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Arse Cup

Got to mention Oli Bell again unfortunately, 45 mentions of Meat Loaf when presenting from Newmarket on Friday night given out he thought in a humorous manner, followed up by another dozen "humorous" mentions of Meat Loaf the following afternoon when he was also presenting from Newmarket although Meat Loaf was at Newbury that day.

Extremely tedious.
Got to mention Oli Bell again unfortunately, 45 mentions of Meat Loaf when presenting from Newmarket on Friday night given out he thought in a humorous manner, followed up by another dozen "humorous" mentions of Meat Loaf the following afternoon when he was also presenting from Newmarket although Meat Loaf was at Newbury that day.

Extremely tedious.

I'll second that if only because it continued long after the cameras were switched off and we were in the bar.
Today goes to Lady Lloyd Webber on grabbing the reins to lead The Fugue back into the winners enclosure and completely blanking the girl who was leading the filly up. In fact she pretty much barged her out of the way and even when unsaddled, she did her best to ignore the girl.
I just felt she was rude and ignorant. Of course its her horse and shes entitled to lead her back in, but it would have been nice to have acknowledged the part her lass played in looking after her.
Peter Naughton - surely now the runaway winner of this event as McGrath has retired. Ten minutes of him on RUK this afternoon and I have had to mute the TV - inane, imbecilic and insufferable.
Peter Naughton - surely now the runaway winner of this event as McGrath has retired. Ten minutes of him on RUK this afternoon and I have had to mute the TV - inane, imbecilic and insufferable.

...... then you'll have missed him announce from the Knavesmire before the off for the 4.40, that he was on the Roodeye :blink:
Naughton completely missed the fact that Graham Lee briefly got his reins in a tangle about 100 yards out on Ladies Are Forever in Sunday's big race, momentarily losing impetus. It quite possibly made the difference between victory and defeat. To be fair to Naughton, he wasn't the only one. Mark Howard didn't spot it and neither did the Racing Post summariser.
The Racing Post is publishing extracts from Thompson's book this week. They are hardly riveting.

They are doing us all a service - nobody surely will be buying a copy after reading those extracts. Prose like treacle and as boring as can be .
'So what do you think, Fitzy?'

"To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma .....
'So what do you think, Fitzy?'

"To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma To me, Emma, for me Emma, to me Emma, for me, Emma .....


why oh why do they employ him?..good jockey..complete bollox on TV
why have they got him at Longchamp ffs?....painful

out of his depth as much as its possible to be...C4 haven't much clue about who they sack and employ imo
The git on RUK with Lydia at Wincanton who just advised us AP achieved his 4000th winner at Ludlow. Where do they get these people ?

Lydia didn't correct him either