2007 Departures - Horses In Training

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Any news on Lord Beau? Saw him pulling up pretty sharpish and Ch4 said he'd gone wrong, such a shame after such a long time off the course.
It sure did Ardross. Most of the lads in work were of the opinion we'd seen the last of him. Good to see him get up so quickly after the fall :)
THank goodness Black Harry was OK - thought he was the most lovely chaser in the making.
Devastated, not only because I'd back him in the Gd National to win a tidy sum, tho not today as thought he wouldn't be bottomed - backed the winner but felt no joy as he came in.

Just loved the horse. Exceptionally well-named: by Un Desperado out of Still Hoping.
Feel so sorry for the yard and esp the owner.
It would have great to see him on the Aintree honours board
And more sad news. The not unfancied 13 y.o. PRAIRIE MINSTREL broke down badly in the back straight at Fontwell in the final race of the day. The ambulance and screens were very quickly on the scene, but were still in place when the race was over and people were departing. I saw Robert Lucy-Butler later and he said that the dear old boy had been put down, having either injured or broken a leg in running. Trained by Robin Dickin, ridden by Henry Oliver, who PU v. quickly and dismounted him to await attention.
I'm not sure if i'm on the right tracks but there looked ot be one badly injured in a chase today at Carlisle. Pretty late on in the card but didn't have time to check the paper to see who it was :(
A couple of very nasty falls today at Wincanton :(

Warlord in the 3.00 is still on the ground trying to be saved by the vets & Priests Bridge in the 3.30pm if she gets up I'll be gobsmacked, looked as though she was dead before she hit the ground cry
Stars in his eyes in the 3.00pm (wincanton) dead, dislocated pastern

Priests bridge dead 3.30pm Wincanton

Warlord still on the ground, apparently sedated
I'd just got in and switched on to hear Nick Luck discussing how long PRIEST'S BRIDGE had been off-course, over three years, having a foal in the meantime. He was wondering how many other mares had had babies and come back into work. She looked really super, shiny and fit in the parade ring, tanked off exuberantly in front, took the first well, and bulldozed the second, onto her neck. I should say she was killed instantly, along with the dream and effort of bringing her back to racing fitness. Very sad indeed - a lovely big liver chestnut mare with a star, very good-looking.

STARSINHISEYES apparently ran around looking perfectly okay after his fall, but on being brought back to the stables was found to have dislocated a pastern. I have to admit to some surprise that a dislocation isn't repairable, or have I come to expect too much veterinary cleverness after BARBARO?
I must admit that I thought a dislocation would be repairable but perhaps in galloping around he damaged some blood vessels in the foot shrug::
Bringing the total of horses killed in action today at Wincanton to four:

WARLORD, knocked unconscious in his fall, lay supine and sedated for some two hours while vets hoped to save him - a hope in vain, as he's been put down.

NEYSAUTEUR - PU quickly in the back straight and put down with a fractured fetlock, a stable star and a very popular horse.

J. Harris the jockey air-ambulanced to hospital with facial and internal injuries from his fall at the course - best wishes for his recovery and return to riding.

What a bloody afternoon.
Dear lord, I almost went to Wincanton today but decided I was too poor. I am now very pleased that I did not go.
It was bad enough for Charlie Longsdon to lose Kerstino Two but to lose Neysateur as well is rotten luck.
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