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Tracy suffered from bad health and he was to die just a few years after that film was made. He was a brilliant actor, though. I’ve never understood how people can be high functioning alcoholics. Half a glass of wine and I’m asleep.
Yes had alcohol issues , died 1967 , 17 days after finishing filmng Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? They even lied about who found him as his relationship with Hepburn still a 'secret' to the wider world then.
Judgement at Nuremberg was a film on BBC4 last night. Sadly I did my usual trick of falling alseep towards the end, and then not sleeping all night - but fabulous cast would make me watch it on iplayer which I actually don't like doing. Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster - you have to look twice, ditto Montgomery Clift, Judy Garland, a very young and good looking William Shatner. A very badly cast Richard Widmark in a big role somewhat annoys when watching but otherwise worth a view. Tracy looks older than his 61 years at the time of filming whether intentional or not sure but class actor.

I watched the first hour or so but knew I was going to fall asleep so gave up. I'll catch the rest on iplayer soon.

It must also have been one of the brilliant Montgomery Clift's last films.
I watched the first hour or so but knew I was going to fall asleep so gave up. I'll catch the rest on iplayer soon.

It must also have been one of the brilliant Montgomery Clift's last films.

I only missed last 20 minutes or so - I would recommend watching the rest.

Clift made only 2 more films..although same year was in The Misfits infamous for allegedly finishing off Gable.
Really enjoying The Wheel of Time on Prime. I've read all fifteen books that this is based on so it's tough to watch without obsessing on the differences (something I'm sure also happens with The Witcher which I also enjoy but I haven't read the books that show is based on) but the second season is a massive improvement on the first which was clunky. Very strong cast.
Getting sucked in to 'Domina' on Sky Atlantic, lots of tits and togas on show in a new interpretation of the life of Livia as made famous in I Claudius. Enjoyable stuff.
Shattered after a tiring journey I watched something on iplayer and fell asleep: when I woke up it had moved onto a film called Cow which was basically a documentary about 4 years in the life of a cow. No voiceover, just occasional snippets of conversation and background music but I found it mesmerising ( bit like those films of sleigh rides or train journeys). Have read several reviews which sum it it up quite well in that it isn’t aimed at turning everyone vegan but you will never look at a cow in the same way. Not recommending it but can’t stop thinking about it.
Shattered after a tiring journey I watched something on iplayer and fell asleep: when I woke up it had moved onto a film called Cow which was basically a documentary about 4 years in the life of a cow. No voiceover, just occasional snippets of conversation and background music but I found it mesmerising ( bit like those films of sleigh rides or train journeys). Have read several reviews which sum it it up quite well in that it isn’t aimed at turning everyone vegan but you will never look at a cow in the same way. Not recommending it but can’t stop thinking about it.

I live next door to a dairy farm and have a couple of observations about cows.

1. They are noisy bastards. Especially noticeable first thing in the morning.
2. If they touch an electric fence and you are standing in the next garden they will look at you as if you did it to them.
3. They really hate being out in the pouring rain and will stand at the fence mooing in the direction of the farmhouse until they are let back in again.
4. They really hate being out in the sunshine and will moo in the direction.......
I felt pretty much the same about the chickens and cockerel that someone installed the other side of my fence….
Meant to put this up back along, but totally forgot - I watched “Jerry and Marge Go Large” on the flight, it’s really good!! Just a nice, true story that is so flipping feel good it should be on every Sunday evening in that tv slot that used to house things like Ballykissangel and now homes Call the Midwife

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Meant to put this up back along, but totally forgot - I watched “Jerry and Marge Go Large” on the flight, it’s really good!! Just a nice, true story that is so flipping feel good it should be on every Sunday evening in that tv slot that used to house things like Ballykissangel and now homes Call the Midwife

For a minute there I thought you were talking about a "Good Life" revival... :whistle:
I’m not sure that would work in this day and age ( though that thing that Pauline Quirk was in back along ( NOT birds of a feather before anyone says!) was nice ) [emoji16]

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I’m not sure that would work in this day and age ( though that thing that Pauline Quirk was in back along ( NOT birds of a feather before anyone says!) was nice ) [emoji16]

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I remember Pauline's Quirkes where she had the very pretty Flintlock group on. ( REALLY showing my age! )
The Mustang. Ch4 catchup. I’ve wanted to see this film for years. It had a 5 star rating when it first came out but I missed it at the cinema. Tried to buy it on dvd but couldn’t. Then, last night it popped up when I was looking for something else. I’ve long been fascinated by the wild mustangs in America ever since reading Ghost Horse as a child. Back then (1950’s)there were plans to protect them. Legislation was being drawn up. But now they’re just rounded up by helicopter and sold or sent to kill pens. No room for them in a country the size of America thanks to mankind. It took me a long time to realise it stars Matthias Schloenaerts who I loved in Far from the Madding Crowd. I’m emotionally drained after watching this and Cow in one week but that’s what good cinema is all about. It was worth the wait.
[On DVD] I Confess (Hitchcock / Montgomery Clift, Anne Baxter, Karl Malden). Classic Hitchcock, beautifully shot on location in Quebec and Clift is incredibly good as the priest.
Watching The Hollow Crown on BBC4. Don’t really understand Shakespeare but boy is the acting good. Didn’t see it first time round.