
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
On a different and serious point - I had to listen for years to this idea England is a tolerant open country. No/little racism etc. What with the referendum having exposed the deep-rooted immigrant-hating attitutdes of middle England, and the hate crimes and abuse seen in recent days, this has surely dispelled the 'tolerant' notion from being used for quite some time.

Cameron deserves credit for raising this yesterday, but how the country goes about changing its inward-looking attitude and hence the underlying racism prevalent in recent days, weeks and months is another thing altogether.
In early trading this morning ..................
The Pound is rising, the stockmarket is rising.
Keep the faith, lads. There might just be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

no it's not happening. You are "delusional"

the he fact that it's higher than for much of this year is "delusion". Actual numbers don't mean anything. Maths as a science is discredited

the fact that the fall was less than Aug 15 in one day is again "delusion"

frankly though the gloating and crowing by some is nothing to do with brexit though is it.
no it's not happening. You are "delusional"

the he fact that it's higher than for much of this year is "delusion". Actual numbers don't mean anything. Maths as a science is discredited

the fact that the fall was less than Aug 15 in one day is again "delusion"

frankly though the gloating and crowing by some is nothing to do with brexit though is it.

Clive, I know you have trouble with numbers but you are embarrassing yourself out of all belief here.
I have even put this in a graph. If you cannot see how this is (BY FAR) the lowest the pound has been against the dollar in a year, I honestly don't know what to say.

I urge everyone to open this link and see for yourselves the utter nonsense been espoused by several people on this thread.
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On a different and serious point - I had to listen for years to this idea England is a tolerant open country. No/little racism etc. What with the referendum having exposed the deep-rooted immigrant-hating attitutdes of middle England, and the hate crimes and abuse seen in recent days, this has surely dispelled the 'tolerant' notion from being used for quite some time.

Cameron deserves credit for raising this yesterday, but how the country goes about changing its inward-looking attitude and hence the underlying racism prevalent in recent days, weeks and months is another thing altogether.

thats absolute fcking crap. A few idiots and you as a total xenophobe yourself, leap on the bandwagon.

Its ts the NUS guardian reading thickos who constantly parrot the line that opoostion to complete open door immigration is "racism". Not the slightest understanding at all of the electorate. Not even close. Well goodbye and fck off. You have just lost the Labour Party for a generation

Just about out every state in the eu has strong support for explicitly racist parties. We do not. You can say what you like about ukip but they have slammed and kicked out any idiot who even touches on that area. Le pen and otehrs emphatically do not

From someone who constantly lauds France with its heavy vote for le pen.
Clive, I know you have trouble with numbers but you are embarrassing yourself out of all belief here.
I have even put this in a graph. If you cannot see how this is (BY FAR) the lowest the pound has been against the dollar in a year, I honestly don't know what to say.

I urge everyone to open this link and see for yourselves the utter nonsense been espoused by several people on this thread.

it was clearly the ftse
no it's not happening. You are "delusional"

the he fact that it's higher than for much of this year is "delusion". Actual numbers don't mean anything. Maths as a science is discredited

the fact that the fall was less than Aug 15 in one day is again "delusion"

frankly though the gloating and crowing by some is nothing to do with brexit though is it.


And yes, I too am getting a sense of gloating emanating from some quarters. And it's not nice.
thats absolute fcking crap. A few idiots and you as a total xenophobe yourself, leap on the bandwagon.

Its ts the NUS guardian reading thickos who constantly parrot the line that opoostion to complete open door immigration is "racism". Not the slightest understanding at all of the electorate. Not even close. Well goodbye and fck off. You have just lost the Labour Party for a generation

Just about out every state in the eu has strong support for explicitly racist parties. We do not. You can say what you like about ukip but they have slammed and kicked out any idiot who even touches on that area. Le pen and otehrs emphatically do not

From someone who constantly lauds France with its heavy vote for le pen.

Ehhh, no. First of all, we're talking about the UK, so stay on topic please.

Secondly, the campaign was in the bag for Remain, Leave changed the focus and tone of their campaign to immigration and suddenly the worst (real) instincts of middle England came to the fore, momentum swung around hugely, everything was the fault of Johnny Foreigner and the rest is history.

UKIP - their leader espouses the EXACT same propoganda as used by Nazi Germany! Have you lost your mind?

Tolerant and open my backside.

And yes, I too am getting a sense of gloating emanating from some quarters. And it's not nice.

yes. They are accusing others of hating other nationalities and nations. And yet are only to be seen when...
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Farage hitler? Jesus Christ. I think that's just about got that poster laughed off

hitler targeted and hated the Jews of course. Little history lesson here. Now come to think of it we do have a leadership and section of a major uk party that does run close to that line don't we?
Farage hitler? Jesus Christ. I think that's just about got that poster laughed off

hitler targeted and hated the Jews of course. Little history lesson here. Now come to think of it we do have a leadership and section of a major uk party that does run close to that line don't we?

If you can't see the common thread of nationalism used by both the Nazis and Farage, then that's your problem.
And its a bit rich coming from a poster who in the past expressed support for the nazi - worshippers of Hamas in their murderous crimes against the Jewish people.
Laughing all the way to the Stockbroker Belt - loadsaaaamoney

The chaps are now trawling the benthic stock they so successfully sunk

Other European stock markets made gains in early Tuesday trading, with the Dax in Frankfurt up 2.3%, the Cac in Paris up 2.5% and Milan rising almost 3.4%.
All three stock exchanges have fallen more heavily than London in the past two days of trading since the vote by the UK to leave the EU

Bloody hell and I thought things were bad here... Eurogeddon!

:) :<3:
Got to remember that on this basis the majority of the welsh are "racists" or nazis as are 4/10 scots
and called for the jewish state to be "dismantled". Nice....

Wonder what that would entail?

Perhaps take some historical advice off the nazi party?
You are a very weird guy Clive.

It would do you some good to live abroad. There's a whole world out there, you know.
Yes, like many people outside England, I would love it to fail and reap what it has sowed.

So what you are saying is that because the vote did not go your way you want the British Economy to crash, putting households on the breadline and people out of work, and small companies to go bust.
What a lovely chap you are.
If you can't see the common thread of nationalism used by both the Nazis and Farage, then that's your problem.

To be fair, it's not appropriate to blithely dismiss an entire country (or half an entire country) as racists. There is clearly a minority of idiots who are being very vocal - and sometimes physical - but they should be seen in that context i.e. they are a minority.

However, it's equally inappropriate to think that they don't exist, or that the EURef vote has not given them succour to promote their idiotic value-systems.
You are a very weird guy Clive.

It would do you some good to live abroad. There's a whole world out there, you know.


get a job in greece maybe??

God knows what thats got to do with the above. Im well travelled enough thank you very much . i always take beads and mirrors to dish out to the natives but its a waste of time. Even when you shout at them in english they don't understand.
To be fair, it's not appropriate to blithely dismiss an entire country (or half an entire country) as racists. There is clearly a minority of idiots who are being very vocal - and sometimes physical - but they should be seen in that context i.e. they are a minority.

However, it's equally inappropriate to think that they don't exist, or that the EURef vote has not given them succour to promote their idiotic value-systems.

They exist everywhere in every nation of the world. Who said they "didn't exist"?

my point is that an explicitly racist party has never garnered the support in the uk that has been the case in most continental states. We don't do extremes.
So what you are saying is that because the vote did not go your way you want the British Economy to crash, putting households on the breadline and people out of work, and small companies to go bust.
What a lovely chap you are.

small minded too. The economy most hit by englands supposed collapse will be irelands. But rest of eu will take a hit too

maybe ireland can bail us out this time :lol: