
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Also, I'm not entire sure a) where I'm demonstrating "doom and gloom" since the result, and b) why I alone would be singled-out for this treatment.
I'm sorry if you took this as a personal rebuke, Grass. I genuinely didn't intend it as such.
(I guess the smilie at sentence's-end didn't have the desired effect it was designed for).
No sorry, I don't like Cameron but he reacted to the will of the people to have a referendum. For once politicians in this country listened to the people to give us the choice. He obviously thought he could win, all the polls thought the Remain campaign had it sealed, all the bookies did. If the 28% of people who didn't get off their arses and go and vote, had, the result may have been different but they didn't.
Any country not ruled by a dictatorship regime, would demand free elections more frequently than one every forty years or so to vote on something which has a daily effect on a lot of people's lives. It was well overdue.

Please do name me three things where EU meddling had a daily effect on your life for example.
Whatever they may be, it will pale in comparison to the daily effect this referendum will have on your's and all Briton's lives.
If you did not like Cameron you'll surely love Johnson if indeed he is the heir apparent.

On another note will Spain now move more aggressively to reclaim Gibraltar?
Pity for all the Brits there who will no longer be able to take advantage of the very good health system afforded them thru EU membership.
At least not at the same paltry cost.
I was up in the Lakes for 2 days so couldn't vote ( had been in Portugal all last week too and didn't realise away on voting day ). Two 'world' figures wanted us out. Putin ( I wonder what his personal agenda could possibly be for us starting the break up of the European union ), and Trump. Someone who could unconceivably be given access to nuclear launch codes in around 7 months time. The world has gone absolutely off it's fecking rocker just now. We had the world's fifth biggest economy yesterday. How many YEARS do you reckon it is going to take before we can make that claim again do you think? Still, I guess we are allowed to have over-sized non-bending bananas again now. This island needs to hang it's collective head in shame.
Remainers did not grasp the fact that immigration was the issue for a great number of the working class who haven't seen the benefits of HMG's economic programme. The working class have seen deterioration in the services that HMG provide and blame immigration. Farage and his demand to get back control into elected hands (despite not being elected himself) showed closet becoming open bigotry and lies but hit the sweet spot.
I'm sorry if you took this as a personal rebuke, Grass. I genuinely didn't intend it as such.
(I guess the smilie at sentence's-end didn't have the desired effect it was designed for).

No offence taken, Ice......just was genuinely confused by it.
More the will of the right-wing of his party than that of the people I'd proffer

I don't hold with the belief that the people insisted on this referendum nor that there is a widespread 'hate of the EU' (to use Clivex's words). Widespread dissatisfaction at a flawed edifice sure, but had the seed of a referendum not been sown by politicians I don't think the electorate would have been unduly concerned

Like I say, Cameron called this in order to placate his detractors within parliament, not those outwith that cloister. He was counting on landing a knockout punch but he got a kick in the balls. He brandished the sword and died by it; we have to reap what was sown amongst the weeds

I have never voted Conservative in my life but I almost did at the last election purely to have this change to vote on this issue. I wouldn't claim to have thousands of friends and family but everyone I know have been saying for years there should be a referendum.
Whatever the reason, it has happened.
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Remainers did not grasp the fact that immigration was the issue for a great number of the working class who haven't seen the benefits of HMG's economic programme. The working class have seen deterioration in the services that HMG provide and blame immigration. Farage and his demand to get back control into elected hands (despite not being elected himself) showed closet becoming open bigotry and lies but hit the sweet spot.
Of course they grasped it, they argued it was the lesser of two evils. Not too hard to fathom.
Your insulting the intelligence of 1 in 2 people in this country.
And the working class have always struggled, you know this.... its not a new phenomenon.

People used to blame this on Conservatives like Thatcher and Capitalism, then Peter Mandleson came in with his rich getting filthier rich philosophy and the working class, or the 'withouts'... have never... ever... been the same since.
Corbyn's a disaster, but the New Labourites have got some front.
The only thing missing is an appearance from Gordon Brown on ITV
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Remainers did not grasp the fact that immigration was the issue for a great number of the working class who haven't seen the benefits of HMG's economic programme. The working class have seen deterioration in the services that HMG provide and blame immigration. Farage and his demand to get back control into elected hands (despite not being elected himself) showed closet becoming open bigotry and lies but hit the sweet spot.

