What are you watching

This finished last night and it didn’t disappoint at any level. The acting was top class throughout even the guy who played Martin Smith during the court case...his portrayal of a manipulated victim himself was brilliant. Immensely enjoyable despite the hard and very real subject matter. The victims families were incredibly brave to go through the trial.

Just started watching this. My uncle changed his will and left everything to a young woman he met via his local church. We tried to contest the will but failed. It wasn’t about the money: I certainly hadn’t been involved much in his life, but other family members had been close to him and had supported him. As is the case when this happens she cut him off from his family even though, from what I was told, all she did towards the end was post sandwiches through his letter box. I wish I’d done more at the time because, for all I know she targeted other people too.
My besties father remarried a woman who refuses to let her see him or talk to him on the phone. He’s got dementia now so there’s always an excuse but I can guarantee that my friend will be cut out of his pretty substantial estate.
Cautionary tale........

My father died intestate & the witch he was married to left me nothing when it was her time to rot in hell (my father had intimated his wishes before he passed but, not being good with paperwork, he realised too late that he should have made a will - still, what's half a mill between friends:lol:). The money was nothing, the thing that really got to me was the disrespect she showed to my father's memory.

Note to all - MAKE A WILL!!
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Oppenheimer: well...errr, very well done but if I had been at home I probably would have turned over after an hour. Possibly my hearing/the soundtrack ( music always way too loud when people are talking ) but I didn't quite get why most of what was happening post war was happening, aside from the anti Commie hysteria that gripped, the US but what was happening in the film was really before that took a grip. Well I think as not clear to me but I could have missed some of the dialogue. Downey Junior almost unrecognisable but very good - got to be an Oscar nomination for him I would think. I wouldn't necessarily put anyone off though, I possibly not that enamoured as not a fan of Murphy particularly.
Oppenheimer: well...errr, very well done but if I had been at home I probably would have turned over after an hour. Possibly my hearing/the soundtrack ( music always way too loud when people are talking ) but I didn't quite get why most of what was happening post war was happening, aside from the anti Commie hysteria that gripped, the US but what was happening in the film was really before that took a grip. Well I think as not clear to me but I could have missed some of the dialogue. Downey Junior almost unrecognisable but very good - got to be an Oscar nomination for him I would think. I wouldn't necessarily put anyone off though, I possibly not that enamoured as not a fan of Murphy particularly.

I'm going to watch it tonight. I really should invest in a hearing aid & to hell with vanity
It's not I can't hear, it's I can't make out what they are saying 'cos of background noise. Don't see how an aid would solve that? And I have absolutely no vanity whatsoever thank you.
My daughter watched The Whale on her flight to Canada last night and said she found it very moving. It isn’t a film that appealed to me but I’m going to watch it when I can.I’m still feeling a bit numb and emotional from watching The Sixth Commandment. Tonight is the new Leveson Wood series followed by Alone. I do love these stuck in the wild surrounded by dangerous things programmes whilst sitting at home with a cup of tea!
I'm thinking of watching last night's film again, maybe not the whole film but just from when I fell asleep (not a criticism of the film, it's just an age thing)
Watched the first 50 minutes of Dragged Across Concrete on Netflix the other night. Felt compelled to switch it off as it was sooooo slow and showed no signs of going anywhere in the near future. Buggered if I was going to sit through another 2 hours of it.
Watched Oppenheimer last night on my laptop & even using headphones I just about caught all the dialogue. Thoroughly enjoyed it too but had to concentrate all the way through (prefer that to some of the fluff I've seen). Was it really 3 hours long? Seemed to fly by.
I tend to sleep with the tv on and usually have Sky Arts on as, unlike BBC4 it’s on 24/7. I woke up in the early hours to find that it had a Jeff Buckley concert on. I know very little about Jeff Buckley other than remembering that someone gave me a copy of his cd years ago. I then googled him to find that he only made one cd and tragically died at the age of thirty but he has influenced many bands since, including Muse and Radiohead because he had quite a high falsetto singing voice and made that style of singing acceptable. When I woke up later on it was a programme about The Waterboys. I don’t subscribe to Sky Arts and should make more of a point of checking what’s on because I can’t rewatch stuff on catchup and I missed most of The Waterboys programme. I don’t particularly like their music. I bought several of their cd’s after seeing them live a few years ago but, along with Bellowhead they are a band that I find their live shows amazing but don’t find myself wanting to listen to their music at other times. Prior to that I’d watched Bill Bailey on BBC 1, who must be the best stand up in the country these days, along with being a thoroughly great guy. I’m currently house/dog sitting for someone so am watching a lot of telly.
I tend to sleep with the tv on and usually have Sky Arts on as, unlike BBC4 it’s on 24/7. I woke up in the early hours to find that it had a Jeff Buckley concert on. I know very little about Jeff Buckley other than remembering that someone gave me a copy of his cd years ago. I then googled him to find that he only made one cd and tragically died at the age of thirty but he has influenced many bands since, including Muse and Radiohead because he had quite a high falsetto singing voice and made that style of singing acceptable. When I woke up later on it was a programme about The Waterboys. I don’t subscribe to Sky Arts and should make more of a point of checking what’s on because I can’t rewatch stuff on catchup and I missed most of The Waterboys programme. I don’t particularly like their music. I bought several of their cd’s after seeing them live a few years ago but, along with Bellowhead they are a band that I find their live shows amazing but don’t find myself wanting to listen to their music at other times. Prior to that I’d watched Bill Bailey on BBC 1, who must be the best stand up in the country these days, along with being a thoroughly great guy. I’m currently house/dog sitting for someone so am watching a lot of telly.
If you like Jeff Buckley, you should check out his biggest influence, his dad.
