Bay Hawk? Update Please!

I was hovering about teletext until the result came in. I cannot imagine ever being an owner. I would be so utterly sick with nerves sending him or her out on a track, full stop.

Kathy, huge congratulations to you, Bay Hawk and all involved. I’m so totally jazzed for all of you.
Bay Hawk's wins are like a bus, nothing for ages then two come along at once.
Fitzy's only ride so he must have been confident.

Well done again and hope those legs are OK tomorrow.
Such a thrill - and such a relief! Well done again Brendan and Bay Hawk - and Mick Fitz :D

Bet he had to run a mile from Kathy this time.......
What a team! Three wins today for the Powell camp, and such a fantastic atmosphere in the O&T's with everyone wishing everyone else luck, even if we were competing in the same race. :clap: :clap: Bob Gunn had a double the first one at Fontwell and then at Kempton with Take a Mile. He has had a bit of bad luck with horses recently so this would have meant a lot to him.

If you have never been a racehorse owner, I have to tell you that there are rarely better days than seeing your horse win under a ride by a jockey that clearly loves the horse as much as the horse that totally and utterly respects him. It was just a joy to be part of it. Bay Hawk was always "gassy" working at home but since Mick has been involved, he has taught him to settle. You only have to watch how Mick rests his hands gently on his withers when racing and never raises a stick to him until he wants him to make an effort. I am clearly biased but it just brings a lump to my throat to watch how the two clearly "gel".

Krizon as many of you know from this forum, came with us today, and made the day perfect. She is now head of the Bay Hawk fan club, and is recruiting others by the day! I'll post a few photos up as soon as I have updated Brendan's website.

I am off to see all the staff and of course The Hawk tomorrow and as always, thanks again for all your good wishes on here and all the texts!. I hope a few of you were on!

PS Mick Fitzgerald loved Trig's dance routine, and can't wait to see what Trig does after this latest win. :what: We all had another giggle about it again today.
Thanks, Rory! I bumped into an old friend of ours at Fontwell who came and said hello.... Colin Little. It was great to see him. :)

By the way, Brendan and I sneaked off to a little jazz bar in Brighton last night after the racing at Fontwell to celebrate Bay Hawk's 2nd win in a week, not knowing Trig was there AGAIN with his video camera. :suspect:
I have been to the yard to see Bay Hawk today where he happily scoffed 2 packets of polos and 3lbs carrots! He is absolutely fine and is going to have a 2-3 week break now.

Brendan has been insisting we try The Hawk chasing so I have given in trying to reason with him - hence my comment to The Racing Post. He's the trainer, so he knows best. My idea of sending him back on the allweather was met with some rather strange looks. :D The proviso if he goes chasing is Mick Fitz rides, so best he doesn't retire just yet!

Trig's latest video was well received down at the yard today too. Thanks, Trig.

I will post a few photos up later.
Last minute instructions pre race from Brendan.


Debriefing post race. :)
Originally posted by zebs@Feb 4 2008, 05:44 PM
Lovely to hear he is ok :clap: ......When will he go chasing ?
Not sure yet but I will of course keep you posted.
I hear from Brendan today that Bay Hawk is back and cantering. I am assuming as The Hawk is on a "break" it was just a very slow canter. :rolleyes: :)

Can I just say thanks to the people that run the famous racehorses site for putting up a piece about Bay Hawk's return from injury to winning on their home page. I know Bay Hawk is not famous but it's nice to see Brendan Powell getting some recognition for getting Bay Hawk right, and then fit and subsequently winning. He is obviously one of many trainers that can do this but with so many racehorses suffering a"leg" it is nice for other owners to know that some horses really do make it back.