I think it was well understood that immigration was an issue, TS, with even most ardent Remain supporter acknowledging that there was a problem that needed looked at. What the Remain campaign failed to grasp, was the extent to which the voting public would emphasise this factor alone, to the apparent exclusion of everything else.

As I said, it is turkeys voting for Christmas. Clearly, everyone here wins on the horses anyway, and will therefore be largely unaffected by any economic downturn :ninja: but those at the bottom of the food-chain will remain there; because a hard-right Government (as will assuredly be installed) has no interest in serving their needs. All they have done is farm the votes of the desperate and hopeful, on the back of promises which are already being broken within hours of the result coming in.

This is the "democratic" political-class we have chosen, over the ogre that is the EU Commission. The public gets what the public wants.
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Myself and Grasshopper, singing from the same political hymn sheet, who woulda thought it....
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It would be good if it wasn't so serious.

I've texted all the family to ask who's got mammy's birth certificate as I'm going to need it to prove my eligibility for Irish citizenship.

If I thought UK & Spain would continue with their reciprocal agreement to allow state pensions to be paid over there I'd consider settling in Spain.

Given the Morgan Stanley announcement that they are already considering moving 2000 jobs to Dublin can I welcome all board members to join DO in his quest. We need both your labour and your taxes. Thankfully we can bring in all the Poles expelled from Little Britain to build you some fine houses.

Criteria here:
I was up in the Lakes for 2 days so couldn't vote ( had been in Portugal all last week too and didn't realise away on voting day ). Two 'world' figures wanted us out. Putin ( I wonder what his personal agenda could possibly be for us starting the break up of the European union ), and Trump. Someone who could unconceivably be given access to nuclear launch codes in around 7 months time. The world has gone absolutely off it's fecking rocker just now. We had the world's fifth biggest economy yesterday. How many YEARS do you reckon it is going to take before we can make that claim again do you think? Still, I guess we are allowed to have over-sized non-bending bananas again now. This island needs to hang it's collective head in shame.

what utter tosh dave

there is nothing whatsoever that suggests that the economy will still not be fifth biggest in a years time or five years. Nothing. Explain why?

as for sunybays so called market collapse, it's down to 6100. Where it was in April. Big fcking deal
Does everyone remember Clive saying firms wouldn't pack up and leave?

[h=3]Morgan Stanley looks to move 2,000 London staff[/h]
Posted at14:53
BBC business reporter Joe Lynam reports...
Sources within Morgan Stanley say it has already begun the process of moving about 2,000 of its London-based investment banking staff to Dublin or Frankfurt. And it has a taskforce in place.
The jobs which would be moved from the UK would be in euro clearing but also other investment banking functions and senior management.
The American investment bank needs to avail of the passporting system which allows banks to offer financial services in all countries in the EU without having to establish a permanent base in that member state.
The president of Morgan Stanley, Colm Kelleher, told Bloomberg two days ago that Brexit would be “the most consequential thing that we’ve ever seen since the war”.

Clivex, it was reported mid-morning on the news. The drop in the oound at that point had already taken us down from being fifth biggest economy. Morgan Stanley is the very tip of the iceberg here as far as London is concerned.
Clivex, it was reported mid-morning on the news. The drop in the oound at that point had already taken us down from being fifth biggest economy. Morgan Stanley is the very tip of the iceberg here as far as London is concerned.

Absolutely not it isn't. It's a small number of jobs and these shifts happen repeatedly. Bankers go where the best staff want to work first and foremost. And that is not frankfurt. Awful place

Same was said before the euro and London boomed. Many smaller banks, which make up a big chunk of the market, are adamant that they will expand in London free of eu regulation. The U.K. Has had to repeatedly push back against anti financial services eu legislation. Now it's free of that and can ramp up competitiveness

Ms,s shift is less than 0.2 % of the financial services employment in the uk.
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Absolutely not it isn't. It's a small number of jobs and these shifts happen repeatedly. Bankers go where the best staff want to work first and foremost. And that is not frankfurt. Awful place

Same was said before the euro and London boomed. Many smaller banks, which make up a big chunk of the market, are adamant that they will expand in London free of eu regulation. The U.K. Has had to repeatedly push back against anti financial services eu legislation. Now it's free of that and can ramp up competitiveness

Ms,s shift is less than 0.2 % of the financial services employment in the uk.

How high is the percentage within the MS workforce there?
Given the Morgan Stanley announcement that they are already considering moving 2000 jobs to Dublin
How many of those 2,000 MS employees will just resign instead ................. 'specially when they discover how much tax they will be paying in Dublin? :D