Bay Hawk? Update Please!

I leave decisions about where to run Bay Hawk with Brendan. He thought this morning the ground should be fine for him. With Bay Hawk's leg problem soft/sticky ground would be more of a worry. He needs good jumping ground.
A letter arrived arrived from Taunton racecourse this morning. Full of the usual welcoming for the owners patter that is always appreciated, telling me of a wonderful deal they have in the restaurant for Owners at £7.50 (for two courses) :eek: PLUS they state the following:

"In the event of an accident to either horse or rider, the Starters car will be available to Owners/Trainers use to get out on the course. It will be based at the foot of the Control Tower by the main crossing after each race, until all horses /jockeys are clear of the course."

I hope to God I don't need it, but what a thoughtful gesture by the course. I have never seen this offered before so fair play to them.
You and me both, Colin. :brows:

One horse I would love to win tomorrow for Brendan is the lovely mare, Owlesbury Dream (the story of her name is on Brendan's website). She should stand a live chance of getting her head in front.
Finished 8th, not a bad run - just faded in the last couple of furlongs and was looked after. Came home safe anyway!
Yes, more than happy with that run, Gareth. Bay Hawk's jumping was impressive and Tom Sidall said that Bay Hawk put himself in the race and was quite happy bowling along. He did blow up abit at the end but having only his second run after a year off this was not overly surprising. Fingers crossed his leg is OK, and roll on 10 days time when we will start looking out for another race for him.

Taunton is a lovely racecourse and we enjoyed a lovely lunch in the O&T restaurant which had a view over the parade ring and racecourse.

Brendan thinks he has made it as a trainer now, as Taunton have given him his own parking space with the initials BGP on it. He was absolutely thrilled.....bless him. :D

Great to meet up with Colin Phillips who, as always was great company who was even happy to go with my OH to take Barney for a walk! :clap:

A great day.
Bay Hawk lost a shoe yesterday so he walked out a little stiff this morning BUT his "leg" is absolutely fine.
Weather and ground permitting, Bay Hawk could be out at Fontwell next Tuesday. He is working and schooling well at home and Brendan is really pleased with his progress.
Brendan Powell goes to Fontwell today with 5 horses, one of which is BAY HAWK for anyone who has missed me mentioning his latest outing on the Mick Fitzgerald thread. I hope to see the lovely Krizon to wish her a Very Happy Christmas from all her pals on TH! :xmassign:
Bay Hawk came 5th today - missing out on prize money and place money BUT we were thrilled. Mick Fitzgerald is such a nice man and gave Bay Hawk a great ride. Krizon had her last day working at Fontwell today so my OH and I were thrilled she was able to come with us into the paddock etc. so that she could meet Bay Hawk & Mick Fitzgerald up close. We all cheered Bay Hawk on together and listened to Mick telling us after the race that the ground in places was pretty dead but he is convinced Bay Hawk will win races. Bay Hawk will definitely improve for that race.

It was great to see Krizon looking so well and thrilled that she also met Barney who was wrapped up in his coat in my car and was quite disappointed when we woke him up! Like Colin Phillips at Taunton, Kirzon ended up coming for a walk with us as well as Barney made a bee line to wee up Brendan Powell's car tyre. How did he know it was Brendan's car? shrug:: Luckily, I distracted him just in time. :D

A great day at one of my favourite NH racecourse.
He ran very well for you Kathy.

I can pass on that the winner and the 2nd were considered very useful types so you can take some comfort that it was a hot contest.

Turning in he looked in with a serious chance, I noticed he ran very well and he looks sure to win you races on todays evidence.

Good luck for the future with him Kathy.
Thinking and accepting that Bay Hawk would possibly never race again a year ago and then seeing him today with a top jock on board in quite a hot race was quite surreal. Brendan told me to keep the faith in him and in Bay Hawk and so far I couldn't wish for any more....


OK, apart from a nice little win perhaps with the whole TH forum making a few quid. That would be the icing on the cake! :D
A few photos from yesterday!








Brendan left me and told me to give Mick his instructions and then he and Granny listened in and looked on in great amusement to make sure I didn't say anything too controversial - as if. I was just telling Mick about Talking Horses and how highly everyone thinks of him. :suspect:
