Bloodstock News 2010

Sheikh Mo has bought and invested hugely over the last few years (didnt his purchase of a stud in Australia include 100s of mares?) so I guess it is only natural he is purchasing less given the numbers he will now have from his breeding operation.

Coolmore is more interesting - the European Sales will probably be a more accurate guide.
Politically it doesn't look great to have Sheik Mo wasting millions on horse flesh while his country is verging on bankruptcy.
It might matter if there were any politics to worry about, Mel, but as he's an autocratic ruler, there's no opposition to whatever he decides to do. He'd probably say that racing was helping to keep lots of people in jobs as part of the tourist agenda.
Based on nothing other than hearsay, I would say it does. Princess Haya has an incredible portfolio of causes and charities she works very hard for and Sheikh Mo has too. I am not saying he would cut back the racing empire just to stop any adverse comments but he might cutback in order to remove deadwood etc, of which there is plenty in that organisation! The equine industry in Dubai is a serious employer and of course elsewhere in the world but making it more efficient wouldn't do anything but good all round.
When the word politics was used, I thought it was referencing the people looking at an elected government playing fast and loose with its money for an industry which is heavily involved in (anti-Islamic) betting. But politics, as in there not being an elected government in Dubai, not being relevant as such, then what Songsheet refers to could be called a social conscience.

Don't forget that it is a religious duty for all Muslims to give 2.5% of their earnings to charity every year. It's called Zakat, a tax for the richer to give to the less advantaged. The most popular are charities supporting widows and orphans, or sick children. Thus, while all efforts for charity are noble, it's a requirement of Princess Haya, Sheikh Mo and in fact all Muslims, regardless of status, to cough up this percentage of their earnings. It really isn't an option for them.
I am sure that they do cough up the required percentage but, if you are extremely wealthy, that's not exactly a hardship, is it ? However, physically running, attending and dealing with various charitable works equates to far more than merely donating dosh. It is the equivalent of the average Joe doing a day's work, I guess - ie it involves more effort than simply writing a cheque...
Yes, but she hasn't got to worry about rushing the kid to school, preparing dinner, calling the plumber and all of the general nonsense of everyday life, Songs. She's like the Queen - she can easily afford that time, because with the wealth of retainers, nannies, cooks and bottle-washers they have, that is what they have a lot of, and exactly how it's to be spent, fronting for their countries in the meet 'n' greet business, and making sure their country looks good. Doing kind deeds was always one of the main activities of wealthy married women - and it still is, whether you're a footballer's wife or married to a ruler of a country - or indeed the ruler herself! Sheikh Mo was highly astute in making her Wife No.2, although I suspect her role is much more as main partner. Her high level of intelligence (Jordanians are, overall, much brighter than Gulf counterparts) and education, and range of horsey interests makes her the perfect partner - the fact she's very beautiful is also a bonus!
What I thought was interesting was when Sheikh Mo, in the face of issues at home, went on a spending splurge over the last year or two. It was as if he knew the end of his buying power was coming so might as well spend it before he was stopped. At least now he has a bigger broodmare band which will give him runners naturally without having to buy them.

I wonder are Coolmore doing more deals with breeders. They might be able to buy horses off market now through greater foal shares etc. In the past, they used to have to go to the sales to buy out the other side, but I wonder if they are now offering a cash amount before they go to the sales, or are giving free nominations in return for the half share. Anything could be going on but they need to keeping buying horses in order to fill their stallion positions. Unlike Sheikh Mo who has nothing to feed except his own interest in racing.

And if Coolmore and the Sheikh are moving away from the sales, the likes of Sir Robert Ogden must be laughing. They will pick up some really nice types for a quarter of the money they would have paid a few years back.
By Bloodstock World Staff 6:28PM 16 SEP 2010
THE North American Jockey Club has reported that 3,130 stallions covered 49,404 mares in North America during 2009, according to statistics compiled up until September 8 this year.
These matings have resulted in 27,233 live foals being reported to the Jockey Club on Live Foal Reports received as of September 8.

The reporting of live foals this year is down 14.2 per cent compared to at this point last year, when The Jockey Club had received 31,727 reports of live foals.

Medaglia d'Oro, sire of last year's champion three-year-old filly Rachel Alexandra, ishas the largest number of live foals this year, with 163. His produce result from the covering of 205 mares, hence a live-foal rate of 80 per cent.
The estimated final tally of 30,000 would be the fewest in a foal crop since the 28,809 in 1976.The registered foal crop projection takes into account that not all live foals become registered.
In addition to the 27,233 live foals of 2010 reported up until September 8, The Jockey Club had also received 5,138 No Foal Reports for the 2010 foaling season.
I see Coolmore purchased a Street Sense colt last night - Darley stallion. Only their second purchase all sales.
Two colts purchased by Coolmore,

AP Indy x Friendly Michelle 600k
Street Sense x Priceles Storm 435k

They also purchased two fillies,

Giant's Causeway x Walker's Gal 250k
Giant's Causeway x Lizzy Cool 190k

John Ferguson made nine purchases, all colts.
Songsheet will be delighted to see the DIAMOND GREEN result - I wonder if she will want to hold onto her quarter-share in DIAMOND BOB now?
If anyone's interested, there's a piece on RP TV on Ted Voute, who is a well-known yearling consignor and how a yearling is prepped for the sales. Ted started his career at Adstock Manor Stud under James Delahooke's tutelage at the same time I was there as James' PA. Quite a long time ago .....:cool: