Bay Hawk? Update Please!

For the newbies on Talking Horses (and welcome to you all) here is a bit of the background to Bay Hawk and possibly why yesterdays win was extra special to me for anyone vaguely interested.

All regulars who are bored stiff of me harping on about this horse feel free to jump to the next thread! :)
Never wanting to disappoint the Bay Hawk fan club.... Here are a few, Helen.

Brendan allowed me to give Mick the instructions... again - with the lovely Krizon looking on in total amusement and Brendan wondering what I am going to do with my hands. :what:

The lovely and very supportive, Krizon

Me (looking quite mad) and The Boss

Bay Hawk (in 2nd place) on the first circuit - I hadn't started screaming.... yet! :shy:

Me and my gorgeous boy! :luv:

Yes, absolutely fine thanks, Zebs. There is a race he is pencilled in for at Fontwell this Sunday.

He ate up, his legs are fine this morning and he didn't have an overly hard race by all accounts.
Thats great news and good to hear that his legs are ok..... :clap: ...Good luck for Sunday if he runs :)

So far he has Helen, but it doesn't stop me worrying about him every time he goes out that his next run may be his last. Whilst Brendan was debriefing Mick Fitzgerald after the win I was running my hands down his legs (Bay Hawks legs, not Mick Fitz's :) ) looking for any signs of heat.
He's a credit to all concerned.

Presumably the intention of running on Sunday is to get another race into him before his rating goes up next week?
I am down in Swansea this weekend, but will be hot footing it across to Fontwell tomorrow to watch Bay Hawk who is back out again in the 4.10. Fingers crossed :brows: