
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Furthermore, clearly the only way this can get much worse for our democracy now is if someone actually blows up parliament, really isn't it.
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If I'm reading this right (and I'm only going by quotes by real actual MPs, so I might be being naive) it seems that there is pretty-much a consensus in the Commons - amongst both Remainers and Leavers - that the UK's access to the Single Market must be maintained regardless. Access to the single-market means that we will continue to pay into the EU, continue to have an open-border policy for EU migrants, but we will have relinquished any influence over the rules of that market, and the wider EU.

If this truly is an acceptable outcome to the Leave campaign, then exactly WTF was the point of having the referendum in the first place??
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Boris had spoken before about negotiating a new deal and having a second referendum, so apologies for assuming you were following his logic.

I can't imagine Boris or the others ever admitting they got it wrong; if (when, more likely) there are no new concessions they'd be more likely to return home complaining about intransigence in Brussels and saying there is no choice but to continue along the path towards exit.

You make an important point about who should be handling the process on the British side from now on. Most of the government party were in the Remain camp, so how do they go about implementing a decision they don't agree with? Does anyone think there has to be a general election?

Flabbot was a leaver dressed up as a remainer. Send her over.

They will cave into every demand just to get rid of her. fcking nightmare

or she could sit on Hollandes face until he cries enough
I see the esteemed Kelvin McKenzie, Pariah of Our Parish, now regrets voting Leave....Oh dear, what have we all done! Another fine mess you`ve got us into, Boris.
Before the vote the debates were full of philosophy, now we see the cold, hard, consequences of peoples imaginations. Its like a one night stand, 70 million people, in the fifth largest economy in the world, who woke up the next day, and realise that anger won't make a blind bit of difference to the world we are in. This was never project fear, the remainer's warnings were project reality. This was a winner takes all vote, but we're just not too sure we have the right winner. Deerie, ******* me.
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No I don't think they should run it Capall, but if you did an opinion poll on it I'm sure Princes Charles would fare better in this opinion poll than you'd imagine. He's the beacon of all English patriotism and identity after all, just topping Piers Morgan and Boris Johnson. They're all big exports abroad for us. Whether he is a German bred doesn't matter to most people believe it or not.
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I'm clearly only speculating to cause trouble, there's been plenty of that going on. Hope this makes sense! :)
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I'm not sure it's a time for levity......but it was pretty-good, I'll concede.

Yes it was a good quip

I watched an hour or so of Cameron today and was reasonably impressed by his 'let's get on with it' humility and apparent sincerity

Johnson and Gove were noticeable by their absence in the Commons and as it was packed were probably two of few not to be there
Pounds hits 31 year low.

Clive calls this 'no real change'.

Icebreakers asks where is the dystopian happenings we were told to expect.

2 geniuses...
Against the dollar, maybe.
Certainly not the lowest against the euro.
I remember the Pound hitting parity with the Euro as recently as 2008.
PA reporting that "Ratings agency Standard & Poor's strips UK of top credit grade in the wake of vote to leave the EU". Nothing to see here keep on moving.
Was that before or after England got their asses handed to them by those footballing giants from Iceland?
Johnson says the £ is stable and the markets are stable.

Exactly what planet does this sentient fu*cking toilet-brush live on?
PA reporting that "Ratings agency Standard & Poor's strips UK of top credit grade in the wake of vote to leave the EU". Nothing to see here keep on moving.
Was that before or after England got their asses handed to them by those footballing giants from Iceland?

To the same rating as the USA and France. Big fcking deal called the 2015 election correctly, and you called the European vote correctly. You understand the British electorate..
You are worth listening to. However, like a few smart ones you keep suggesting that the people who are predicting turbulent times now also sleepwalked us into a recession in 2008. This is not entirely true. Some of us warned of selling gold off for a fifth the price when it was actually.happening..not in 2009 after the recession. Some of us never needed telling the euro currency was never made for Britain. And we didn't just think this after that currency collapsed. You and others are basically tanishing anyone who suspects growth is going to choke off and national debt is going to rise with the same historical brush. And you are wrong to do this. Each individual is assessing the situation through the facts and scenarios that are playing out in front of them now.
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Johnson says the £ is stable and the markets are stable.

Exactly what planet does this sentient fu*cking toilet-brush live on?
In early trading this morning ..................
The Pound is rising, the stockmarket is rising.
Keep the faith, lads. There might just be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.