Arc 2010

Not sure we'd have found that out if Sariska had started though Kauto - Plumania won the Grand Prix De Deauville beating HK Vase winner Daryakana and Arc specialist Youmzain.

Think the only thing we really learnt is that Sarafina stays 12f.
I think HRAC is wrong in not running Midday . It may be a while since he last made such an error but he thought Chalon was not ready for the 1982 1000 after she won the Nell Gwyn - On The House won - after being well behind in the Nell Gwyn . Chalon broke the course record over 7f in a valuable handicap on the Saturday and murdered On the House in the Coronation .

Midday is improved she stays really well - an Arc fast pace will suit her . She has beaten Plumania who won the Grand Prix de St Cloud If they are intent on going to the US why run in the Fillies race- the Turf is hers for the taking
Front 2 were front 2 Gal. Planetaur might not have truly stayed the 12f, dont think there is much between the 2 however, if they race again, have to fancy the Aga horse to win again. In the race in July, Planteaur can blame the other horse got 1st run, they cant say that anything since Planteaur was a length up before they really quicken. Obviously, both are using this as a stepping stone and are not fully fit, nevertheless the Aga horse looks more solid and less excuses.
Harbinger beat in this year:

Cape Blanco (Irish Champion by 5)
Duncan (Foy)
Red Wood (GG group winner)
Sans Frontier (3 group wins)
Youmizain (with Plumania running well in the Vemeille)
Age Of Aquarius ( 2nd in the gold Cup, sh)
Manifest (Yorkshire Cup by a long margin)
Claremont (placed in the Coronation)
This year he Arc looks a weak edition,

the key is to find a Marienbard and have luck and a good ride on the day.
I don't see that happening to a top class Stoute or Gosden filly. She's been poorly managed imo.

I personally really don't agree with you here. When an older filly decides shes had enough, there isn't a thing you can do about it. I would imagine her hormones have kicked in and shes thinking babies rather than racing. It does happen - because shes a high profile horse, we have all noticed it but there have been other cases over the years which haven't been documented from all sorts of trainers. Others may simply show it by refusing to go on the gallops at home but you don't hear about them and they are retired.

Bell is in no way to blame over this. He even employed Gary Witherford who specialises in horses with stalls problems and it was he who was running with Sariska down to the start.
Agree with Jinnyj - bet if you asked Gosden or Stoute they would give you the names of half a dozen similarly behaved fillies they trained over the years - just non so high profile.
It is a real shame that Sariska has gone this way - she really should have flourished as a 4 year old. Really is amazing how these traits get passed on.