
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
I have voted remain but the odds just seem ridiculous 10/30 could easily be 5/6 the pair on the night so will at least make some money out of it if out,hopefully i'm wrong..:ninja:
The Pound is soaring; the stock-market is rising; bookies call it 1/3 for Remain.
It's a lock, a certainty, surely?
You say that the trade argument is "heavily overstated", yet many EU governments have clearly said that in order to protect the EU as an institution, there must be a penalty for exiting, in order to discourage other countries from doing the same. Everyone in the Leave campaign (and you) just blithely assume that the EU doesn't have the conkers to apply trade tariffs, because it would hurt their industries - I wish I could be so certain.

Both you and Boris have used the 'BMW argument' as an example.........yet the German government is perfectly at liberty to invoke it's own measures to compensate BMW directly, for any drop in exports to the UK (e.g. preferential tax treatment). I'm not saying that this will come to pass, but it's certainly not beyond the bounds of possibility, should the German government decide that an example must be made. And it is something that is absolutely beyond the UK's ability to influence either way.

If the Germans (or the French, on behalf of their wine-makers) decide that preservation of the EU institution is more important than the short-term transience of Car exports to the UK - and they are prepared to pay the price of providing 'cover' to the related industry - then tariffs might well be applied. In my view, it is in no way as clear-cut as Leave (or yourself) are attempting to make out.

Besides, after we Brexit, only a handful of fu*ckers in the UK will actually be able to afford a BMW anyway. And our tipple of choice will be Mogadon not Merlot, when the realisation dawns that we have heaped wholly-avoidable misery onto ourselves and our children and their children too.
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Rubbish. The Germans have already said just today that there would be no tariff war. If you think the German government is going to "compensate" a private business for eu tariffs you are out of your mind. And you will also find that is almost certainly against eu regulations anyway just as we were stymied with subsidising th steel industry

of course it will hurt their industries. What else do you think it's going to do? since when has a loss of custom done anything else ffs

trade agreements ? My arse.

this is what the fcking useless fat overpaid tossers have achieved thus far

And of course there is absolutely no trade with the following nations

USA - No Trade Deal (Negotiating but ended up with the terms of TTIP which looks like it will collapse )
China - No Trade Deal
Japan - No Trade Deal
Singapore -No Trade
India -No Trade Deal
Brazil -No Trade Deal
Argentina - No Trade deal
Chile - No Trade Deal
Hong Kong -No Trade Deal
Canada - No Trade Deal (Negotiated agreement vetoed by Romania in a dispute about visas)
Russia - No Trade Deal
Australia - No Trade Deal (Negotiated agreement vetoed by Italy in a dispute about tomatoes)
Indonesia - No Trade Deal
Saudi Arabia - No Trade Deal

United Arab Emirites -No Trade Deal
Argentina - No Trade Deal
Taiwan - No Trade Deal
Thailand - No Trade Deal

Every country on the Continent of Africa apart from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and South Africa -No Trade Deals
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Rubbish. The Germans have already said just today that there would be no tariff war. If you think the German government is going to "compensate" a private business for eu tariffs you are out of your mind. And you will also find that is almost certainly against eu regulations anyway just as we were stymied with subsidising th steel industry

trade agreements ? My arse

this is what the fcking useless fat overpaid tossers have achieved thus far

USA - No Trade Deal (Negotiating but ended up with the terms of TTIP which looks like it will collapse )
China - No Trade Deal
Japan - No Trade Deal
Singapore -No Trade
India -No Trade Deal
Brazil -No Trade Deal
Argentina - No Trade deal
Chile - No Trade Deal
Hong Kong -No Trade Deal
Canada - No Trade Deal (Negotiated agreement vetoed by Romania in a dispute about visas)
Russia - No Trade Deal
Australia - No Trade Deal (Negotiated agreement vetoed by Italy in a dispute about tomatoes)
Indonesia - No Trade Deal
Saudi Arabia - No Trade Deal

United Arab Emirites -No Trade Deal
Argentina - No Trade Deal
Taiwan - No Trade Deal
Thailand - No Trade Deal

Every country on the Continent of Africa apart from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and South Africa -No Trade Deals

Please link me to the Germans saying 'no tariff war' today. You did well last time - let's see if you can go 2-for-2.

Also, the above sort of demonstrates how hard it is to agree trade deals.....yet Brexiters tell me that it's all a skoosh, and can all be wrapped-up with multiple countries in a couple of years. Who exactly is doing the bull-shi*tting here?
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There is a world of difference between the head of the German CBI saying a trade-war would be "very foolish", and what you claimed two posts ago i.e. that there would be "no tariff war". Last I checked, this guy didn't set German governmental policy. Also, the UK CBI are strong proponents of us staying in the EU, but you presumably think they are proper-charlies, because their position fails to back up your opinion.

