
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Grey. Suggest you fck off out of it knowing your problems

it was clearly in response. Not that you would have noticed
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Didn't the Irish reject the Lisbon Treaty? and then only voted in favour of it after the Germans coughed loudly and reminded them what their status was and that Brian Cowen had better go back and do a better a job at explaining it to them

yes. And then we get lectures on where the "English" are going wrong laced with xenophobic comment

couldnt make it up could you?
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That's not the point grass. The Eu as it stands wants to go in a different direction to the UK. Do you push back for ever?

Is this really true though, Clivex?

The "ever closer union" might be a stated goal, but a) Britain has an exemption from that ever happening, and b) my strong suspicion is that everyone up-to and including the Germans, know that this is simply no longer going to be a sellable commodity to their respective electorates. Otherwise, as the voting statistics attest to, we hardly ever "push back" as a rule - no more so than Germany.

The changes that Britain wants to see will be driven from within the EU, because - prompted by the migrant crisis - so many of the other member-countries now essentially want similar change. Why leave now, and endure all of the penalties associated with Brexit, when we can remain and avoid any penalties, and help drive the kind of change that others want, but have perhaps been too cautious about vocalising until lately.
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yes. And then we get lectures on where the "English" are going wrong laced with xenophobic comment

couldnt make it up could you?

53.4% voted against Lisbon in 2008, which dropped to 32.9% by 2009 after the Germans had told the Irish which way they were supposed to vote. Mind you, they were getting bail outs about 12 months later, so perhaps they were right the second time round

I'd expect the UK's rejection (despite it being a more volatile environment post Euro crisis, terrorism, and immigration crisis) to be lower than Irelands
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Grass two years ago I would have disagreed but now I do sense this is the trend although from outside pressure rather then internal.

I would be more confident if there were more voices like Wolfgang whatsisname .
The English are looking to leave Europe not because they dislike the EU (most of them don't know how it works) but because they blame all the woes of their mismanaged country on immigrants - the second Leave introduced immigration as their only point of focus 10 days ago, the polls swung. English folk are unfortunately too stupid to realise that immigrants are huge net contributors to their economy, run a large part of their NHS and are not 'taking our jobs'.

On Google - maybe that is so. But if I was CEO of Google I would move ALL my worldwide operations to a country that bent over backwards so that Google had to pay the sum token of bugger all tax (when they should have paid many many times more and be put on trial). What was the French approach to google? Raided their offices with police 2 weeks ago and charges likely to follow.

On jobs in the financial sector leaving in the event of Brexit
I'll leave it other "stupid english" to respond to that

I have no doubt that if this was any other grouping uniformly described that way here that would be deleted
Hang on someone from the biggest corporation tax haven in the Eu lecturing the UK about tax??? One that was bailed out whilst acting has a fiddling heaven for Apple etc?
I'll leave it other "stupid english" to respond to that

I have no doubt that if this was any other grouping uniformly described that way here that would be deleted

So if I find the reasoning that is given by many English as stupid I should not say so?

I don't say what I really believe so as not to offend your gentle sensibilities...
You have described ALL English as stupid repeatedly . Also it's a complete myth that immigration only affects competition for jobs no one else wants to do. Absolute rubbish. Why shouldn't that be an issue for some? Why shouldn't they worry about the stretch on resources?

Aside from the fact your points are all over the place ( a mismanaged country that's a magnet for immigration ) you are making statements with no validation whatsoever.

Google didn't open in Dublin or Luxembourg did they? Or Amsterdam? All within the Eu and with disgraceful tax exemptions.

As for "all" head offices moving. How ridiculous is that. Switzerland being the home of any number of corporate hqs and aside from that not one single corporation has even hinted at such a move.
The English are looking to leave Europe not because they dislike the EU (most of them don't know how it works) but because they blame all the woes of their mismanaged country on immigrants - the second Leave introduced immigration as their only point of focus 10 days ago, the polls swung. English folk are unfortunately too stupid to realise that immigrants are huge net contributors to their economy, run a large part of their NHS and are not 'taking our jobs'.

Ruddy ell. What kind of retarded drivel is this.
The English are looking to leave Europe not because they dislike the EU (most of them don't know how it works) but because they blame all the woes of their mismanaged country on immigrants - the second Leave introduced immigration as their only point of focus 10 days ago, the polls swung. English folk are unfortunately too stupid to realise that immigrants are huge net contributors to their economy, run a large part of their NHS and are not 'taking our jobs'.

