What are you watching

Was looking after the grandchildren yesterday and they introduced me to Aliens TV which, I think, is on Netflix? It’s great….
Litvinenko: not a fan of DT but he's not in for a lot of it. Nicely done, a documentary on tonight with the real detectives. The Russian authorities really are gits.
Probably more of a ladies watch but I’ve just binge watched The Change on Ch4. The Detectorists and Cider with Rosie meets Jam and Jerusalem ( but much ruder and with a lot of swearing) with a bit of The Wicker Man thrown in for good measure. In fact, in one episode, just as I said to myself ‘ this is very Wicker Man’ the main character said ‘ this is getting far too Wicker Man for me’.A stellar cast with people from Ghosts, Jerome Flynn ( as Pigman) and Paul Whitehouse. Omid watsisname. Only criticism is that there are only 6 episodes and ends with a cliffhanger even though a second series hasn’t been commissioned. I assumed there was going to be another episode but no, that was it. I have rewatched it and still laughed out loud. Might watch it again because I keep finding little gems that I’ve missed ( not helped by the fact that Ch4 doesn’t have subtitles and my hearing relies on subtitles these days). Soundtracks great, too if you like folk music (which I do).
Episode ( I think) three has a village meeting in the village hall that had me in stitches: it reminded me so much of village stuff. When I was channel hopping that’s what was on and I was so taken with it I decided to watch it from the first episode. It is very very rude and sweary though ( which is why it’s hidden away late at night and no one seems to be watching it). I think I might throw in a bit of The Mighty Boosh as well. But it’s very much it’s own series and one that you’ll either love or not get it at all.
Up to episode 3 and yes, it’s definitely got its similarities hasnt it !! I’ve only seen Bridget on taskmaster, I wish I’d seen this first!!

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I’ve still never seen Taskmaster! Currently obsessed with Clean it, fix it because I’m having work done on my house ( one job that resulted in loads of other things needing doing after years of neglect) so I have Clean it, fix it on permanently to inspire me. Although I wish I could get them to come here and help me! I deep cleaned the bathroom last week….I need to get a life…
I get like that occasionally ( but only occasionally [emoji1787]) just finished episode 6 - definitely appreciated the comedy though it’s quite dark in many ways ( and not dissimilar to where I live [emoji1787][emoji1787]) hope they do a second series!!

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At first I was really disappointed with the ending. Bit like series three of Britannia that had a cliffhanger ending that people were so disappointed with that another series wasn’t commissioned so it was lose lose all round. Although, when I rewatched it again and took it all in I felt better about it. I thought the Eel sisters were great. They could have come straight out of a Coen brothers film! I didn’t understand the sub plot about Ryan ( who I thought was lovely) because of my hearing problem so I need to watch it again.
I’ve just listened to Bridget Christie’s BBC podcast Mortal which she made during lockdown. Again very weird but I found it really funny. It’s obviously where the idea for The Change came from.
I was told the other day at the Shed about the 1% Club but had no idea what it was. The guys were enjoying it and I'm a big Lee Mack fan so I watched it this evening.

I would have played my 'pass' at one question but other than that got to the final question and got the answer in about a second so I'm quite pleased with myself.

I have to say, some of the questions reminded me of what we used to call the 'IQ Test', or 'Qually'*, that we did in Primary 7.

*Qually was short for 'qualification', the test we sat to determine whether you went to Senior Secondary, Junior Secondary or the one in between and for the life of me I can't recall what that was. I remember he name of the school but don't remember it ever being referred to as anything to do with middle secondary or anything like that. Where I came from, if you got an A in your 'qually' you went to one school, a B got you into another and, in the case of my school which had a three-year secondary as well as the primary, you just stayed there if you got a C or lower.
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I've been indulging in various documentaries on PBS America of late - a three partner about the potato famine was eye opening last week. This week is the Irish civil war which I also know little about.

Most enlightening.
I'm sure it's not everyones cup of tea, but I found some of the true crime cases on Medical Detectives on CBS Reality on freeview channel 67 or 68 fascinating. How science evolved and got better to detect and identify the perpetrators of the crimes I found interesting.

Also, there was one case of a guy locked up for 15+ years plus in a maximum security prison for something he always denied doing to his wife, and a fellow inmate ended up admitting to it and was proven to have done it years later. As I say, I found it a good watch.

I have to admit I never knew channel 84 existed, so thanks for this Sim. I will tune in this week.
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Yes, good documentaries. I think I mentioned the one about the dust bowl some time ago.

I generally enjoy Ken Burns documentaries, but the Dust Bowl one is one that I just seemed to dislike - far too much repetition - "the sky turned black and everything disappeared". It could maybe have done to be a deal shorter.

but really like the others I've seen of his - have Vietnam War permanently saved on my machine for perusal whenever the fancy takes me.
The first Burns documentary I ever saw was a short one about the Donner party and I felt quite embarrassed to find myself so engrossed in a programme about cannibalism. I felt better when I read a review in the paper describing it as either mesmerising or hypnotic ( it was a long time ago) and realised it wasn’t just me! I’ve got the American West and Civil War ones on dvd and could just watch them endlessly. I still haven’t watched the Vietnam War one.
The Sixth Commandment currently on BBC1 is very good with a brilliant cast and superb acting.