World Cup Group D

All about the midfield. 99% of teams that equalise in the last twenty minutes go on and if not winning at least look the likeliest to score. But as soon as Rooney scored it was Uruguay who then got back into the game. I don't think there is a team in the whole tournament with a midfield as lightweight and ineffective as England's.
Henderson and Jagielka huge weak links.

Gerrard has provided the assists for both goals that ended chances for both club and country.
Yes but they were so different to last week it's hard to credit. Country of 3m that keep producing class footballers . Some story really

I have done business a bit with some Uruguayans here. Wine company (really classy wines too )Will send a well done

And then put their windows in tomorrow
Not sure where to start. I need to stop laughing first.

England were unlucky. Godin should have been off in the first half and that would have changed the entire complexion of the game. England kept huffing and puffing but the bottom line is they don't have any world class players. Uruguay had Suarez and that was the difference.

Mrs O said early on there was no way Uruguay were going to leave that stadium with a defeat. The ref wanted to go home to his family. That wouldn't be far off the truth.

And looking at the second goal again, you have to wonder if Hart shat it.
I think the guys summarising are getting it generally right and I'm glad we're getting big Gus's views.

There wasn't a lot between the two sides.

At the risk of stirring up controversy, I've a bee in my bonnet about something often mentioned in these analyses. How often do we hear pundits talking about how important it is to 'hit the target'? Week in week out, Hansen, Shearer etc go on about it. My view is that footballers subconsciously equate target to goalkeeper. Hit the target = hit the goalie. It's a self-fulfilling mindset. Their mantra should not be 'hit the target'. It should be 'beat the goalie'. That was the game we played when we were young and the last thing you did was hit the goalie.
Embarrassing that was, chuckle brothers in centre mid clueless.
No Leadership, full backs cant' defend. First Goal Jagielka ball watching. 2nd goal a welly down the park.
It's just as well Cavani is **** otherwise England would have been embarrassed.
Euro . I'm laughing at the post previous to mine and quoting the posters previous comment

Nothing to do with England. And I certainly feel for Steve g who had a fine game overall I felt . Someone I respect too
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I'm bound to say it but playing frank with his nous in the middle would have made more sense than whatever that Henderson was all about.
All the focus on Rooney from the media - yet as it turns out, he did turn up after all and all four goals conceded to date have been horrific defensive **** ups.

Baines and Johnson are embarrassingly bad. Why would you bring Luke Shaw and not play him at all? What possible sense did that make - if you were going to do that, bring Ashley Cole to sit on the bench. After all, that's what he brought Lampard for - in case super Stevie got injured.

Joh Terry, for all the cnut factor he brings, would have made such a difference.
Just saw the second goal - bloody hell, Hart was pathetic for that! Pretty much any other keeper at the World Cup would have saved that - you're meant to stay on your feet to the last moment, not fall over out of the way.
Just saw the second goal - bloody hell, Hart was pathetic for that! Pretty much any other keeper at the World Cup would have saved that - you're meant to stay on your feet to the last moment, not fall over out of the way.

That was what I meant when I suggested he maybe shat it. You can see in slow motion he dips his shoulder away from the ball as if to avoid taking a sore one from a hard shot.

Gerrard isn't the same player who dragged Liverpool from 0-3 in Istanbul to an unforgettable triumph. He also turned his back on a shot earlier in the game (the ball deflected off the inside of his calf for a corner) then had the cheek to turn round and start shouting at the players around him. (I presume it was encouragement and not criticism but if you're going to lead by example you need to face up to the shot even if it means taking a sore one.)

England aren't as bad as some of you are making out. I half-expected them to get something from last night but those were two tough games with which to open your campaign. Italy are the kind of team no country would fancy having to play at any time. Uruguay blow hot and cold. They were poor against Costa Rica but maybe they had half an eye on the England game as that was always going to make or break their hopes. They would have fancied their chances a bit against Costa Rica, regarded England as the crunch match and maybe rely on Italy only needing a draw against them [following wins agsint England and CR]to secure the group.

I repeat England were unlucky. Imagine what it must be like being Spanish this week...

And if you want to see what it should mean to play for your country, have a look at Chile.
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Panelists on RTE was comparing the 'animal factor' and 'hunger' of both teams, making the point that Urugay players would 'kill their grannies' to win that game, England not so much.

Dunphy added: "Look at the two managers. Roy Hodgson looks like he's a junior civil servant. The other fella looks like he has been down a few back allies."
Just saw the second goal - bloody hell, Hart was pathetic for that! Pretty much any other keeper at the World Cup would have saved that - you're meant to stay on your feet to the last moment, not fall over out of the way.

He certainly never utilised all his weapons........a better keeper may have done the same but hands up body down not just sink to the floor like a sack of potatoes...That said he don't miss much that striker does he?
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