
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Does anyone else have the impression Leave are already off in the distance and have won the argument and have all the momentum and that this race is as good as over?

The speed with which Leave turned things around, suggests there is still time....though I do think Remain do now need to start really pulverising the Leave argument. They've played too nice to-date.

I also think that polls still make too many assumptions about the Don't Knows, and I still believe these will largely break for Remain. It's not terminal yet.....I hope.
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Cameron should debate Boris with gloves off. He's gone if he loses the referendum so has absolutely nothing to lose. Behind in nearly all polls - he needs a momentum swinger, something to set things off.

Osborne's proposed brexit budget today has had the opposite effect.

Cameron can be useless and lazy but when forced into a corner, he's quite impressive often. He would take Boris in a debate I feel.
Mandatory sterilisation with the procedure only reversed when you can put the comma in the right place in, a sentence.

That should weed-out the stragglers in the gene-pool.

Or, perhaps, failing to appreciate the difference between anglophobia and Anglo phobia?

Mind you, it's likely the individual concerned already has been sterilised.
I've completely bailed out my Betfair position on "Leave" in consequence of yesterday's tragic event in Leeds (R.I.P., Joe Cox).
This outrage may well be a pivotal moment in the referendum campaign. All the polls prior to the murder of Ms Cox now mean nothing; everything is up in the air now.
The Turnout percentile markets have re-adjusted significantly with 65-75 now strong favourite from 55-65. 75-80 is only ~9/2 from a longtime 10/1+

No surprise, as this tragedy will energize many who might not otherwise have bothered into casting a sympathy vote. My tentative view is that this will benefit Remain as public reaction to events such as this which, is starting to resemble the aftermath of Diana's death, tends to be one of solidarity, togetherness and mutual comforting; which might manifest itself as 'we are the world' not 'we are the UK'

However high turnouts in general elections usually mean yer lazy working-class Labour voter has made the effort to amble to the polling station and it's that demographic who contain a lot of 'they're taking my job' Leavers

So it's all :confused:

I do hope there's a complete hiatus on campaigning now until Thursday. Doubt any one has much heart for it, no one wants to dare to appear they're using Jo Cox's death to their advantage and all that can be said has been said anyway
However high turnouts in general elections usually mean yer lazy working-class Labour voter has made the effort to amble to the polling station and it's that demographic who contain a lot of 'they're taking my job' Leavers

So lazy that they let the Nazi party start and lead the campaign to Leave. I mean the Tory party. Much the same thing really.
A tad surprised it took so long for significant readjustment after last Thursday but there's lots of action this morning with a strong move on Betfair for Remain with plenty of 1.25 being laid and plenty of 4.8 Leave

Jo Cox and that ghastly UKIP poster?

I really dunno, roll on Thursday 10pm
Could those kind of prices be driven more by trading, as people have sold/bought/sold Remain positions over the last couple of weeks, rather than being driven by polls/sentiment?

None of the polls taken since mid-last week show so conclusive a swing toward Remain, for it to be an appealing 1/4 shot, I would have thought.
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Given the history of this board, I suspect you could write down the names of those who have changed their position, on the back of an atom with a thick-marker pen.
With regards to the leave pamphlet which I received this morning...
'Toyota is considering taking legal action against the Vote Leave campaign after the unauthorised use of its trademarks.

The issue involves a flyer from the Vote Leave campaign, which has been sent to households across the country. It includes the Toyota logo and a quote suggesting a vote to leave the European Union would not impact its UK operations.

However, Toyota has slammed the Vote Leave campaign for using it in campaign materials, saying it “could mislead the reader into thinking that Toyota endorses the Vote Leave campaign”.

“We offer no such endorsement and further we are considering a formal legal complaint at this unauthorised use of our trademarks, which infringes our rights as the owners of the Toyota brand,” said a spokesman.

“Toyota does not wish to enter the campaign and we fully respect that whether to remain or to leave the European Union is for the British people to decide. So we strongly object to this unauthorised use of our brand and the use of our name in the Vote Leave campaign."

