
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
I tend to sometres believe that

I have always thought that Brexit needs a 10 point lead to prevail on the day. Out of last 7 British referendums 6 have swung back to status quo at the last minute

Poll today suggests a 10 point lead.
As long as 2/5 Remain and as short as 2/1 Leave on the Books

1.43 and 3.3 four-figure lays on Betfair

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to move the manufacturer of wings would take years. What they going to do in the meantime . Deliver planes without them?

Operational run-down and eventual transition of the work to the EU jurisdiction, is the all too obvious answer.
Boffins? They will be terrified someone will find out what they have been doing all day. Pissing around on mickey mouse projects.

And no doubt some mug at the Eu has approved research ìnto "how many atoms are there in a line of coke?"

Sometimes, there is absolutely no point in trying to have a debate with you.
I was clearly referring to the airbus in terms of an embargo. Which is a stupid empty threat

Clearly if there is an embargo it starts on day one you do not have progressive embargo s ffs
The general thrust of his point was that giving the UK preferential treatment upon Brexit, would embloden other countries to reach for similiar arrangements.....which would threaten the entire European project.

This has always been a potential outcome - despite being constantly rubbished by Leave. Well now we have it presented as bare fact, by one of the EU's most powerful politicians. It will hopefully make people sit up and take notice.

The argument that a Brexit could threaten the very existence of the EU itself, either by other members following suit and demanding referendums or by other means; thereby further destabilizing an already giddy Europe is a scenario that we should seriously consider if we believe a peaceful future on the continent overrides insular National concerns here

A break-up of the whole EU would surely result in trouble-and-strife in the short term 'over there' at the very least, so should we voters here consider what's best for 'them' rather than just 'us'?

No need to bang-on about the dangers posed by a fractious Europe: history teaches us...
I suppose history indicates that a disunited Europe would be an unstable region, but I'm starting to think that a United Europe is becoming a threat to worldwide peace. I don't have to look further than their wooing of Ukraine, the plans for a pan-European Army, and even last week's hugely provocative staging of mock wargames only metres from the Russian borders.
UEFA threatening to disqualify Ing-ger-land too. Cameron needs that like a hole in the head. I wonder if he could cancel the vote if they did?
Quite a bit of movement towards parity?? on Betfair this morning: Remain 1.54 Leave 2.88

Books following: Betfred just gone 1/2 13/8!

Atrocity in the USA, possible expulsion from the footie...??...a trepidatious, momentous, fascinating 10 days ahead
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All over bar the shouting by the looks I took 3/1 awhile back just for an interest thinking the betting would be a lot closer,looks almost inevitable be flip flop soon leave, very strange as all my family and partners are retired conservatives and all of them are voting to stay in they seemed banker out voters to me,whether there will be a turnaround just seems unlikely now.
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Around 4/6 5/4 this morning

Considering only 2 or so weeks ago it was around 1/6 5/1 what is going on?

Was it the ghastly sight of Blair and Major hand-in-hand that started the roll, sped up by the appearance of an increasingly smug and strange Brown yesterday, or is it something deeper and less frivolous than that?

Are the markets over-reacting? should I 'bet like a man' on Remain at near-evens?

So come on assembled TH politicos, circuitous debate on economic minutiae between rocks and hard places is very entertaining but I want concrete views on 'who's gonna win' and why

I quite understand if you'd prefer to wait until 'after Lille' :confused:
I see the pound has nosedived today. William Hill are offering 9/4 that the economy is in recession once again by the end of 2017.

I wouldn't mind taking a bit of that (whether we stay or remain), but I'll have to check what criteria settles that particular bet.

If you can get odds-against on remain, steam in old chap, you'll be doing well.
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Countrys obsessed by immigration,ironically all the bcws that have turned to UKIP I get this horrible feeling in the not to distant future they will realize was biggest mistake they ever made and punished the most with Johnson,gove and ids creating more ''democracy'' anyone believes that are living in fantasy land.Going to be an horrendous foreseeable future,although longterm could be a blessing in disguise as if everything goes tIts up will be the dismantling of UKIP..
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The European Court has today upheld the UK's right to deny child tax-credits for children of migrants who are not resident in the UK. Since 1999, the UK has voted 2,592 times on EU regulation, and been 'defeated' a total of 56 times. In other words, we 'lose' just over 2% of the time....which is on a par with Austria and Germany.

The suggestion that the EU is permanently ranged against us is a complete and utter myth, but the Remain campaign seem to have an inordinate amount of trouble making this case.

I fear the worst.
What's telling is many labour comments saying that it reminds them of the GE where despite polls saying it was close, everyone they met then was voting Tory and same now with Brexit. It sounds ominous.

Never, ever underestimate the sheer stupidity of the English. Only a big remain win in the other 3 countries can swing it now.

I would be very worried if I lived in the UK.

All the big corporations HQ'd in London will start making plans to leave asap and leave just in country operations.

It's almost funny the obsession in the UK about immigration, and sad the complete lack of ability to understand the actual benefits and drawbacks of immigration.
What a load of crap

Funny how Google are building the biggest new hq of any corporation in the world knowing full well that this poll was in the offing. And HSBC have reversed a proposal to move

Never underestimate the stupidity and small minded Anglo phobia of the irish
Never, ever underestimate the sheer stupidity of the English.

Charming !
It's attitudes and remarks like this that has driven hordes of people into the Leave camp. The arrogance of "we know what's best for you" is a total turn-off to most.
That's not the point grass. The Eu as it stands wants to go in a different direction to the UK. Do you push back for ever?

The UK will be little different after leaving. Once other electorates see that then the domino effect will come onto play. The Eu deserves it.
Exactly ice and apologies if my response hit a nerve with you.

The poster was not going to mention that anti Eu feeling runs higher with the "stupid" French and Welsh was he
Around 4/6 5/4 this morning

Are the markets over-reacting? should I 'bet like a man' on Remain at near-evens?
Betting "Remain" takes a bit of bravery considering the latest polls.
This will be very tight, with a distinct possibility of "Leave" pulling it off.
I pushed a healthy enough sum into "Leave" purely for trading purposes around 3 weeks ago. My regret is that I jumped in before the big drift (I took 3:05). Point is, it was with the intention of trading out (which I could do now for a decent profit), but I'm kinda tempted to let it ride now as a straightforward bet.
Remain could well lose this.
I'm not one to bring up old posts but that poster has previously stated that leaving the Eu would send all the banks head offices to...


Which as it happens....
Never underestimate the stupidity and small minded Anglo phobia of the irish

You of all people are attacking the stupidity and small minded phobia by Anglos of the Irish?
Didn't the Irish reject the Lisbon Treaty? and then only voted in favour of it after the Germans coughed loudly and reminded them what their status was and that Brian Cowen had better go back and do a better a job at explaining it to them