
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Hamm you are a time waster here.

name these businesses that are "leaving" . You can't and if you had any idea at all you would have noticed that there was significantly barely a whisper from the ftse 100 about "leaving" because quite frankly they do not make empty threats even if it is to swing votes towards their corporate intentions

your continuous racist comments about "the English" would have had you and others squealing to moderators like a stuck pig if on the other foot.

As the faulty towers waiter...
How many of those 2,000 MS employees will just resign instead ................. 'specially when they discover how much tax they will be paying in Dublin? :D

in a year people in London will not paying the same taxes they are paying now.
thats not difficult to understand
as for sunybays so called market collapse, it's down to 6100. Where it was in April. Big fcking deal
If there's to be this collapse across share prices, sterling etc, why don't all the doomsayers on here just go and short the Pound or whatever stock. They'll make a killing, innit so? :ninja:
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Hamm you are a time waster here.

name these businesses that are "leaving" . You can't and if you had any idea at all you would have noticed that there was significantly barely a whisper from the ftse 100 about "leaving" because quite frankly they do not make empty threats even if it is to swing votes towards their corporate intentions

your continuous racist comments about "the English" would have had you and others squealing to moderators like a stuck pig if on the other foot.

As the faulty towers waiter...

Think it's a bit early to say unequivocally that this is not going to have an impact on businesses leaving. What we will surely see more of are businesses relocating staff to the continent.
what utter tosh dave

there is nothing whatsoever that suggests that the economy will still not be fifth biggest in a years time or five years. Nothing. Explain why?

Clive, please respond to this. You said you will still be the biggest economy in a year or 5 years yet you didn't even last 5 hours after the Brexit announcement :lol:
How many of those 2,000 MS employees will just resign instead ................. 'specially when they discover how much tax they will be paying in Dublin? :D

when I can find it I may just link the botched deutches bank relocation from London to Frankfurt a few years back.

no one knows how exactly this will play out but you can be very sure that those wishing the worst on "the English" or the naturally suicidals will be siezing on a every minor negative and blowing it out of proportion

We've been down this route before and it amounted to fck all.
Hamm you are a time waster here.

name these businesses that are "leaving" . You can't and if you had any idea at all you would have noticed that there was significantly barely a whisper from the ftse 100 about "leaving" because quite frankly they do not make empty threats even if it is to swing votes towards their corporate intentions

your continuous racist comments about "the English" would have had you and others squealing to moderators like a stuck pig if on the other foot.

As the faulty towers waiter...

Clive, it's been around 6 hours and already MS are shipping workers out.

JP Morgan assured they would do the same.

Airbus are also going to review their UK operations.

It's been yet a few hours and already firms are looking to move employees out. In a few weeks, considering the huge uncertainty for the next 2 years, many many more will follow - fantastic!
More lies.

Airbus, founded in 1970 and spread between major plants in Britain, France, Germany and Spain, builds wings for Airbus passenger jets in the UK where the group employs 15,000 people.
With major aircraft investment decisions already taken for the next 10-15 years, Airbus has said its UK operations will not be affected any time soon, but has warned it could reconsider its position in the country in the long term.
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Have you lost your mind - when exactly has the UK been down this route before?!?!

Before the euro. How on earth didn't you know that?

there were far more threats made about investment and jobs before we rightly rejected the failed ideal.

Nissan and Toyota babbled on and then invested more. The city grew even faster
Thanks for posting information as to what Airbus does, we had no idea...

I suggest instead of reading second hand info, you read the actual quotes:

[h=3]Airbus "will review UK investment strategy"[/h]
Posted at14:56
The referendum result is a "lose-lose result" for both Britain and Europe, Airbus Group CEO Tom Enders says.
Given the economic impact, the aerospace and defence giant will have to review its investments in the UK.
Britain will suffer, but I'm sure it will ‎focus even more now on the competitiveness of its economy vis-a-vis the EU and the world at large. But of course, we will review our UK investment strategy, like everybody else will."

Tom EndersCEO, Airbus Group

Before the euro. How on earth didn't you know that?

there were far more threats made about investment and jobs before we rightly rejected the failed ideal.

Nissan and Toyota babbled on and then invested more. The city grew even faster

This is not mildly comparable to the euro situation.

You are out of your depth talking about these kinds of things.
as for sunybays so called market collapse, it's down to 6100. Where it was in April. Big fcking deal

so the pound falls to its lowest level since 1985 (it has recovered a bit since), the three biggest banking institutions in the UK see their share price fall by over 20%, thousands of people are transferring their cash out of said banks, the stock market falls 4% (back up from an earlier 8%), and the resident financial advisors position is "Big fcking deal".

