
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Well, I've succumbed to having a bet and have had a chunk on Leave at 3/1, though will be voting Remain

As a chum said to me today after he too had a bet on Leave 'it's hedging really, as what I lose on the bet I'll gain on my Shares and what I win I'll lose on my Shares'

Probably a fair summary, in the short term at least

The EU dictates that fishermen throw perfectly good fish back into the sea.
What kind of crazy fucked-up sh! T is that !
I would vote remain IF I believed that there would be the reform that is required. Although some Germans and Dutch have indicated that a close vote will shake up ideas of further integration I just think it will be dismissed as the ever belligerent island race throwing punches again

I do believe that in so many areas states are far better at running their own affairs not least because the variation in economic cultures and governance across the eu are so vast and are very unlikely to be fully harmonised. That was the fundamental issue with the euro.

Im not that fussed about immigration. The net numbers sound larger than they really are.

Grass ss did bring up the very good point that health and safety is a huge issue and I have had sleepless nights considering that one . When someone falls 20 stories on a building site it's a good directive that there is a shovel, bin bag and dettol to deal with it

The eu needs to be reshaped to concentrate on what it does best

or doesn't manage to completely **** up
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It'll be a shaky, hovering hand holding the pencil tomorrow. I plan to be in the booth at 10ish with some sandwiches (British beef, French mustard) and a bottle of Irish Whiskey, as I doubt I'll emerge until early afternoon
I would vote remain IF I believed that there would be the reform that is required. Although some Germans and Dutch have indicated that a close vote will shake up ideas of further integration I just think it will be dismissed as the ever belligerent island race throwing punches again

Without wishing you to go into too much detail about what you do in the privacy of a voting booth, can we now assume that this is confirmation of your intent to vote 'leave' and hence reverse the previous 'remain' position you held (admittedly with little conviction)

I'm still up in the air incidentally regarding my intent. In fact I'm considering a third option of abstention, as I've rarely been outside 52/48 for both sides
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Drifting out to 7/2 again i get the feeling these polls are miles out way one way or the other and wouldn't be surprised to see either side getting nearer 60% of the vote,had a bit on both sides at those %...
Be a miracle if there isn't a price collapse on brexit in morning should be in a decent position by 10am...
It does appear that Clive was correct in rubbishing the claim that Britain would be punished by trade barriers in the event of Brexit.

"Mr Cameron's claim that Brexit would spark a trade war that would wreck the economy was also undermined when the head of Germany's leading business organisation, the BDI, vowed to fight any attempt to impose tariffs.
Markus Kerber said it would be 'very, very foolish' for EU countries to try to use trade barriers to punish Britain for leaving – not least because Europe sells more to us than we do to them".
This was dealt with earlier in the thread, Ice.

The head of the German CBI obviously has a degree of influence, but he is a one-trick Trade pony, and there are many other considerations which will apply, when it comes to how Europe respond to a vote for Brexit. Herr Kerber won't get to decide what happens.
grass doesn't get it ice. As with many posters here who would reflexively run down the uk because of their own prejudices he seems to believe that trade is a one way street that is something we should be grateful for

£10 on a bottle of French wine. Let's see how the French wine growers react, facing bankruptcy as their biggest market siezes up. An industry that is so much part of French life facing ruin because of eu spite. See how the voters react to that one
I get it entirely.

What I am doing here is expressing the mood of many European politicians, and making the very obvious point that the head of the German CBI won't get to choose what happens. He can lobby hard against trade-sanctions - and undoubtedly will - but there are other factors which come into consideration.

You appear to think in black-and-white on this topic; apparently refusing to concede that there are any grey-areas. Given the scenario, this is frankly laughable position to hold, and paints you as nothing more than an absolutist chump, who is too stupid and/or blinkered to even contemplate that what you want to happen, may not come to pass.

I refer you once again to the hubris concerns I expressed earlier in the thread.
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Drifting out to 7/2 again i get the feeling these polls are miles out way one way or the other and wouldn't be surprised to see either side getting nearer 60% of the vote,had a bit on both sides at those %...

On the whole I take more notice of the betting markets than polls; but the last general election is a salutary reminder that both can be way out

An overall Conservative majority was ~16/1 on election eve and drifted out to ~25/1 on polling day, with a significant crash only beginning mid-evening as exit poll rumours started to circulate
You don't get it all do you grass. Anything "may" happen but pure logic indicates it certainly will not. It's not exactly difficult to weigh up
If I was asked to bet on it, I'd come down on the side that any trade measure invoked upon exit would not be too punitive. In fact, I said several pages back that I would expect these to be shallow, if the were introduced at all. But I choose not to use words like "certainly" because - right now - no-one can be certain. Not you nor anyone else.

It's perfectly acceptable to have forthright opinions. I only take issue when these are combined with pomposity, misrepresentation, condescension and insult......why is why we are forever at loggerheads on a variety of topics. ;)
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Remain now 1/7 and Leave 6/1, the FTSE's up 1.6% (on top of big gains yesterday) and sterling's hit a high for the year. Markets clearly think they know the result...
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