What are you watching

See if you can find the Tools button on the remote as this may have the subtitles in there. I have them on all the time as find it easier especially when people mumbling or a lot of background noise going on. Very annoying that some of the freeview channels don't do them.
I’m scared to do anything to my daughters tv! I had a tv engineer out at home today who has sorted out all the TVs in my house: it’s needed doing for years. Gave my daughters dog a good long walk today and I’m now going to hunker down and watch series three, When I get home I’ll probably watch it all again with subtitles: I usually rewatch things. I might rewatch The English while I’m at my daughters as she has a super huge tv!
If I had known it was Gibson I probably wouldn't have watched it, but don't sleep so Hacksaw Ridge based on real life events in WW2 about Desmond Boss, a conscientious objector medic. Absolutely fabulous, fascinating and courage beyond belief.
Was dog sitting last night for someone with Netflix and found a documentary about Bobby Kennedy from 2018, marking 50 years after his assasination I'm guessing. Only got to see 2 of the 4 but was fascinating watch. I've read bit about him, more about Jack, and have a few books re Bobby still to get to. One of the real big 'what-ifs' in history if he had lived I feel. Could have made a huge difference in American life/politics. Tougher then his brother in a lot of ways, if he had been elected with a mandate how much sooner would have a lot of issues of the time been resolved? What I didn't realise was that other people were shot that night, one an advisor to him who was shot in the forehead but survived. Goes to the theory that there was more than one shooter. Would there be anyway I could buy it on DVD does anyone know as I have Freeview only? Thanks.
Just the two episodes to go with Happy Valley. It's very good but hard going in places due to the grimness I suppose.

RIP Tom Sizemore. Couple of pages back G-G and I were discussing Heat and it's plot holes. Tom was brilliant in that film, one of my top half dozen movies ever. I can feel another watch coming on soon - maybe after Cheltenham - where the Juice is definitely worth the squeeze.

I need a more light hearted Drama series after HV so I'm gonna start Wednesday on Netflix. A modern take I presume of The Addams Family which I did enjoy as a kiddie.
Just the two episodes to go with Happy Valley. It's very good but hard going in places due to the grimness I suppose.

RIP Tom Sizemore. Couple of pages back G-G and I were discussing Heat and it's plot holes. Tom was brilliant in that film, one of my top half dozen movies ever. I can feel another watch coming on soon - maybe after Cheltenham - where the Juice is definitely worth the squeeze.

I need a more light hearted Drama series after HV so I'm gonna start Wednesday on Netflix. A modern take I presume of The Addams Family which I did enjoy as a kiddie.

Wednesday is ok, nice and light stuff. Empire did make a valid criticism of it that the appeal of Wednesday Addams is her strangeness in comparison to those around her but this series makes her the most normal one. I can see where they were coming from but I still enjoyed it.
Watching Yellowstone ATM. Enjoyable although scriptwriters self indulge from time to time.

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Just the two episodes to go with Happy Valley. It's very good but hard going in places due to the grimness I suppose.

RIP Tom Sizemore. Couple of pages back G-G and I were discussing Heat and it's plot holes. Tom was brilliant in that film, one of my top half dozen movies ever. I can feel another watch coming on soon - maybe after Cheltenham - where the Juice is definitely worth the squeeze.

RIP indeed. A troubled soul/life at times but a very fine and watchable actor. Really reminded me of Joe Don Baker, recently seen again in the repeat of Edge Of Darkness on one of the BBC channels. I was telling a younger colleague at work about it and how Bob Peck won every acting prize going at the time, and the series itself won loads of awards. Written I believe by the guy who gave us The Sweeney.
Heat is one of the films never get tired of watching. I loved watching the behind the scenes sections concerning the bank scenes ( so thank you again for that ) and how it was filmed over several weekends as they used a real bank and only had permission at the weekends. Michael Mann had the stars go in the bank on a normal open day in disguises to be familiar with it for the actual film scenes.
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I reckon there have been more actors have polayed Philip Marlowe than James Bond, like:- Humphrey Bogart The Big Sleep, Powers Boothe Philip Marlowe, Elliott Gould The Long Goodbye, James Garner Marlowe,
Robert Mitchum, Farewell, My Lovely, Dick Powell Murder, My Sweet, James Caan Poodle Springs and George Montgomery The Brasher Doubloon.