It has especially annoyed the manufacturer as it has already stated that it believes continued British membership of the EU is best for its operations and its long-term competitiveness.'
..I received the pamphlet this morning and have been furious about it all day. They also mention Unilever who [I believe] have written to their staff advising them to vote Remain and Nissan who I thought had stated they were likely to relocate in the event of a leave win.
Given the history of this board, I suspect you could write down the names of those who have changed their position, on the back of an atom with a thick-marker pen.

Well I'm slap bang 50/50 as of the moment, and have never really moved outside of 52/48 or 48/52 either way. Perhaps I'll flip a coin on the day of the vote
4/6 Remain 11/8 Leave was the Book I made on myself at the outset four interminably long months and it's now 8/11 6/4

So not quite a coin-toss more a grudging and unsatisfying vote for Remain on Thursday

It's the thought of Johnson, Gove and Farage getting a leg-up influence-wise...:thumbsdown:
With regards to the leave pamphlet which I received this morning...
'Toyota is considering taking legal action against the Vote Leave campaign after the unauthorised use of its trademarks.

The issue involves a flyer from the Vote Leave campaign, which has been sent to households across the country. It includes the Toyota logo and a quote suggesting a vote to leave the European Union would not impact its UK operations.

However, Toyota has slammed the Vote Leave campaign for using it in campaign materials, saying it “could mislead the reader into thinking that Toyota endorses the Vote Leave campaign”.

“We offer no such endorsement and further we are considering a formal legal complaint at this unauthorised use of our trademarks, which infringes our rights as the owners of the Toyota brand,” said a spokesman.

“Toyota does not wish to enter the campaign and we fully respect that whether to remain or to leave the European Union is for the British people to decide. So we strongly object to this unauthorised use of our brand and the use of our name in the Vote Leave campaign."

It has especially annoyed the manufacturer as it has already stated that it believes continued British membership of the EU is best for its operations and its long-term competitiveness.'
..I received the pamphlet this morning and have been furious about it all day. They also mention Unilever who [I believe] have written to their staff advising them to vote Remain and Nissan who I thought had stated they were likely to relocate in the event of a leave win.

The same businesses that told us that we "had to join the euro"
Hmm. now if I'm supposed to base my EU vote decision on who wanted or didn't want to join the euro I'd better go with Gordon Brown's opinion...
I suspect clivex is wavering somewhat.

I bet he posted his vote for Remain about 6 weeks ago - but there would be no sport in letting people know.

He may be an idiot, but he is not stupid. :lol:
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I suspect clivex is wavering somewhat.
As I said once-over before, Clivex was 52/48 in favour of staying in, until he realised Leave actually had a chance...then he 'really' believed in leave. Over the years, I have been nothing but bemused as to why he provokes such a strong reaction out of people.
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No brainer. Anything that's supported by Duncan-Smith, Farage, Redwood, Galloway and Hoey is basically indefensible. Wales has also had more in EU grants than it would ever have got from Westminster.
That was my position early in this debate. Add Gove and Johnson and you really have a wonderful alternative government. It would be nice to think that Farage's recent contemptible comments will give the edge to Remain but it's hardly a betting proposition.
Could those kind of prices be driven more by trading, as people have sold/bought/sold Remain positions over the last couple of weeks, rather than being driven by polls/sentiment?

None of the polls taken since mid-last week show so conclusive a swing toward Remain, for it to be an appealing 1/4 shot, I would have thought.

Well, it's tightened back to ~1/3 ~3/1 on Betfair so trading-out might have been an influence yesterday; though the Books are still very cautious on Remain at a general 1/4

On Newsnight yesterday John Curtice - the pundit who tends to get it wrong least - was asked if he thought a probability of 25% (3/1) Leave winning was about right. 'No' was his reply '40-45%' (6/4-5/4)

He also more or less shrugged off a 'Cox factor' so I wonder if the markets are now making, as I did, too much of that
Europe does not need more Europe it needs more Britain

- die welt last week

Lovely quote which will have lots squirming on talking stalin