Is the concern simply one of 'taking our jobs', which I'd agree is a weak argument, or more a concern about a population increase that the UK can't cope with, which I think is a reasonable argument?

I take the forecasts published by 'Immigration Watch' yesterday with the usual large helping of salt but isn't it true that this country is struggling to service the current population, let alone their doomy predictions

The UK is brimfull: yay or nay?
Honest answer to that Drone, is that I'm not sure.

It would be interesting to know the percentage of the EU immigrant population that is claiming benefit, versus those who are working.

An even more interesting comparison would be the percentage of EU migrants versus the percentage of non-EU, fair-and-ethically-sourced migrants claiming benefit. Those figures might be quite illuminating.

FWIW, I don't know anyone who is out-of-work on account of an EU migrant.
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It's the lack of control or ability to do so that needles many

And I will add one thing that is absolutely certain. The English have been far more welcoming to immigrants than most Eu states. Let's look at the explicitly racist parties across Europe shall we? And how they are polling?
I'll give an example grass it's not about being out of work at all

When I started out most finance departments were stuffed with younger staff who needed some training and guidance but had a desire to get on. It was a risk of course

I have consulted with two forms recently where the whone finance Sept below fd level was from overseas. In one case this was 30 strong. Eastern Europe mostly

The reason is that they are cheap and over qualified for the job you couldn't blame the employers

But it killed off what I and many others experienced

That is not good.
What a load of crap

Funny how Google are building the biggest new hq of any corporation in the world knowing full well that this poll was in the offing. And HSBC have reversed a proposal to move

Never underestimate the stupidity and small minded Anglo phobia of the irish
You should be the poster boy for the remain campaign......fuckin twat.
Too thick to read what went before are we? Or just another inadequate that dishes it out and can't take it?
Honest answer to that Drone, is that I'm not sure.

It would be interesting to know the percentage of the EU immigrant population that is claiming benefit, versus those who are working.

I was referring to the increasing burden on Health, Housing, Education and Transport services: services that are stretched now and seem wholly ill-equipped to deal with the increase in population forecast or even a smallish percentage of it

'Migrants who claim benefits' is an easy emotion beloved of such as the Daily Mail, of little importance compared to the above. I have little doubt that immigrants en-masse provide a positive contribution to the economy

But the positive influx need doctors, houses, teachers and road&rail; and it's these that UK can't cope with

We're over-populated IMVHO

Whither the beleaguered greenbelt, or even the Great Glen :)
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I've read the entire thread and I've actually written two papers on the subject and I've never seen anyone as close minded as your good self. You point blankly shoot down every single argument put forward by the remain side, you can't honestly actually believe that every single one of them is rubbish, personally I'm firmly in the remain campaign but can at least acknowledge some of the leave campaigns arguments as valid. You dismiss anyone with a different opinion as being of a lesser intelligence and arrogance like that is both patethic and funny in equal measure.
I've read the entire thread and I've actually written two papers on the subject and I've never seen anyone as close minded as your good self. You point blankly shoot down every single argument put forward by the remain side, you can't honestly actually believe that every single one of them is rubbish, personally I'm firmly in the remain campaign but can at least acknowledge some of the leave campaigns arguments as valid. You dismiss anyone with a different opinion as being of a lesser intelligence and arrogance like that is both patethic and funny in equal measure.

youre a liar. Because there are two very explicit examples (at least) where I made very clear the strengths of the eu

and I have stated on many occasions that I'm relatively relaxed about immigration.

if you have a problem with a point deal witn it and front up. Not interested otherwise no matter how many "papers" you have scribbled down in green ink on the back of a cornflake packet
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We're over-populated IMVHO
Myself and Icebreaker went through this a while back on this thread.
The dialogue started with Ice telling me that leaving would help "control our borders".
Ice changed his position after being challenged from 'controlling our borders', to 'tightening our borders'.
Controlling would mean everything, but we can't control.
Tightening is a much of a muchness

You are right Drone, we're over populated, there's nothing a government of blue or red (or yellow) persuasion can do about it, whether we stay or leave. Consequently the rat race gets tougher, young people find it hard to get social housing etc.
That's how it is now...its how it will be whether we stay or leave.
If we as a country collectively didn't want this to happen we should have taken more interest a few years ago I'm afraid.
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