Now Lian Neeson has taken the roll in Marlowe.2022.,

Be careful if you decide to watch it because He doesn't know who you are, he doesn't know what you want, but what he does have are a very particular set of skills, skills he has acquired over a very long career, skills that make him a nightmare for people like you. If you say you like his movie, that'll be the end of it. He will not look for you He will not pursue you. But if you don't like it and say so, he will look for you, he will find you, and he will kill you :ninja:
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I liked Breaking Bad but, after watching season one I discovered Game of Thrones and never went back to it. I started watching Season two last night but not sure if I feel sufficiently interested in it to watch what will be several more seasons. I also can’t remember a thing about season one apart from loving the music. I’m very much looking forward to the new adaptation of Great Expectations starting this Sunday. Initially it was ‘ oh no, not another adaptation’ and, much as I like her ‘not Olivia Coleman again’, but when I realised it had been produced by the people behind Peaky Blinders I changed my mind. I’ve always looked on Miss Havisham as a role model so let’s see if Olivia can meet with my expectations. I never got round to watching the last season of His Dark Materials. Apart from the idea of all of us having a daemon it never gripped me. The fact that I didn’t understand the physics and stuff behind it didn’t help.The only dust I understand is the stuff that accumulates round my house ( back to Miss Havisham again….).
BB got better Season by season, the first couple are it's weakest. Pretty much the antithesis off GoT.

Plus, the off-shoot (Better Call Saul) may be better.
Agree with Euro. Season 1 was good enough but it improved every season thereafter.

The same as Better Call Saul where the first season was confusing and a touch weird. By the penultimate season it was on a par with Breaking Bad. I enjoyed the last season but felt it had a couple of weak episodes.
I liked Breaking Bad but, after watching season one I discovered Game of Thrones and never went back to it. I started watching Season two last night but not sure if I feel sufficiently interested in it to watch what will be several more seasons. I also can’t remember a thing about season one apart from loving the music. I’m very much looking forward to the new adaptation of Great Expectations starting this Sunday. Initially it was ‘ oh no, not another adaptation’ and, much as I like her ‘not Olivia Coleman again’, but when I realised it had been produced by the people behind Peaky Blinders I changed my mind. I’ve always looked on Miss Havisham as a role model so let’s see if Olivia can meet with my expectations. I never got round to watching the last season of His Dark Materials. Apart from the idea of all of us having a daemon it never gripped me. The fact that I didn’t understand the physics and stuff behind it didn’t help.The only dust I understand is the stuff that accumulates round my house ( back to Miss Havisham again….).

Never ever give up on Breaking Bad, boy does it get great. Do not judge it on season 1, it just goes off the stratosphere. Along with Sopranos; probably the best series of all time.

One that not many mention on here, and it will bend your mind, whoever wrote it was taking serious meds.....DARK. Do not miss it, just off the scale. I watched the first two series,,,then it was ages before 3rd series came out. I watched the first two series again before the third one just to catch up. It is one of the great series. It ends up with 5 time lines..so, pay attention:blink:

I enjoyed Lost too years ago..even though it went mental at the end. Prison Break also. Sons Of Anarchy is also a great great series. These are obvious series to watch, but essential viewing imo.

Staple diet viewing are all those

Then just branch out..so much good stuff out there. I enjoyed ...This is Us .......... too.. just quality acting and storylines.
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Then tackle Walking Dead with the best baddie of all time..Negan.

Some of these series are a way of life once you get into them. Throw in the best that ITV and the beeb do, you got a lot of viewing.
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Not sure I've ever watched a greater load of shi*e ever!

I not watched this yet, but it gets 7.7 on IMDB. That is the first site I go to when I want an opinion. Was it not just your thing?

Anything above 6.0 on IMDB isn't sh*te from my experience. When you get to 7.0 plus, normally a decent watch.
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Well I watched episode two last night so I’ll stick with it. Trouble is I Wikipedia’d season one to recap on what had happened and couldn’t remember any of it. Mind you it was a long long time ago. I think I’m a bit overwhelmed by how many episodes there are to watch given that there are so many series I want to see eg Yellowstone but I need to think of just watching one series at a time. I have to wait till things are released on dvd so I’m always behind everyone else. I’ve never even seen the Soprano’s or Succession.
Banshees is not for everyone. If you like that sort of dark humour, you will get along well with it. But if it’s not your thing, you’ll hate it. We’re all different. My mother and I loved it, my niece hated it,
Banshees wouldn't be the sort of thing I'd watch but my mate who loves that type of movie said "big hype for, well, nothing. Big disappointment, I really wanted to love it."