This is just another example of someone saying one thing, and you spinning it into something else, to suit your argument. It's a load of fu*cking baloney, but at least your consistent - I'll give you that much.
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Please link me to the Germans saying 'no tariff war' today. You did well last time - let's see if you can go 2-for-2.

Also, the above sort of demonstrates how hard it is to agree trade deals.....yet Brexiters tell me that it's all a skoosh, and can all be wrapped-up with multiple countries in a couple of years. Who exactly is doing the bull-shi*tting here?

NO. what it proves is that trade deals mean absolutely fck all

as Peter Lilley stated last week, it's the goods and services you are buying not the tariff. We are hardly selling commodities

how many know whether there is a tariff or not on your iPhone or galaxy and what difference did it make

its old school.

wish I could link the James dyson piece in the times today. nails these arguments swiftly. And few could argue against his actual experience and obvious success
Dyson, the man that moved production to Malaysia 15 years ago, and lied about the reasons for doing so.

He can sweep my carpet and then go fu*ck himself. he is all about what's good for James Dyson - not about what is good for the UK.
What the leavers are rightly saying is that it will be a lot easier to get deals in place with the Romanians stopping the whole thing because of their tomatos

so what % of trade between th eu and the rest of the world is covered by deals? Looking at that list I would suggest easily less than 10% . And even within that 10% I would be very surprised if more than 10% of goods and services are covered by any such deals

so work that out

what % of actual eu to world tradeat the very very maximum is covered by deals

< 1%.
If trade deals mean zero, why are Leave telling us that a) we would make our own deals, and b) lying about how long they would take to broker?
when talking about business and what actually makes money for this country I am certainly goung to listen to someone who has done it from scratch and been a huge success rather than some risk adverse corporate drone or a fcking guardian reader

Quite right. And I wouldn't pay much heed to a two-bit Credit consultant who I'm familiar with for over 10 years, and who has consistently talked mince on every subject I have ever discussed with him. ;)
Looking at the bigger picture, would anyone care to comment on this:

Common Agricultural Policy:

An immoral restriction on global free trade that keeps the developing world in a cycle of poverty. The £49bn-a-year EU agricultural subsidy regime is one of the biggest iniquities facing farmers in Africa and other developing counties because:

They cannot export their products because they compete with the lower prices made possible by payments.

European countries dump thousands of tons of subsidised exports in Africa every year so that local producers cannot even compete on a level playing field in their own land.

My brother sent it to me, no idea if they're his words or a quote
Your brothers quote may (probably) have credence.
On a slight tangent, I find the way the leave campaign is discriminating against Europeans in favour of 'the rest of the world' (China, Africa etc) a bit disingenious. If migration is as serious as we believe, surely it doesn't matter whereabouts in the world their arriving from, we just don't want them arriving?
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Another one to look at is the shambles that has been the fisheries.

Bigger question . Is there anything the Eu can't **** up?
I could be wrong...but from what I was told the other night.... the quotas have actually stopped all the fish being taken out of the sea, (which must be a good thing given the overall population?). Hopefully an expert can clarify this.
Well, I've succumbed to having a bet and have had a chunk on Leave at 3/1, though will be voting Remain

As a chum said to me today after he too had a bet on Leave 'it's hedging really, as what I lose on the bet I'll gain on my Shares and what I win I'll lose on my Shares'

Probably a fair summary, in the short term at least
Looking at the bigger picture, would anyone care to comment on this:

Common Agricultural Policy:

An immoral restriction on global free trade that keeps the developing world in a cycle of poverty. The £49bn-a-year EU agricultural subsidy regime is one of the biggest iniquities facing farmers in Africa and other developing counties because:

They cannot export their products because they compete with the lower prices made possible by payments.

European countries dump thousands of tons of subsidised exports in Africa every year so that local producers cannot even compete on a level playing field in their own land.

My brother sent it to me, no idea if they're his words or a quote

Your brother is badly out of date. Export refunds have been scrapped and replaced mainly by direct payments to farmers. Spending on them used to run at around €10 bn per year in the 90s but had dropped to €3 bn by the early 2000s. Since then they have been scrapped entirely. Even clivex-rated should know that because he's been told before.
Hasn't EU intervention actually led to an increase in fishing stocks over the last several years?

fantastic. Priceless

under who's fcking watch were the stocks decimated ?

"intervention" in their own failed policy? I should fcking think so

there is a lot of criticism of the fisheries policy with huge waste. I don't know the exact details so I will leave it at that