2007 Departures - Horses In Training

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I might be imagining things here but was there not a pile up at that same fence a couple of years ago? Possibly the year Xenophon was killed, maybe time for a review of the number of runners?
Considering only one fence seemed to cause any sort of trouble today I suggest its just a once off. If that sized field can jump around every other fence on good ground at a fast pace I do not think Fairyhouse have any need for a review of any sort.

I would say though I am surprised Jonjo did not have water/oxygen right at the finish for his winner considering it had happened before.
Perhaps it's because it's a fairly critically-positioned fence as tiring horses fall back a bit, and jockeys start to really push for the line on others? I was surprised by how close-up they were in general today - far from strung out for miles.
With respect, it was the third last in the irish national where there were no other fallers in the race. Cheeky Lady was not quite out of touch at that point and was entitled to jump the fence. Yes, horses in behind were brought down but it was an unfortunate incident that it is not symptomatic of a wider problem - if there had been multiple falls in the race I'd have agreed
BTW and FWIW - I haven't said that CL was going other than well at the time. Three out in any National is still where horses are tiring and falling back through the field, and usually where late-closing horses are being brought forward. She'd run a smart race and there seemed no reason why she wouldn't be trying in the final mix, but although I don't know what caused her fall, it's feckin bad luck on just her fifth or sixth chase, a code she'd seemed to be taking to well.
Big gold watch and a carriage clock please for Blazing Batman who is off to grow old disgracefully after 93 races and a helluva lot of prize money and fun for all his connections.

Happy retirement you old orange git - I wont miss galloping you on the riverbank.... :clap: :clap: :clap:
Originally posted by krizon@Apr 9 2007, 06:19 PM
Tony Dobbin suffered a broken arm in the pile-up, so that's his Aintree buggered.
Just badly bruised according to Kim Baileys site this morning & should be back for Aintree on Thurs
Last year's Breeders' Cup Distaff winner Round Pond has been retired after fracturing her knee. Connections are optimistic that she will make a full recovery and the plan is to send her to either AP Indy or Storm Cat.
Head Held High 6 yr old mare with Jessie Harrington PU injured yesterday at Fairyhouse in Adamant's race before the last
Dear old Batters - a very happy retirement to him! Does anyone know what he's going to do in retirement, or is it really out to pasture?
Splat(as I call him in my more polite moments - believe me - the first B doesnt often stand for Blazing.... :ph34r: ) has a huge que of poeple who want him - headed by our old head girl - and I think if she is still having him hes off for a life of hunter trialling, a bit of hunting, some show jumping and a life of generally being looked after in teh manner which he thinks he is deserving of....

He is one of the most arrogent,pig-headed,know-it-all horses Ive ever had the (dubious :brows: ) pleasure to know - hes driven me to tears sometimes - he really does know far far more about racing than many people could ever hope to know and I might actually miss him :shy: - teh wont load,cant catch,lets himself out of his pen to go walkabout in the middle of the night,cart anyone who gets on adn thinks they can ride but will look after a novice or nervous person like they are made of glass,jumps anything you point him at,could do with a few more like him (well -maybe not EXACTLY like him!!)

He certainally wont be festering in a field anywhere - he wouldnt stand for that!!! :laughing:
Great story, Troodles, but isn't it nice to have a horse with a sense of humour? :D If they don't show their personalities it'd be a dull old yard, wouldn't it?
Ive just spent half an hour trying to catch him to put his rug on for the night - so right now Jon - No - Id quite happily have a yard full of characterless blobs!! :laughing:

Im only messing really - he means the world to everyone here, and we will miss him loads when he goes - there arent many in the world like him.... norty we've been very lucky. He really does deserve a very very happy and long retirement.
Don't suppose anyone can do better than the RP comments in running on the 3.40 Selling Hurdle at Hereford, can they? I watched it because TIME FOR YOU was running and I know the owner, but saw TRUE WEST and NEARLY A BREEZE take falls at the last. One of them, to the left of picture, is seen with legs twitching horribly and the jockey going over to assist. Both are just noted as having fallen, but it did look so nasty for one of them. I know they're just back markers, but why on earth can't we be told if they're okay?
I was wondering if Bob Bites Back was ok after his fall yesterday at Chepstow.

Whitford Don collapsed and died at Haydock the other day which was a shame as he'd been revitalised for the switch to Claire Dyson.
Oh, poor old WHITFORD DON. Sorry to hear that - I also hope the best for BBB. I like all the Bobs, they're bred for the job and are usually tough, determined, and talented.
I've been offline for a few days - just wanted to say happy retirement to old Blazing Batman, have enoyed seeing him immaculately turned out over the years. Glad to hear he will have a good home too.

Sorry about Whitford Don, he was a lovely horse.

Does anyone know what happend to Made In Japan the other day? Pulled up but was he okay ? Has hade so many problems.
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