
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Anyone who can't see that the eurozone has been a disaster simply cannot be taken seriously. Look at respective growth figures over past four years. France's highest anticipated growth is still lower than the uks lowest over that period. Says it all

either way with Greece wobbling once again and the fundamental issues not addressed (as far as I can see) along with mounting problems with the Italian banks as well as horrendous levels of unemployment across the regionthen I think it's fair to say the eurozone is something to steer very clear of

Who is talking about the euro/eurozone?

You have a habit of trying to shift the debate when you lose the argument :)
Who is/was talking about the euro? it's not the point here. Again, you try to shift the debate whenever you lose the argument..
And corbyn and mcdonell despite what they publicly claim.

as if everyone in the "remain" camp smells of roses....
Who is/was talking about the euro? it's not the point here. Again, you try to shift the debate whenever you lose the argument..

lost what argument? The one where the eurozone growth has seemingly outstripped the uk although it hasn't ? I'll leave others to read back yours and others flat earther understanding of interest rates

Im bored with this. I stated eurozone from the beginning. The eurozone is the states using the euro ... Again
What relevance does the Eurozone have to the debate?

We are not even in the Eurozone. The only context where the Eurozone argument applies is the make-believe one where Britain is taken into the Euro against its will.
Ffs. I was comparing the eurozone growth to the uks

you should be reading up on what an interest rate is rather than wasting your time here. You wouldn't play football if you didn't know what the goalposts were for would you?

I would also add that others should not take your farage stateKent seriously because you deliberately did not quote it in full. He was spot on to state that Britain (although he should just state England and Wales where big government is not slavishly adored) should not be bullied by a unelected fat alcoholic who has no idea what he's talking about.

If the dribbling slurring cnt wants to make threats let's fjcking hear them. Bring it on.

"Details fatty ? And stand up straight .. You haven't got what? Go fck yourself"

hes an empty windbag. And we want to be governed by THAT??

and junckers threats should have had the remain camp holding its head in its hands. Nothing rises the English more than this level of crap.
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Clive, if you can't see that MANY European (or Eurozone, if that's how you want to view it) countries have had EQUAL or STRONGER growth as the UK in the previous 3 quarters, you are an entirely lost cause.

And that rubbishes your argument about the UKs growth versus other eurozone countries.
in every one of the last five years the uk has had hugely higher growth than the Eurozone. on a par for a couple of quarters now. So what. The fundamentals that have driven the uk upwards are still in place as are the constant drags on the Eurozone one of which is the time bomb ticking euro itself of course
in every one of the last five years the uk has had hugely higher growth than the Eurozone. on a par for a couple of quarters now. So what. The fundamentals that have driven the uk upwards are still in place as are the constant drags on the Eurozone one of which is the time bomb ticking euro itself of course

Clive - the LAST 3 quarters is a much more accurate representation of the different economies than the past 5 years. Look at the UK trend - it's slowing down - this is indisputable. look at eurozone countries - their trend is going up - indisputable. I am not saying what will happen in the future but it's clear that your statement concering UK v European countries is utter nonsense, and I think you now know this.
. Look at the UK trend - it's slowing down - this is indisputable. .
Yep. Give Cameron and Osborne some credit, they've stabilised the ship, (some would say at the expense of the poorest as opposed to the richest) but the waters are still very turbulent.
If I was a hedge fund manager I'd be punting on the British economy taking a sizeable downturn, at least until the threat of more wars in the middle east was alleviated or we found another load of oil somewhere.
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Seems a lovely guy!

You post so much negative stuff about the EU, why not just vote to leave?

the eu frustrates because it should be leaner and more accountable. In principle I have nothing against the idea at all.
Exactly. Clive, you've made about 100 posts on this thread about the EU, ALL négative. Some are even based on refusal to accept FACTS.

For you, you should vote leave.
It's not so much inefficiencies as trust. I do not trust them to make the right decisions. The record is appalling of course but economic policies driven by bureaucratic empire building and pure political idealogy are damaging.

Worse still is that as we have seen time and again, unaccountable governance is crap. As I said before, if the eu was a state it would not be able to join the eu

what does concern me is that by leaving I don't see a natural upswing in trade with the rest of the world. I think that's a bit fanciful as I said a few posts back. On the other hand I don't necessarily see a downswing in trade with the eu. Trade is governed by far greater considerations than a few rules of which the vast majority don't affect most trade

One of the best aspects of the eu for me is the fact that (and this is why the labour leadership are lukewarm) it is a clear bulwark against Putin and his mob. Yes it's not nato but it's a decent fck you to le pen farages and corbyns hero

i would repost to pro freedom of movement post but I really can't be bothered
Well done Clive, one has to wade through a long post of yours to find 1 (one) positive point about the EU.

Never mind the fact you have posted around 256 negative posts concerning the EU.

Just vote to leave.
Which proves that you haven't even read the last post. And like the other one, it's all being made personal. Boring

doesnt matter at all which way I will vote. But rather than sweeping "I know what you think" statements from those that contribute zero I think perhaps the remain voters should offer a little more perhaps?

grass has highlighted health and safety legislation which is something that keeps everyone awake at night of course and is hugely important.

But this is a vote for the future and whilst the leavers have plenty to say (rightly) about the unaccountable empire building ambitions of the eu, where is the "remains" suggestions of any developments at all which are of future benefit? Isn't that the most damning point of all?
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The future benefit is the PRESENT one. The problem is that many Brits are not able to see the benefits of the EU.

Unfortunately so many Brits are not smart enough to realise Britain is no longer a superpower and they feel they are big enough to go it alone.

How many times did the following happen when I lived in London:
X: I went to Europe for the weekend, took a flight to Rome
Y: You do realise you live in Europe, right?
Arrogant and xenophobic as ever .

I supoose Switzerland and Norway suffer from the same delusions then do they??

what do you mean "big enough to go it alone". There are quite a few economies around the world that trade quite happily "Alone" and can make their own laws "alone". Fancy a list ?? Switzerland Norway Canada USA Australia New Zealand South Korea Japan ..

what an absolute load of drivel. the idea that our state and economy is absolutely dependent on the eu for survival is not even one the most rabid pro remain believer would make .

speak for your nation not ours

and "Brits" cannot se the benefits that you are unable to list
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A long list of EU benefits was provided a long way back in the thread, by this Brit. You chose to focus on one (H&S).

You don't really think you can get away with just making it up, do you?
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Arrogant and xenophobic as ever .

I supoose Switzerland and Norway suffer from the same delusions then do they??

what do you mean "big enough to go it alone". There are quite a few economies around the world that trade quite happily "Alone" and can make their own laws "alone". Fancy a list ?? Switzerland Norway Canada USA Australia New Zealand South Korea Japan ..

what an absolute load of drivel. the idea that our state and economy is absolutely dependent on the eu for survival is not even one the most rabid pro remain believer would make .

speak for your nation not ours

and "Brits" cannot se the benefits that you are unable to list

Can you point out the xenophobia in my post please?

It's like you are broken and see different words than what people write.