So there you are, Col. Criticise Niall Quinn and you're against sick and terminally-ill children.
So there you are, Col. Criticise Niall Quinn and you're against sick and terminally-ill children.
Got to mention Oli Bell again unfortunately, 45 mentions of Meat Loaf when presenting from Newmarket on Friday night given out he thought in a humorous manner, followed up by another dozen "humorous" mentions of Meat Loaf the following afternoon when he was also presenting from Newmarket although Meat Loaf was at Newbury that day.
Extremely tedious.
Great find, Flagship.
I absolutely love Thommo, and that ad sums up why. He is an absolute legend.
Peter Naughton - surely now the runaway winner of this event as McGrath has retired. Ten minutes of him on RUK this afternoon and I have had to mute the TV - inane, imbecilic and insufferable.
...... then you'll have missed him announce from the Knavesmire before the off for the 4.40, that he was on the Roodeye :blink:
He has an autobigraphy or biography (not sure which) out next month called "Too Busy To Die".
Available on ? You guessed it ...Friday 13th![]()
The Racing Post is publishing extracts from Thompson's book this week. They are hardly riveting.
'So what do you think, Fitzy?'
"To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma .....