or Malcolm the Destroyer, they sound like there would be an interesting story to hear.
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Spolier Alert! Waingro: the scene in the cafe where they decide to knock him off and then lose him in the carpark; the name Van Zant hasn't been mentioned to him at that point and he doen't see the name/know the name on the bonds so has no idea who they belonged to or what they are going to do what they do next re the bonds.
Also at that point Neil hasn't told the others about the bank either, so no way Waingro knew about Van Zant or the bank to send anyone after Trejo and torture him to get that info, and then inform on them.
Also Trejo phones Neil and says he has cops all over him and can't dump them, but there had already been a scene in the squad room where Wes Studi ( so good as Magua in LOTM ) says the 'gang' have dumped all their survellaince, so either clearly not going by what Trejo says , or he's mistaken Van Zant etc for the police but would he make that kind of mistake? Not a chance.
Either way Waingro had no knowledge of those two incidences based on the way the film is shown/edited.

This deleted scene at least explains how Waingro found out about the bankjob

Thanks very much, I didn't realise these kind of things existed out there in cyber space? I can see why they deleted it though - it doesn't work on more than one level. The guy who makes the phone call worked for Van Sant - that name was never mentioned in front of Waingro. He hd no way of knowing about him. Unless that's another deleted scene? Thinking, obviously too much about it, I think he would have told Neil that they were holding Anna and sorted it out but that would have been a different story/ending. Very rare you want the bad guys to get away with stuff but definitely on Neil's side ( sorry if that's a spoiler for anyone) :) Think the scene when they exit the bank is one of the most awesome choreographed scenes in film. I'm going hunting for more deletes now! :)
Happy Valley totally worthy of the praise heaped upon it. Sarah Lancashire just gets better and better. She’s been sublime in this final series and of course that is in part due to an exceptional script by Sally Wainwright. So often these hyped up series are a let down in the finale but this time, it most definitely wasn’t. I am tempted to go back to series one now and rewatch it. What I loved is that they waited and left a gap so the timeline made sense and the child actor who played Ryan aged correctly.

Happy Valley is Shaksperian. Wondreful stuff.

Giving this a go from the start. Really terrific stuff, great acting. The kid Ryan, I'm interested to see how he turns out - has sociopath written all over him. Like, I'm just at the episode in Season 1 where they tell him Sarah Lancashire is in the hospital and he doesn't bat an eyelid.
Giving this a go from the start. Really terrific stuff, great acting. The kid Ryan, I'm interested to see how he turns out - has sociopath written all over him. Like, I'm just at the episode in Season 1 where they tell him Sarah Lancashire is in the hospital and he doesn't bat an eyelid.

He becomes head of the BHA
Giving this a go from the start. Really terrific stuff, great acting. The kid Ryan, I'm interested to see how he turns out - has sociopath written all over him. Like, I'm just at the episode in Season 1 where they tell him Sarah Lancashire is in the hospital and he doesn't bat an eyelid.

It's tip top.
I’m dog/house sitting at my daughters next week so I’m going to give Happy Valley a go. I’ve never seen it as I do prefer to escape via fantasy stuff.
Just finishing series one. Finding it hard going. I can cope with extreme violence in fantasy stuff but this is pretty upsetting. I think I did try to watch it first time round but gave up. It’s quite something to be able to watch all three series of Happy Valley having avoided all spoilers.
Watched The Banshees of Inisherin a couple of nights ago. Seriously good movie.

Watched this tonight. My mother and I loved it but my 28 year old niece didn’t. I thought it was a beautifully crafted film...the scenery is breathtaking in parts. I think maybe some who wouldn’t understand the insular effect of island living may not get this film, but I really enjoyed it. Those supporting actor roles which won BAFTAS were well deserved and I thought Colin Farrell superb too. Be interesting to see how it fares in the Oscars.
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I’m not finding series 2 of Happy Valley as gripping as season 1 but still watching it.I’ll probably get the whole lot watched by tomorrow! The acting is amazing. Annoyingly I can’t work out how to get subtitles on m daughters tv and I usually have subtitles on at home: I do struggle with my hearing. I was borderline needing a hearing aid a few years ago but decided not to have one. Regret it now, especially as I could have qualified for a free rail card!