
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
If it was that simple, we would already have recovered to pre-Vote levels. We haven't. All that has happened is that the fall has stabilised.

Osborne's speech was surprisingly upbeat in the circumstances, I have to concede........though as Chancellor, he couldn't really do anything else.

Its higher than pre vote levels. immediately pre vote was a fairly high watermark for this year.

for instance its 500 points higher than in march
Here are Britains Top Ten exports. Most of them surely rely on raw-material imports to a greater-or-lesser extent;

Machines, engines, pumps: US$63.9 billion (13.9% of total exports)
Gems, precious metals: $53 billion (11.5%)
Vehicles: $50.7 billion (11%)
Pharmaceuticals: $36 billion (7.8%)
Oil: $33.2 billion (7.2%)
Electronic equipment: $29 billion (6.3%)
Aircraft, spacecraft: $18.9 billion (4.1%)
Medical, technical equipment: $18.4 billion (4%)
Organic chemicals: $14 billion (3%)
Plastics: $11.8 billion (2.6%)
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grass they do but think it through

Raw materials price going up by 10% say. raw materials are probably 20% of value? if that? £200 on a 10k car

Export price down by 10%. £1k no loss of margin. You easily cover the £200 with £800 to spare in the market
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Brendan. Will read later but we are a slightly more significant economy than greece

it baffles me that so many think this is a one way street. Haven't they ever negotiated anything in life?

You really need to take stock a bit. It's like some dimwit conservative MP on the BBC this morning when asked how there could be a Norway solution for England meaning access to the common market in exchange for freedom of movement within the EU as a non negotiable condition. I quote here" well England is much bigger than Norway". I think there is some serious denial going on you included.

The writer of that article hits upon some of the human aspects that undoubtedly will play into this and the irony of the whole thing is looking to be Angie Merkel trying to bring some soberness into the debate. The same person who was vilified by some on here and in large parts of the English media on her handling of the migration crisis.

If that article is to be believed then there will be little negotiating as to any favorable terms for England. In direct contrast to what the serial liars Johnson and Gove along with their fascist fuckwit buddy Farage stated during the campaign a price for this is going to be paid. Can't say I blame them. I do feel for the Scots and Northern Irish where the majority for remaining was much clearer than the English leave side.

Hilarious the backpedaling from the aforementioned "trio infernale" along with some of their henchman like Dan "quitting the EU does not mean dramatic cuts to immigrants" Hannan and others.You couldn't make this **** up.
Of course all this will have no effect on me personally. There are bigger fish to fry going forward like worrying about a Trojan horse being installed in the White House.

Think I'll just lean back and enjoy the show on here, I see the usual suspects are speculating wildly so early this morning, and further afield. Good to see that spirit.

The one thing I will take out of this going forward is I will no longer use the term Great Britain because the Great left last week or United Kingdom as it is obvious, it is not remotely united. England will be just fine.
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Sterling now 1.20 to the euro. So 10 cents down since Friday.

Obviously nothing at all wrong there....

Not interested brendan poor post that rambles with wishful generalisations and not a single point addressed
actually brendan i heard that interview with Chris Grayling too. Grow up. He handled it very competently as anyone from either side would have to concede. his clout point will not go away regardless of wishful thinking

Listen to a Diane Abbott R4 interview if you want to know what a dimwit political is

Also calling Boris and Gove "Facists" without any irony or wind up up pure NUS stuff. Boring
Watson has told Corbyn he has "no authority" . We knew that already but that from the deputy that is "clear your desk and fck off out of it you useless cnt"
I for one am not in the slightest bit concerned by or the least bit interested in short-term volatility in the financial markets. They always tend to over-react, be it to what they deem bad news or good news

If we choose to believe for a moment that movement in the financial markets is an indicator of a country's economic well-being initiated by 'experts' who know what they're doing rather than simply institutions and individuals attempting to line their pockets in response to welcome volatility then heed the words of Roger Bootle from the link Clivex supplied

I am afraid the consensus of economic experts has an extraordinary record of getting big practical issues horrendously wrong.

In 1931, the UK was forced off the Gold Standard. The economic establishment warned that this would be disastrous. Instead, it ushered in the fastest period of growth in our industrial history. In 1992 the establishment warned that we had to stay in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) or catastrophe would be unleashed. We were forced out and the economy blossomed. In the late 1990s we were warned by Uncle Tom Cobley and all that we must join the euro – or else. We didn’t – thank goodness – and we prospered. The weight of academic and establishment economists did not foresee “the death of inflation” or the financial crisis of 2008/9. A prolonged period of modesty from them would be appropriate.
Watson has told Corbyn he has "no authority" . We knew that already but that from the deputy that is "clear your desk and fck off out of it you useless cnt"

Did you see your beloved Diane Abbot on Question Time last night. A not-so-closeted Leaver dressed in Remainers clothes

On the dubious assumption that Corbyn clings on, is there anyone who would be prepared to serve under Jeb left on the labour backbenches worthy enough to sit in a shadow cabinet?

Dan Jarvis: seek the shadows and keep your mouth shut. Your time will come
I did think of watching it drone but listening to her is like putting your hand down an unflushed toilet

The remarkable aspect of this is that his pathetic little glorious leaders will vote him in and in and yet he may not even be able to find enough ops to form a cabinet. you are right

The key here is that JC was driven by his sinister stalinist advisors. The details have come out and in effect he stood bang against the bulk of the PLP and most of their voters. It was pretty disgraceful whichever view you have.
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Well said Drone, things will even out. However, I just can't see us actually coming out. The smartest thing to do would be to send Boris, Gove and Farage to the EU to negotiate our exit and for them to come to us and tell us what they've got.

We can then vote again with a more realistic picture this time over what it looks like either side.

Time to stop all this bickering, let us see what the reality is and then sit down and discuss it. All bile and hatred that I have seen across the news and social media is doing no one any favours.
Boris is just one big contradiction isn't he.
Like many, he is blaming the media for misleading people, yet his next sentence is about how migration won't change much after this leave vote. What a rank hypocrite.
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Merkel's spokesperson has this morning categorically ruled-out any pre-Article-50 preliminary negotiations.

Question: Does anyone know if the UK can (theoretically) invoke Article 50, and then retract it before the 24-month window times-out, if it is clear that the deal will be too damaging to the country (assuming that's the case)?
From what I understand, no - hence, Cameron's threat (never carried through) of invoking article 50 in the case of leave winning was considered final.
Well said Drone, things will even out. However, I just can't see us actually coming out. The smartest thing to do would be to send Boris, Gove and Farage to the EU to negotiate our exit and for them to come to us and tell us what they've got.

We can then vote again with a more realistic picture this time over what it looks like either side.

Time to stop all this bickering, let us see what the reality is and then sit down and discuss it. All bile and hatred that I have seen across the news and social media is doing no one any favours.

I don't think you're taking the wider context into account.

How much time would be needed to allow your proposed scenario to unfold? Cameron announce this referendum in January 2013, since when normal business in the EU has been very much on hold. How much more time do you think it reasonable for the other 27 to stand still while the UK continues to tear itself apart, with potential knock-on effects elsewhere?

And what if the result of the next referendum you envisage was a narrow vote the other way, what use would that be to anyone? It would leave the UK in a weakened position within the EU, unable either to leave or to fully engage with the project, and thereby still acting as a drag on the progress which other Member States, especially within the eurozone, are impatient for.
actually brendan i heard that interview with Chris Grayling too. Grow up. He handled it very competently as anyone from either side would have to concede. his clout point will not go away regardless of wishful thinking

Listen to a Diane Abbott R4 interview if you want to know what a dimwit political is

Also calling Boris and Gove "Facists" without any irony or wind up up pure NUS stuff. Boring

Business as usual with you. I actually called Gove and Johnson serial liars of which there is more than enough evidence. Farage was referred to as a fascist which he surely is.
There are enough political dimwits on both sides. We will see how the clout point goes down the road.
Merkel's spokesperson has this morning categorically ruled-out any pre-Article-50 preliminary negotiations.

Question: Does anyone know if the UK can (theoretically) invoke Article 50, and then retract it before the 24-month window times-out, if it is clear that the deal will be too damaging to the country (assuming that's the case)?

Article 50 has never been used by anyone, so in that regard no one really knows what its capable of, nor what restrictions apply. My understanding is that we voted on Cameron's re-negotiated 'deal' done in February. I would have thought there was some scope to be offered a 'new deal' which might then be used as a cloak to say something has changed and could justify a second vote. It needn't be a substantial change, it could be a technical one. Having said that, I can't imagine there is that much goodwill running towards Cameron, and even less towards the architects of the Brexit (Boris and Gove). Why should Europe acquiesce to any such fudge?

The only kite I could fly in this area when trying to sketch a few scenarios out would be if the UK were prepared to offer its armed services to a European military structure in return for a concession elsewhere (the concession needn't be on a substantive issue, just enough to change the 'deal'). One would imagine that with Trump lukewarm on NATO, and even Hillary coming under pressure to make Germany in particular pay more for US protection, plus Putin rattling his sabre, that the EU can't be completely blinded to an emerging issue on its border
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of course there are negotiations before article 50. You are all sounding like fcking civil servants. probably are

Call them "negotiations" "soundings" whatever, no ones going to be sitting in silence.

Warbler.. forget the "goodwill" and personalities. Unless you send Flabbot over there it won't greatly matter
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of course there are negotiations before article 50. You are all sounding like fcking civil servants. probably are

Call them "negotiations" "soundings" whatever, no ones going to be sitting in silence.

Dearie me.

Angela Merkel's spokesman rejects "informal" exit talks before the UK files formal notice of leaving the EU by triggering Article 50, according to the Associated Press.
Business as usual with you. I actually called Gove and Johnson serial liars of which there is more than enough evidence. Farage was referred to as a fascist which he surely is.
There are enough political dimwits on both sides. We will see how the clout point goes down the road.

Read it back and it could be taken either way but ok