This is not mildly comparable to the euro situation.

You are out of your depth talking about these kinds of things.

which proves that you are lost. completely. Challenged to back up your claims all you can find is Airbus who "may review" in 20 years time

if it's "not comparable" how come this time around less noise was being made from industry and banking? Why didn't they weigh in before the vote to secure their intentions to remain ?

all it could have taken was for Google to say they are scrapping kings cross and that could have swung it. All it needed was BAE to say that they would be losing markets. All it would have needed was HSBC not to confirm their hq stays in London. All it would have needed is Toyota to throw in a threat of moving operations

there was nothing.
so the pound falls to its lowest level since 1985 (it has recovered a bit since), the three biggest banking institutions in the UK see their share price fall by over 20%, thousands of people are transferring their cash out of said banks, the stock market falls 4% (back up from an earlier 8%), and the resident financial advisors position is "Big fcking deal".


No no it isn't a big deal at all. Markets always volatile after big events and always fall on uncertainty. It's where they are in six months or a year that matters

as I said stock market is where it was two months ago and higher than much of last year . Individual shares are neither here nor there and there is no bank run at all. That's nonsense
Clive, I'm sorry to use such terms but I think you have some kind of problem - you quote things people don't say - it's like you have something which leaves you unable to read what is written - instead you see words, add/delete what you want, and then come back aggressively based on something someone didn't say.

He didn't say 'may' he said 'will'. Where is the mention of 20 years time? You are giving the appearance of someone who is bordering on mad.

Google - why would they move? The chancellor bent over and gave them an effective tax rate of a couple of % points. Who would leave? On the other hand, the French authorities raided google's Paris offices a few weeks back and will hopefully soon bring charges.
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Hamm you are a time waster here.

name these businesses that are "leaving" . You can't and if you had any idea at all you would have noticed that there was significantly barely a whisper from the ftse 100 about "leaving" because quite frankly they do not make empty threats even if it is to swing votes towards their corporate intentions

your continuous racist comments about "the English" would have had you and others squealing to moderators like a stuck pig if on the other foot.

As the faulty towers waiter...

C'mon Clive, surely you are better than this? (ps..Suny can teach you how to spell Fawlty if you need some help)
Ftse is 1.9% down. Nothing. It's swung up and down by more than this % a good few times this year

in fact I would read significance into this. It's business as before. Exactly what I have believed from the very beginning
If there's to be this collapse across share prices, sterling etc, why don't all the doomsayers on here just go and short the Pound or whatever stock. They'll make a killing, innit so? :ninja:
If I had the opportunity to meet in public three personalities to have inhabited these forums over others years, it would be you, Cormack 15, and my other half. ;)
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Clive, I'm sorry to use such terms but I think you have some kind of problem - you quote things people don't say - it's like you have something which leaves you unable to read what is written - instead you see words, add/delete what you want, and then come back aggressively based on something someone didn't say.

He didn't say 'may' he said 'will'. Where is the mention of 20 years time? You are giving the appearance of someone who is bordering on mad.

Google - why would they move? The chancellor bent over and gave them an effective tax rate of a couple of % points. Who would leave? On the other hand, the French authorities raided google's Paris offices a few weeks back and will hopefully soon bring charges.

So why didn't they go to the laughably uncontrolled corporate tax havens Dublin or Amsterdam then?
Clive, I'm sorry to use such terms but I think you have some kind of problem - you quote things people don't say - it's like you have something which leaves you unable to read what is written - instead you see words, add/delete what you want, and then come back aggressively based on something someone didn't say.

He didn't say 'may' he said 'will'. Where is the mention of 20 years time? You are giving the appearance of someone who is bordering on mad.

Google - why would they move? The chancellor bent over and gave them an effective tax rate of a couple of % points. Who would leave? On the other hand, the French authorities raided google's Paris offices a few weeks back and will hopefully soon bring charges.

Cant you weigh this up

Airbus is committed for the next 15 years . It will clearly be 20 before they can do anything, if they do anything at all which they have made very clear, they have no idea about.

it's a total non story
Oh dear God.

Clive, it's not like they have investments for the next 15 years and will have no new projects until year 15. They CONTINUALLY invest. If that stops, it doesn't mean a full withdrawal of operations, but a huge reduction / stopping of new investments and a massive hit to the economy.

This is really basic stuff. Give me a break now as you don't seem to get any of this.
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