What are you watching

I liked Breaking Bad but, after watching season one I discovered Game of Thrones and never went back to it. I started watching Season two last night but not sure if I feel sufficiently interested in it to watch what will be several more seasons. I also can’t remember a thing about season one apart from loving the music. I’m very much looking forward to the new adaptation of Great Expectations starting this Sunday. Initially it was ‘ oh no, not another adaptation’ and, much as I like her ‘not Olivia Coleman again’, but when I realised it had been produced by the people behind Peaky Blinders I changed my mind. I’ve always looked on Miss Havisham as a role model so let’s see if Olivia can meet with my expectations. I never got round to watching the last season of His Dark Materials. Apart from the idea of all of us having a daemon it never gripped me. The fact that I didn’t understand the physics and stuff behind it didn’t help.The only dust I understand is the stuff that accumulates round my house ( back to Miss Havisham again….).

Couldn't get into BB at all. A friend raved about it and lent me the first series but I was bored by episode 3. Stuck with it out of manners really but not impressed at all.
Then tackle Walking Dead with the best baddie of all time..Negan.

Some of these series are a way of life once you get into them. Throw in the best that ITV and the beeb do, you got a lot of viewing.

The first 3(?) series of The Walking Dead are absolutely brilliant. Gutted when they took it off terrestrial.The sort of thing I thought I would hate, but totally loved it.
Probably nothing any of you will be tempted by but last two nights there’s been a programme on C4 called Tempting Fortune....it’s a typical reality show to highlight how dreadful, selfish and self-centered people are. Only watching as my nephew worked on the production side. Two episodes in and apparently they get worse....:lol:
Devil In Ohio on Netflix - quite enjoying it so far (despite it's low score on IMDb). Though I'm having to take the policeman who seemingly has no other crimes to solve and endless time on his hands with a pinch of salt.
Just binge watched season one of Mr Inbetween. Recommended by Hayley Campbell on Must Watch. It’s a bit Breaking Bad meets the Coen brothers and the half hour episodes are what makes you binge watch it. I’ve got to watch the next two seasons before my son goes home and I can’t access Disney.
I've been enjoying the dubious delights of Mark of a Killer on Pick. A world of serial killers to learn about. (I am not enamoured of Worlds Most Evil Killers on the same channel - though I'm not quite certain why one is better than the other)
Blue Lights BBC1, police drama set in Northern Ireland. It's almost unwatchable in parts as the tension is bordering on overwhelming as you're just waiting for something really bad to happen. Very well done though.
Banshees is not for everyone. If you like that sort of dark humour, you will get along well with it. But if it’s not your thing, you’ll hate it. We’re all different. My mother and I loved it, my niece hated it,

Just watched it. The sort of film that we used to see at our indie cinema. I think I was the only one that liked it although I’m still trying to work out what it was all about.
If you go onto Decider.com and look up the film, there’s a really good explanation. It’s a simple plot really about the breakdown of a friendship that echoes the Irish Civil War on the mainland. And the consequences that happen as a result.
Thanks. I did think it was about the futility of war because of certain references. I’ll check that out.
It is the best TV show ever created. Have you seen the full five series yet, harry? I am on my 3rd run through the full-set (currently mid S3).

Not yet Grassy……Im on S1 ep7. It’s insane. It’s like a documentary it makes me nervous watching it; it’s so real. Makes The Sopranos look like Sesame Street. I’m so glad I found another series as I’ve exhausted all of the fantastic ones: BB, Better Call Saul, Ozark, Succession etc.
Not yet Grassy……Im on S1 ep7. It’s insane. It’s like a documentary it makes me nervous watching it; it’s so real. Makes The Sopranos look like Sesame Street. I’m so glad I found another series as I’ve exhausted all of the fantastic ones: BB, Better Call Saul, Ozark, Succession etc.


After you finish Season 4, watch the movie 'L'Immortale, before watching Season 5 - it's the bridge between the two.
Blue Lights BBC1, police drama set in Northern Ireland. It's almost unwatchable in parts as the tension is bordering on overwhelming as you're just waiting for something really bad to happen. Very well done though.

This was an excellent watch, loved every minute.
Just back from a few days hols in Italy, the 'normal' tele was basically non existent where we were staying but luckily had Netflix so late in the evenings, we were watching Designated Survivor which neither of us had heard of. Not possibly the greatest casting with Keifer Sutherland in the main part, but he co produced it, but interesting and we were hooked. Suspect from one scene is not new so may have to see if DVD available.

I need to catch up with Blue Lights as well as missed the last episode being away.

PS Absolutely NO holdups at passport control sporting our black British passports, either side, went straight through both times. :)
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Last night's 'Have I got news for you' was hilarious, though a little close to the bone if you're a Royalist.:)
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