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  1. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    I think I’m the only person in the world to have backed Margaret Dumont at 66/1. I have to back the Williams horses as well. He’s so canny.
  2. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    Thanks for that. Couldn’t work out why I backed it on 1st but now I know! Makes up for the time we went to Longchamp and, on our return saw that I’d left a piece of paper with the name Danedream on it. But didn’t back her!
  3. M

    The Arc 2021

    Scored 11/12 on the OLBG Arc blog. Only missed out on 12/12 because it was over 33/1.
  4. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    Oh ouch. I missed that one. Well done!
  5. M

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Not exactly. Doesn’t count backing it 10 seconds before the off I’m afraid. But he is a frustrating horse and I’m always hopeful that one of us backs him on a going day!
  6. M

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Last minute bet on Stargazer. Kirby horses seem to have hit form and need watching. I missed Wye Aye yesterday because I was willing on Spiders Bite for Adam. Stargazer is a bit of a nightmare horse, betting wise.
  7. M

    I'm a glutton for punishment

    Don’t worry. I’ve just backed both of the Easterby horses in the Gold Cup. No chance now. That’ll show him for wrong footing us!
  8. M

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Thanks for that!
  9. M

    Breeding Question.

    I’ve been following a Facebook page about the wild mustangs in America that are sadly being rounded up by helicopter and family groups are being split up. I don’t know what their actual fate is (find it very upsetting). But one horse, a very famous mustang called Picasso had a foal with one of...
  10. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    I’ve backed my beloved Wise Eagle for the Cesarewitch. No idea if he’s likely to get into the race though. He was either 33/1 or 40/1.
  11. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    At least I backed that ‘Ginge’horse today but only because it reminded me of a NTD horse!
  12. M

    What are you watching

    I ordered series one of Britannia after seeing a trailer for series three on the tv but it hasn’t arrived yet. Was looking forward to watching it.
  13. M

    Cheltenham help

    Yes. And watching the horse boxes arriving and unloading. I miss that more than anything now that we no longer drive there.
  14. M

    What are you watching

    Write Around the World with Richard E Grant. What a gem of a series. I’m rewatching it because, as usual I tend to fall asleep as I watch it late at night. But there’s so much to take in and there are authors I’ve never heard of ( including a drummer* from Genesis who isn’t Phil Collins: phew...
  15. M


    Speak for yourself. Another gold medal today. We’re doing really well. Anyway, it it is a crossover sport with Nick Skelton helping out at Dan’s. And let’s not forget Harvey!
  16. M

    What are you watching

    Watching Kasabian on Sky Arts. Feeling sad all over again that they’ve split up.
  17. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    It’s all pointing to the favourite then. Can’t have that.
  18. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    I was down to Zargun (nr), Total Commitment, Atalanta Boy, Barbill and Justanother bottle. I’m sure I can find a few more. Yesterday I added Jason Weavers tip, Ken Pittersons paddock pick at the last minute and they both placed.
  19. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    I know yesterday they said on racing radio to go for low drawn horses and that seemed to be the case. ( the ones I fancied today are all drawn high though…)
  20. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    Is there a draw bias in the race?